Virtual Thrown Weapons Challenge

Challenge 1: The skeletal horses of the Wild Hunt are on your heels.

Target instructions: Print out the 1-Page PDF target on 8-½ in. x 11 in. paper.

Challenge Instructions:

Knives and Axes

Distance: minimum of 10 ft.

Number of Thrown Weapons: 5


Distance: minimum of 20 ft.

Number of Thrown Weapons: 5


  • Each hit on the horse skeletons’ torso or appendages equals 2 points

          • The white space between the skeletons’ appendages does not count.

          • The entirety of the rib cage, including the white spaces between ribs, does count.

  • Each hit on the horses’ heads, necks, or mane is equal to 3 points.

          • The grey space between the horse's neck and mane counts.

  • Hitting anywhere on the tree counts as 1 point.

          • White space between branches does not count

          • Leaves on the ground do not count

If the blade of your weapon breaks the line between two or more scoring zone, select the highest of the scores available to you.

Final Scoring: You may throw the set up to three times, recording your highest score.

Challenge 2: Stay on the path

You’ve made it to the wood, but monsters lurk just beyond your sight. You’re safe as long as you stay on the path.

Target instructions: Print out the 2-Page PDF target on 8-½ in. x 11 in. paper and glue together onto a backing. You will need to fold the Margins to line up the image. There is a guiding line that must touch your final target. This will ensure the path is the correct size for the challenge.

Challenge Instructions:

Knives and Axes

Distance: minimum of 10 ft.

Number of Thrown Weapons: 5


Distance: minimum of 20 ft.

Number of Thrown Weapons: 5


  • Each hit on the greyed-out path grants the thrower 5 points.

  • Each hit in the trees in the trees is negative (-)1 point

  • The white margins are not scored

Final Scoring: You may throw the set up to three times, recording your highest score.

Challenge 3: The Hunt is upon you

Target instructions: Print out the 1-Page PDF target on 8-½ in. x 11 in.

Challenge Instructions:

Knives and Axes

Distance: minimum of 10 ft.

Number of Thrown Weapons: 5


Distance: minimum of 20 ft.

Number of Thrown Weapons: 3


  • Each hit on the wolf equals 2 points

  • Each hit on the tongue or teeth equals 3 points

  • Each hit on the eye equals 5 points

  • Each hit on the white space of the target is 1 point.

Final Scoring: You may throw the set up to three times, recording your highest score.

Record your scores

Complete the Google Form below

All scores must be submitted by October 6, 2021 at 11:59 PM PT

Extended: Archery and Thrown Weapons are extended until October 9, 2021 at 5:30 pm ET

Optional: There is also a place to add photos of your attempts at the end of the form.

Feel free to give us feedback on the challenges using the Google Form below