
Nebraska Segment 1: Omaha to Lincoln

Trail Notes

Updated 11 Feb, 2019
    • M10220 - Update: Hard R turn (S) on concrete path soon joining Happy Hollow Trail and continue S

    • M10230 - Update: Cross Elmwood Park Rd. Continue SW on Happy Hollow Trail

    • M10240 - REMOVE: Unnecessary

    • M10250 - Update: Exit Elmwood Park. Cross Pacific Street and turn right to continue on Happy Hollow Trail

    • M10330 - Update: Enter Military Road Trail .72 - 13.70 / 41.3128, -96.0655

Trail has been extended
    • M10370 - Update: Turn R on Standing Bear Lake Trail

Trail goes both left and right here.
    • M10380 - REMOVE: The trail now extends to the intersection with 144th St


        • M10445 - Cross 159th Ave and join West Papio Creek Trail heading W along Pacific St 1.35 - 24.34 / 41.2486, -96.1631

        • M10450 - Update distance to .19

    • M10470 - Update: At brick crosswalk, Turn L into Walnut Grove Park veering R on bike trail heading generally S through Park

    • M10510 - Correct: Cross Giles Rd then turn R on Lake Wehrspann Trail Connector which follows Giles Rd W before bending S into park.


    • M10515 - Turn hard R (NW) on Lake Wehrspann Trail .89 - 31.96 / 41.1715, -96.1468

    • M10520 - Update distance to .44 and Clarify: Remove mention of NE 370. The next turn is BEFORE you reach NE 370

    • M10556 - Update: Turn S on MoPac Trail alongside Railroad St. Follow the MoPac Trail to the Platte River. Disregard the rest of the description

Detour - Lied Platte River Bridge Closed

Replaces Waypoints M10560 - M10600

    • M10560 - Update: Quick Jog - Turn R then L to head South on NE 50 and crossing the Platte River 0.0 - 0.0 / 41.0168, -96.1568

    • M10561 - Turn R on NE 66 2.98 - 2.98 / 40.9786, -96.1753

    • M10562 - Turn L on 334th St to rejoin the American Discovery Trail at ADT Waypoint M10600 3.1 - 6.0 / 40.9802, -96.2346

    • M10560 - Update: MoPac Trail turns R crossing under NE 50 and continues W along NE 31. Note: There is camping in Louisville Lakes SRA 1 mi. SW on NE 50.

New trail mentioned in the 2013 Turn by Turns is complete


        • M10585 - At MoPac Trailhead parking lot, Turn L on 328th St. .91 - 54.10 / 40.9957, -96.2454

Adds a missing turn


        • M10614 - Turn R on Alvo Rd 2.0 - 62.29 / 40.8861, -96.2347

        • M10616 - Turn L on 322nd St 1.0 - 63.29 / 40.8849, -96.2555

Turn by Turn indicates an incorrect location of the MoPac East Trail. These new Waypoints correct that.
    • M10620 - Update distance: .13 - 63.42 - Correct location of the turn onto the MoPac East Trail: 40.8829, -96.2555

    • CUMULATIVE ADJUSTMENT - From this point add 0.77 to all cumulative distances.


        • M10635 - QUICK JOG - Turn R on 3rd St, then L on Railway Street 7.54 - 75.27 / 40.8174, -96.4293

    • M10640 - UPDATE: At end of Railway St, continue straight on MoPac East Trail - EAGLE 68347 REVISE DISTANCE: .15

    • M10690 - UPDATE: Distances and Lat/Long 1.90 - 88.51 / 40.7883, -96.6252

Trail begins earlier - at Old Post Place


        • M10695 - After crossing Normal Blvd, Turn R on Billy Wolfe Trail (NW) .48 - 88.99 / 40.7813, -96.6253

    • M10710 - Correct: Turn L (SW) on Billy Wolff Trail. Pass Holmes Lake and Park

    • M10740 - Correct: Turn R (NE) and cross Antelope Creek remaining on Billy Wolff Trail.

Rock Island Trail is straight at this intersection
    • M10790 - Update: Turn R on 10th St and follow pedestrian trail/sidewalk (N). In two blocks, the trail begins following Stadium Dr.

    • M10840 - Correct: Turn L (N) on N Antelope Valley Parkway

    • M10870 - Update: Turn R (NE) into Max E Roper Park following the Roper Park Trail. The trail is a loop. Follow in a left/clockwise direction.

    • M10880 - Update: At the north end of Roper Park, follow connection to Superior Street Trail. Turn L on Superior Street Trail

    • M10900 - Clarify: Cross Barons Rd. Highlands trail leaves to NW. Stay on 1st St heading NE

    • M10910 - Correct: NW 1st St and W Fletcher Ave. End of Segment 1

Nebraska Segment 2 - Lincoln to Stromsburg

Trail Notes

Updated 19 Aug, 2020
    • M20020 - Update: Turn L (W) on US 34/Purple Heart Highway

    • M20040 - Update: Turn R (N) on NE 79/NW 56th St toward Raymond/Valparaiso

    • M20050 - Update: Jct with W Raymond Rd. RAYMOND is R (E) .7 mi. Branched Oak State Recreation Area is L (W) 3 mi

    • M20080 - Update: At the Oak Creek Recreational Trail sign, turn left onto Oak Creek Trail / 41.08076, -96.83180 Elevation: 1,309 ft

    • M20090 - Update: JOG: Turn left onto Oak Street and then right to continue on Oak Creek Trail. / 41.08070, -96.83538 Elevation: 1,316 ft


        • M20105 - QUICK JOG: Turn R on 29th St, then L to continue on Oak Creek Trail 4.56 - 30.21 / 41.1624, -96.9989

    • M20110 - Update distance to 1.01

    • M20220 - Update: Change Town Square to Stromsburg City Park. Remove mention of Buckley Park Trail

Nebraska Segment 3 - Stromsburg to Doniphan

Trail Notes

Updated 18 Apr, 2020
    • M30010 - REVISE: STROMSBURG 68666. Stromsburg City Park. Follow the diagonal path from the NW to SE corner of Stromsburg City Park to American Legion Post on Commercial St.


        • M30015 - Turn R (S) on Commercial St. Join Two Parks Trail on Left of Commerce St heading S .10 - .10 / 41.1130, -97.5969

    • M30020 - Update: Cross under US 81 and enter Buckley Park. Bear L on Trail. The campground is .05 to R

    • M30030 - Update: Turn L on Park Rd to Exit Buckley Park. Turn R on US 81/Center Rd and continue S

    • M30090 - Update: Turn R on US 34/Q Street. Streeter Park (C)

There is no signage for NE 2 at this intersection
    • M30140 - Correct: GILTNER 68841 Bear Right onto N Railroad St / 40.7756, -98.1496

    • M30150 - Update: Turn R (W) on 6th Road/Giltner Rd Update distance: .50 and location / 40.7709, -98.1568

Previous location ends in a dead end.
    • M30160 - Correct: Begin Sidewalk. Giltner Rd become E Pine St. Continue W

    • M30170 - Correct: DONIPHAN 68832 - Jct E Pine St & 1st St.

    • M30330 - Correct: Cross road and continue along Supply Canal Road heading generally North

    • M30340 - Change to: Turn Left and head W on unnamed farm road. - 41.09025, -100.66678 Elevation: 2,777 ft

Nebraska Segment 4 - Doniphan to Fort Kearny

Trail Notes

Updated 11 Feb, 2019
    • M40010 - Correct: DONIPHAN 68832 - Jct E Pine St & 1st St.

    • M40040 - Add: Martin Brothers Historical Marker

    • M40070 - Update street: W 94th St

    • M40080 - Update street: N Denman Ave which become 44 Rd

    • M40090 - Update: Turn R (W) on W Rd

Signage at this intersection
    • M40100 - Update: Pavement begins.

W Rd began at previous Waypoint
    • M40150 - Update: Jct V Rd and NE 10, Continue straight (W) on NE 50A Link

    • M40160 - Update: Jct NE 50A & 30 Rd/Fort Kearny State Recreation Area...

Nebraska Segment 5 - Fort Kearny to Johnson Lake

Trail Notes

Updated 11 Feb, 2019
    • M50050 - Add: W Rd becomes 747 Rd at Jct with 20 Rd/Phelps County Line. Continue straight

    • M50080 - Update: Turn R (N) on G Rd/Loomis-Overton Rd. (Road straight ahead is unpaved)

    • M50090 - Update road: Curve L on 748 Rd

    • M50110 - Update: Paving ends on 748 Rd

    • M50160 - CORRECT Road: Turn L on Road 433

    • M50220 - Update: Turn R (N) onto Johnson Lake Dr - (rest of description is correct)

Based on signage at this intersection

Nebraska Segment 6 - Johnson Lake to Maloney Reservoir

Trail Notes

Updated 11 Feb, 2019

Note: All CR (County Road) in this section should be replaced with Road (i.e. CR416 should be Road 416). This is consistent with signage.

    • M60014 - Turn L onto the Paul Matson Trail/Johnson Lake Hike and Bike Trail


        • M60015 - Turn L (W) onto Johnson Lake Rd 2.1 - 3.61 / 40.6957, -99.8736

    • M60016 - REMOVE: Trail has been extended past this point see new WAYPOINT M60015

    • M60020 - Update Distance: .57 because of the addition of Waypoint M60015

    • M60090 - CORRECT: Turn R (N) on Road 416.

    • M60230 - Update to match Signage: Jct S Banner Rd & Line Rd. Turn L (W).

    • M60240 - Update to match Signage: Jct S Banner Rd & E Banner Rd, Turn R (N) on S Banner Rd.

    • M60270 - CORRECT: Turn L to stay on Fort McPherson Rd. Follow paved Fort McPherson Rd through winding section for next 4.2 miles. Rest of description is correct

    • M60280 - Update: Turn L (W) on E Plainview Rd (gravel) at Fort McPherson Cemetery

    • M60290 - Update: Turn L (S) on Valley View Rd at gravel road to Tri-County Canal

    • M60330 - Update: QUICK JOG - Turn R (E) on State Farm Rd, and immediate L (N) on Platte View Rd at "Henry Beef" sign.

    • M60350 - Update: The road is East State Farm Rd

    • M60370 - Update: Turn R on North Lake Rd a paved entrance road to...

Nebraska Segment 7 - Maloney Reservoir to Lake McConaughy

Trail Notes

Updated 11 Feb, 2019
    • M70010 - Update: North Lake Road & US 83. Turn R (W) on North Lake Road

    • M70070 - CORRECT: Jct NPPD Canal Rd & S Bubble Rd. Turn R (N) S Bubble Rd


        • M70075 - Jct S Bubble Rd & Tower Rd. Turn L (NW) on Tower Rd. Continue NW along E shore of the lake. Sutherland Reservoir SRA (C) .09 - 21.59 / 41.1045, -101.0979

    • M70110 - Update: Use pedestrian walkway to cross RR tracks ...

    • M70180 - Update name: Keystone-Roscoe Rd

Nebraska Segment 8 - Lake McConaughy to Colorado Line

Trail Notes

Updated 2 Feb, 2019
    • M80060 - Correct Coordinates to: 41.3041, -101.9884

    • M80130 - ADD: "You will again cross the Oregon Trail in 3.4 mi (S)"

    • M80140 - REMOVE: "You will again cross the Oregon Trail in 3.4 mi (S)"