Back Pain Treatment Byron Bay

Should I Refer a Chiropractor for Back Pain Treatment in Byron Bay?

If you’ve ever visited a doctor for back pain, there are many like you. According to a report, roughly 85% of people experience back pain strong enough to visit a doctor at some point in their life. Despite being so common, the exact cause of the pain is often uncertain. And a single, best treatment for most low back pain is unidentified. For these reasons, doctors’ recommendations are found to vary. “Standard care” is comprised of a right balance of rest, stretching and exercise, heat, pain relievers, and time. Some doctors also recommend chiropractic care.

As there are not several high-quality research studies available to consult about this option, there are a number of questions regarding the role of chiropractic care. Here’s the answer.

According to a study done in 2018, it was found that chiropractic care is quite effective in back pain treatment in Byron Bay. The research involved 750 active-duty military personnel who were suffering from back pain. Half were arbitrarily allocated to get general care (including medications, self-care, and physical therapy) while the other half received typical care along with 12 chiropractic treatments. The patients who received chiropractic care:

  • encountered less pain

  • faced less disability and greater improvement in function

  • stated higher satisfaction

  • required less pain medicine

While no grave side effects were found, about 10% of those getting chiropractic care state adverse effects (primarily stiffness in the joints or muscles). Five percent of those receiving general care reported similar complaints.

The variances in improvement between those getting chiropractic and usual care were trivial. It’s not precisely known how visible such a difference would be, or whether the cost of visiting a Chiropractic clinic in Byron Bay would be worth that small difference.

This latest research provides support for chiropractic care for different patients, including arthritis pain treatment in Byron Bay. But it’s necessary to recognise the boundaries of this trial, and keep in mind that treatment side effects were more prevalent among those getting chiropractic care.