welcome to The ATHI Project!

find out who we are, what we do, and why we do it

The Science of Mindfulness

Discover what mindfulness is, how it works, and how to do it

Diet Culture and Intuitive Eating

What is diet culture? How did we get here? How does it effect us? What can we do to stop it? Learn about the roots and branches of diet culture on this episode.

Interview with Dr. Klump

Hear my conversation with eating disorder expert Dr. Kelly Klump. We talk about social stigmas, biological basis of mental illness, intersections between mental illnesses, and so much more.


Learn about what's going on with the COVID pandemic, what the COVID virus even is, and how it's effecting different people.

Factory Farming

In this episode, we talk about animal agriculture, the human, animal, and environmental rights abuses associated with it, and how it directly and indirectly effects our health.

Health Insurance

Ever wondered how we pay for medical care? Do you want to know more about health insurance and how it effects your community? Listen to this episode! I'll break down jargon, issues, and some solutions for ya!


It's common knowledge that we should exercise, but less clear is the how, when, and why of it all. In this episode, We'll break down all that stuff, so you have a better idea of how to exercise for maximum safety and health.

Climate Change and Our Health

The climate is changing. Why should we care?that's exactly what we will talk about in this episode, along with how government plays a role in it all, and what we can do to help.


In the last 40 years, HIV has had massive effects on our entire world. In this episode, we'll talk about what HIV is, why it's harmful, who is most effected by it, and it's connections to the COVID- 19 pandemic.

Science Basics: Genetics

This episode will teach you what you need to know about genetics! Be sure to check out the slides for this one, it has lots of images that will hep you!!

In this episode, we'll be learning about what our bodies need to survive. From vitamins to macronutrients, we'll cover the functions and sources, leaving you with a strong idea of how to feed yourself.

Science Basics: Chemicals

Chemicals get a bad rep. We have bee taught to fear them, but should we? This episode covers the very basic levels of chemistry and biology, and tackels misconceptions about chemicals and the world around us.


Sleep. The greatest mystery of our everyday lives. This episode will discuss the functions of sleep, how our brain and bodies are involved, and how it affects our health. there is a lot to be learned about sleep, but this episode will give a rundown of what we do know.

Body Systems: Endocrine

Our endocrine system plays a role in the functioning of almost every part of our body. This episode will cover the main organs of the system, what the system does, and what we can do to keep it healthy.