The Virtual Wild Hunt 2021

As the days grow shorter, and the air cools, the tree's alight with the colors of flame. The evenings around Ponte Alto grow a little darker and the baleful howls of the hounds of the Huntsman prey upon the psyches of our citizens.

We call upon the artisans, archers, and those adept at throwing weapons, within the Known World to help defend our populace from the Wild Hunt.

Quick links:

Plague Project A&S

Scroll Blank A&S

Virtual Archery Challenge

Virtual Thrown Weapons Challenge

Challenges are open until October 6, 2021. Please complete the Google Forms with your Scores by 11:59 PM PT on October 6th.

Extended: Archery and Thrown Weapons are extended until October 9, 2021 at 5:30 pm ET


The following Pontoons deserve special recognition for their help putting together, reviewing, and testing these challenges.

Lord Hákon brimill, Lady Hrefna blinda, Lady Johanna le Paumer, Lady Maria Chiara Datini, Dona Mariana Ruiz de Medina, Noyon Naran Numuchi, and Lord Rónán mac Ímair