I am also having this issue. While it looks normal for me, for anybody else without the fonts, the fonts break only in the interactive components, usually on hover. This is super noticeable and broken looking especially with something like Font Awesome.

Same here: As I open my prototype, fonts look fine at first sight, but as soon as I hover them, I get the font replacement error, and all my typographic design is basically gone. I hope this can be fixed quickly!

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Hi all! You may have noticed changes recently where fonts were replaced on load in prototypes with interactive components, even when the prototype was viewed on a device with access to those fonts. This was a bug and has been fixed.

If your team is in an organization plan, you can ensure that all prototype viewers have access to fonts in your prototype by uploading them as shared fonts. Issues involving access to shared fonts in embeds and maze integrations should now be fixed.

If you happen to find a glitchy hover interaction, make a duplicate copy of your document, so you can be able to safely mess with it, and then proceed to duplicate the main interactive components until you find the one causing the glitch.

In my case, what you see here is a little piece of a more complex menu. I proceed to start duplicating the core components of it, in this case the button, and everything worked at first try.

For the sake of testing, i also tried to go the other way and instead of duplicated from the small, i just duplicated the whole menu. Result is that the menu kept behaving glitchy.

So my advice is to try to pin point the faulty component duplicate it, rename it and reassign it.

This is a really unfortunate regression. Is there a technical reason for this limit that would help us understand the issue? We use non-Google fonts in our prototypes without interactive components just fine. Or is this just an effort to drive more Org upsells?

It ends up being a waste of your time to specify the fonts in PDF form fields within InDesign. Unless you specify something ubiquitous like Arial, your end user most likely won't have the font you specify.

if you do feel compelled (read that as being an "anal retentive control freak designer like me") to specify the font in the form fields, then do that in Acrobat, not InDesign. Select each field, right-click for Properties, and choose a font from the drop-down list in the Appearance tab. (You actually can select multiple form fields and set that property at once.)

The fonts that are above the separator line in Acrobat's form field properties list are special versions that Adobe supplies with all installations of Acrobat. All fonts below the separator line are only on your computer system, so don't use them in form fields.

I think in fact that ANY font you specify for a form field in Acrobat (but not in InDesign), including fonts below the line, are embedded into the PDF form, and any user will be able to see them and fill out their form with them, even if they don't have them installed on their system.

When finished, I have a problem with my preview on figma mirror or with a link shared (so the board is viewed on safari or chrome on iphone) : The fonts used in the elements of the smart animate are replaced by Arial as soon as I trigger the animation via a trigger box.

Happening to me too. Figma have added an overlay as a quick fix (well I hope a quick fix), hopefully they can package custom fonts in sooner rather than later as this is causing us a huge issue with senior stakeholders!

One thing might have been fixed however. Yesterday in the prototype preview the buttons were actually displaying with the wrong style (why I had to detach them). Today, when I place a new button component in my file, the text is displaying correctly (bold) in preview even though I still have the yellow font warning. So maybe the font display issue itself has been resolved and we just need something else to clear that yellow warning? Unsure exactly. But thanks for looking into this.

This does not work. Running setupcon has no effect. If I check /etc/default/console-setup, I see the font info is updated when I run dpkg-reconfigure, and dpkg-reconfigure also triggers update-initramfs, so it seems more is going on with dpkg-reconfigure that my debconf-set-selections does not trigger. How do I find these actions and trigger them after my debconf-set-selections?

I'm trying to create an interactive pdf. I've got it all working but I was hoping to add colour to the text or even fix the vertical justification on the textbox and the paragraph alignment. All I've found so far is to edit the font family, size and weight in the Buttons and Forms window.

In Basic settings, you have three different options available: Base Typography, Headings Typography and Buttons and Inputs Typography. The Base Typography option allows you to choose and configure the font of your body text (the text that appears the most on your site). The Headings Typography option is for picking the font for all your headings, while Buttons and Inputs Typography lets you select a typeface for your input fields and buttons.

For more thorough options, there are also Advanced Settings. Once there, you will be able to select a separate font for every heading (such as fonts for site title and description, post and page title and subheadings, sidebar and footer).

There is also a Pro version of the plugin, which comes with a few other options, like the ability of customizing font size, color and line height, the option of optimizing your website performance by only loading the font weights you plan to use, as well as adding the custom elements you want so that the plugin can adjust the settings accordingly and make them more personalized for your needs.

This plugin only allows you to change fonts for paragraphs and headings, but not for your footer, sidebar and other website sections. However, you get to set up some additional features such as Font Weight/Style, Text Decoration, Text Transform, Font Size, and so on.

If you want the same font for both blockquotes and links, then you need to create a Font Control. You can do this by entering a name in the Control Name field, then clicking the Create Font Control button.

First, go to Google Fonts and find the font that best corresponds with what you have in mind. When you choose the desired font, you will get all the information required for embedding it into your webpage.

Then, make sure to add the code into your header.php file. Go to Appearance > Theme Editor, find the header.php file and add the code right below the tag. The code for the Indie Flower font we selected is as follows:

Now, you need to find the style.css file. To access it, go to Appearance > Theme Editor in your Dashboard and select style.css. There, you will define the elements you wish to apply the font to. Namely, if you want a specific font for H1 heading, then this is what you will insert into the style.css file:

I'm trying to put interactive text inside of a p5.js canvas but can't figure out how. By interactive text, I mean text you can highlight and copy, like text on any HTML website. Is there a way to do that? If not, what's the best framework for coding applications that use interactive text as well as elements that are in p5.js?

P5's canvas is just that, a canvas. (More specifically a element's rendering context). Think of it as one big, easy to edit, picture. And there's the problem, you cant highlight/copy text in a picture right. Same with canvas and text(). It just draws the text you supplied as an image to the canvas, so no actual text exists, just a bunch of image data, that when displayed, looks like like text. You might be better off using createP() or createDiv() for this one, which creates actual text that the browser can highlight/copy. Simply replace text('bla bla bla') with createP('bla bla bla'), then use css to position it, change the font, change the color. etc.

The design and manipulation of typefaces and fonts is an area requiring substantial expertise;it can take many years of study to become a proficient typographer.At the same time, the use of typefaces is ubiquitous; there are many users who, while not experts,would like to be more involved in tweaking or changing existing fonts withoutsuffering the learning curve of professional typography packages.

Given the wealth of fonts that are available today, we would like to exploit the expertiseused to produce these fonts, and to enable everyday users to create, explore, and edit fonts.To this end, we build a generative manifold of standard fonts. Every location on the manifoldcorresponds to a unique and novel typeface, and is obtained by learning a non-linear mapping thatintelligently interpolates and extrapolates existing fonts.Using the manifold, we can smoothly interpolate and move between existing fonts.We can also use the manifold as a constraint that makes a variety of new applications possible.For instance, when editing a single character, we can update all the other glyphs in a fontsimultaneously to keep them compatible with our changes.

The manifold of fonts. On the left, we show a 2D manifold learnt from 46 fonts.Every point in the manifold corresponds to a complete font; as you move across the manifoldthe corresponding font smoothly changes by interpolating and extrapolating the the originaltraining fonts. We demonstrate this effect with the text on the right; each characteris created from a different 2D location in the manifold that is obtained by movingalong the straight line shown on the left. The colored dots match up with the colored words.The heatmap of the manifold is indicative of the likelihood of a location containing a good font.

Typography samples of the test word `hamburgefon' over the learnt joint manifold of fonts.We can observe many changes over the manifold including variations in the presence of serifs; thestroke contrast, thickness and angle; and the aspect ratio. 17dc91bb1f

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