PC's Haunted Myths and Legends

Written by Stephanie Garcia and Kaile Bravo

As smoke billowed out of the PC windows, the last survivors crawled out to the steps facing Holt Ave. There, fire fighters arrived to find them suffering from second degree burns and smoke inhalation. "Is everyone okay?" whimpered one of the teachers as she looked at the flames growing in intensity. The oak wooden flooring began to crackle and pop; when suddenly a scream was heard from within the building. A small boy named Tommy was left alone surrounded by the flames as they began to lick at his little feet. "Tommy!" cried the people outside. The fire fighter stopped the nuns from running back inside to rescue the boy. He was never seen or heard from again.

As some of you may know the hallways of Pomona Catholic are not only filled with students, but with ghosts and spirits who walk among us. Two interviewers from The Torch spoke to two teachers, Miss Miller and Miss Castro. Ms. Miller has been working for four years as a teacher and had attended the school as student. She believes in ghosts and has heard ghost stories from her older sister prior to entering the high school. She has had no encounters, but has gotten a chill down her spine being alone at PC in the night. She believes that a little boy who died in a fire called Tommy, as well as the nuns buried below the school, haunt the halls of Pomona Catholic. She is not the only believer, Ms. Castro has also had chilling experiences. Ms. Castro began teaching here at Pomona Catholic not too long ago, but even in this short amount of time, she has had her fair share of paranormal experiences.

It began in her old classroom next to the art room when she heard a small giggle and immediately abandoned her room. When she returned, she told the spirit “Okay, This is your space!” and proceeded to do her work. Her most recent experience in her current class, room 203. She sent a funny snapchat to her mom; and while playing it back she heard a distant laugh, even though, she was alone, and no students were present in the halls. Again, she took a lap around school before heading back to her classroom. Ms. Castro also believes the little boy, Tommy, lingers around the hallway where her office is. Ms. Castro’s reason for all the paranormal activity is that Pomona Catholic is actually a borrowed building and truly belongs to those whose resting place is below us. Now that The Torch has heard some accounts, we clearly understand that we are never alone and what you may brush off as a door closing from the wind might actually be your first encounter.