
That's unfortunate that The Splains didn't have the opportunity to release gramophone records, but it's great that you have some album covers prepared. Album covers are an important part of the visual representation of a musician's work and can greatly contribute to the overall experience of the music. Even though the albums themselves were not released, the album covers can still be appreciated for their artistic value and as a reflection of The Splains' creativity.

In the museum, visitors can see these unreleased album covers, which serve as a unique and intriguing glimpse into the band's intended visual aesthetic. Each cover may represent different themes, styles, or concepts that would have accompanied the music had the albums been released. The album covers are a testament to the band's aspirations and the care they put into every aspect of their music, even if circumstances prevented the full realization of their plans.

The unreleased album covers can also spark curiosity and speculation among fans, igniting discussions about the music and the band's potential artistic direction. They offer an opportunity for fans to imagine the music that could have accompanied these visually captivating album covers.

Overall, the unreleased album covers in The Splains museum are a unique addition that showcases the band's artistic vision and serves as a reminder of the creativity and dedication they poured into their music.

the "1960" period

melody festival period

The medieval period

dance band period

The dark period

the psychedelic period