The Boy and The Bat

A children's book for everyone.

About Us:

The children's book, "The Boy and the Bat" is written by Rebecca and Carter Somaini. Carters dream is to be an author, and he certainly has the imagination for it! After bringing home several drafts of "The Boy and the Bat" adventure stories, Carter asked if he could publish a book. That's when we decided to create the official "The Boy and the Bat" book. We are proud to have created a book that teaches other children that they are braver than they think, and that they can overcome anything.


Dive into a story about a young boy who has a fear of reading in front of his class. After a rough day at school, Bill meets a bat who teaches him that he is braver and stronger than he once thought.

Illustrated edition in the works!

We are excited to be working on an upcoming illustrated edition of "The Boy and the Bat" with local Vermont artist, Erik Russell.

A Note from the Author: Reading can be fun. If you need help, don't be afraid to ask a friend or adult. Most importantly, always remember, never give up.

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