Sandy Springs, GA Personal Injury Lawyer


Have you been involved in an accident in Sandy Springs, Ga that was caused by someone else? You may need the help of an experienced Personal Injury Attorney to help handle your accident injury case.

At The Brown Firm, we are aware that finding legal help immediately following an injury may be the last thing on your mind. However, it is crucial to your Personal Injury Case to seek legal assistance if you wish to receive compensation for your injuries.

There are thousands of personal injury accidents in Sandy Springs that occur on a daily basis, and no two cases are identical.

By allowing our highly qualified personal injury firm to guide you with our experience and expertise, you can rest easy knowing your lawsuit is in good hands.

The Brown Legal Firm has helped clients in the following areas:

  1. Work-Related Injuries

  2. Car Accidents

  3. Motorcycle Accidents

  4. Wrongful Death

  5. Truck Accidents

  6. Medical Malpractice

  7. Medical Negligence

  8. Slip and Fall Injuries

Accidents that involve personal injury can be devastating and draining, physically emotionally, and financially.

It's very hard to put a monetary value on someone's pain and suffering and we understand that money cannot mask your injuries and losses. But getting financial compensation that is rightfully yours is essential to your recovery and gainful to your future well-being.

Our legal team has awarded past clients with compensation dollars in medical bills, lost income, pain and suffering, and additional future expenses.


Filing a personal injury lawsuit requires experience and extensive effort in order to build a solid case. When you have the help of an attorney, this process becomes a little easier. Your Personal Injury Lawyer from Sandy Springs will help you with:

  1. All phone calls with the insurance companies and medical experts

  2. Organizing and handling all paperwork and documentation

  3. Interviewing any witness to the accident

  4. Taking your case to trial if necessary

  5. Build a solid case and present it

  6. Georgia's Personal Injury System

Georgia's system allows the injured to be compensated for their injuries if they were inflicted by someone else's negligence.

When a person acts negligent, they can be held liable and legally accountable for the injuries and damages that they cause. Georgia personal injury cases allow a two-year statute of limitations that you can begin a lawsuit. If you procrastinate, you may lose your legal rights to file a claim.

If the carelessness of another harmed you or a loved one, our Personal Injury Attorneys from Sandy Springs can help you with your accident injury case.

There Are No Legal Fees Until Your Case Is Won

The majority of personal injury law firms charge large fees before any legal work is even completed. This may increase financial stress in an already overwhelming situation.

The Brown Firm is here for you. We will not charge you any fees until you receive compensation during the settlement process.

At our law offices, we provide a risk-free case evaluation and complementary legal advice. This is where we will review copies of all your documents:

  • police report

  • medical records and bills

  • income loss information

  • correspondence with the insurance company


If you have been injured in an accident and wish to file a Personal Injury claim against the negligent party, our Sandy Springs Attorneys are here for you.

You will be in capable hands with our expert lawyers who have many years of experience handling all different types of Personal Injury lawsuits.

Contact us today for your free consultation with our Sandy Springs Personal Injury Attorneys. Click the link a the top of the page to speak to a personal injury attorney in Sandy Springs, GA.