am michael chireri. a kenyan youth. since i knew mike murdock and his ministry my life has really changed. am greatly inspired by his wisdom quotes and sermons. my thinking has been improved and thank GOD for this..

An amusing incident occurred about this time which I must relate for the benefit of any young preachers who may happen to read these pages. A young minister, stranger to me personally, was passing through the city, properly recommended, and was to spend the Sabbath with me. He suggested that he would be pleased to preach, if it would be agreeable to me. I readily consented and in the morning he delivered very acceptably one of Spurgeon's sermons. He was so well satisfied with his success that he proposed to preach again in the evening, to which I also assented. I do not remember whether I recognized the sermons, but my wife, who was very fond of reading Spurgeon, did. I had several volumes of his discourses in my library. She recognized the sermons but said nothing. When she arranged his room for the night, she placed the volume of Spurgeon's sermons, containing those that he had preached, on the table and turned down the leaves so as to mark the sermons. The next morning the brother departed early, bidding us a very quiet good-bye.

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The conference met in Union Church, Philadelphia, of which Rev. Joseph H. Smith had been pastor that year and who was succeeded at that conference by Rev. Theodore Gould. The whole number of appointments was only 42; while in the conference that I had helped to build, the appointments numbered more than twice that many. I was placed at the head of the committee on charges and complaints, a position that the brethren generally shunned. There came before this committee Rev. J. H. Turpin, a young minister of my acquaintance, talented and promising, who was callled to answer to numerous complaints coming from the only charge I had ever held in the conference. The accusers were my acquaintances and friends; and the minister a member of my class in the itinerancy. Unfortunately the people making the accusations had depended upon the weight of their own personal characters, and the vehemence of their assertions, or had been mis-led by their feelings, and consequently they had failed to provide the necessary evidence to support their charges. Turpin was found guilty of improper public remarks about a woman member of his church; but as there had been so much of unprofitable gossip, the committee recommended leniency in his case. As chairman of the committee I presented and defended the report, and thus came in for a good round of scolding from some of the older members of the church that I had at one time served.

My work at Zion Mission terminated in the Spring of 1880 and I was then assigned to Frankford, at which place I remained one year. In the Conference of 1879 I had been elected by the almost unanimous vote of the brethren as delegate to the General Conference, although I had not desired to go. The General Conference met in St. Louis and was very little like the orderly body that met in Philadelphia in 1864. Nor was it as well balanced as that of 1872. I had not met that of 1876 and consequently was not prepared for the manifestations of disorder which broke out so frequently. My room mate was the affable H. J. A. Knight, then a very promising young minister who soon finished his course. I myself had become somewhat restive under what I considered the harsh personal rule of some of our Bishops; but this conference convinced me that this kind of rule was a necessity.

Our young men who get past the Christian religion in a six months' course of biology might ponder the devout attitude of this great Doctor of Medicine, not a minister, and at least postpone their denouement. The glimpses into the remarks of the students are also important. 17dc91bb1f

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