> A butterfly scenario? Don't you mean an alternate reality?

It was a reference to the "butterfly effect", 


, meaning that seemingly minor details can result in major unforeseen consequences.

(which is one reason why "alternate history" is seldom a usable tool for serious historical research)

> In THIS reality, what would have happened if AMD had refused to licence x86-64 to Intel?

IIRC Intel was making various threats towards AMD wrt licensing various aspects of the x86 ISA. AMD was definitely in a kind of legal underdog situation. Inventing x86-64 put AMD in a much stronger position and forced Intel into a cross licensing arrangement, guaranteeing a long lasting patent peace. Which was good for customers. 

 (Log in to post comments) EPIC failure (to cancel the project when it was first failing) Posted Nov 14, 2023 10:12 UTC (Tue) by anselm (subscriber, #2796) [Link]

What stands out are my calligraphy stories, which are my passion projects, something I do purely because I love. The one I wrote for Sukkos, Off Trail, about a single guy burnt by the shidduch scene, was extra nice because I wrote it alongside teaching short stories to my summer school writing students. I usually write more intuitively, but this time I was very deliberate about seeing how the techniques I was teaching come through and putting deep thought into the character development. It's tempting to write a woman in my stage of life, but this was a different type of character than usual and I put in a lot of time in getting to know him. I hope that came through!

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My favorite project from 2023 was 90 Seconds - the epic story of Eli Beer and United Hatzalah, followed by The Ribnitzer.

Both of these books were more than just books in the classic sense. The story of Eli Beer is the story of the underdog becoming king and it is a lesson that can be used by everyone. In addition, the book is incredibly interesting which is why it was so beloved around the world. So both a favorite of mine and a very meaningful book. 

The Ribnitzer is, in a way, the opposite of 90 Seconds - in the sense that this is a book about a genuine tzadik who had the ability to perform genuine miracles and did..... At the same time, it is fascinating and meaningful on many levels.

Reflecting on a year of reading, it\u2019s more than just titles, characters, and plots. With one, I remember a late Friday night; with another, the backdrop of beautiful spring weather. There\u2019s the memory of heated debate ignited by a hashkafa title, the third-day-of-Yom Tov stickiness that accompanied a new release, and the discomfort of the first novel after October 7. Before I know it, my book list becomes a kaleidoscope of memories, encapsulating place, time, and emotion.

My favorite project from 2023 was 90 Seconds - the epic story of Eli Beer and United Hatzalah, followed by The Ribnitzer.

Both of these books were more than just books in the classic sense. The story of Eli Beer is the story of the underdog becoming king and it is a lesson that can be used by everyone. In addition, the book is incredibly interesting which is why it was so beloved around the world. So both a favorite of mine and a very meaningful book. 

The Ribnitzer is, in a way, the opposite of 90 Seconds - in the sense that this is a book about a genuine tzadik who had the ability to perform genuine miracles and did..... At the same time, it is fascinating and meaningful on many levels.

Rick Santorum is a man accustomed to beating long political odds. As late as election night in his first race for Congress in 1990, top staffers at the National Republican Congressional Committee weren't even familiar with him - even as returns came in showing that, without a single bit of national party help, he had won an upset victory in western Pennsylvania. Redistricted into a fight with a Democratic incumbent in 1992, he won again. Running for the Senate in 1994, again he was supposed to have no chance, this time against media favorite Harris Wofford, who was thought unbeatable after having erased a 30-point deficit to beat Republican former Gov. Dick Thornburgh in 1991. Running for reelection in 2000, Santorum again was an underdog - but, even as George W. Bush lost Pennsylvania by four points, Santorum won it by seven...

... As almost any conservative will readily acknowledge, Santorum's record of actually legislating on principle is stellar. Almost every conservative interest group rated him highly, with the American Conservative Union's lifetime 88.1 rating for Santorum being typical. Yet those who buy into the media image of him as a saber-rattler without real effect haven't looked at the real record. One doesn't get chosen as Senate Republican Conference Chairman, the party's third-ranking Senate position, if you can't get things done and work well with others. He was a lead Senate author and floor manager of the 1996 welfare reform act, and the author of other successful legislation ranging from various anti-abortion bills to the Iran Freedom and Support Act. Those with longer memories will remember his leadership of the Gang of Seven in the early 1990s that did so much to publicize various ethics breaches in the House, helping set the stage for the historic 1994 Republican takeover of Congress. 17dc91bb1f

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