
Ett väl använt plektrum



In The Splains museum, visitors can see the plektrums used by the band during their performances. These picks are a tangible reminder of the band's commitment to their craft and the hard work they put into their music.

The plektrums in the museum are not only a part of The Splains' history but also a symbol of the importance of musical accessories in the world of music. They serve as a reminder of the many tools that musicians use to create the sounds that inspire and move us.

gamla gitarsträngar

Old strings

Old strings

In The Splains museum, visitors can see some old strings from the band's guitars. These strings are a testament to the countless hours of practice and performance that the band members put in to perfect their craft. They also offer a glimpse into the technical side of music-making, showing the importance of having the right tools and equipment to achieve the desired sound.

The old strings in the museum also highlight the importance of maintenance and care when it comes to musical instruments. Regularly changing strings and ensuring that the instrument is in good condition can help to prolong its lifespan and maintain its quality.

Overall, the old guitar strings in The Splains museum offer a fascinating insight into the world of music-making and the dedication and hard work required to create great music.

The stage clothes

In the museum, visitors can see old stage sweaters worn by members of The Splains during their performances. The sweaters are available in various colors, offering a glimpse into the band's fashion sense and style during the 1970s.

The old stage sweaters are not only a fascinating item for fans of The Splains but also offer a window into the fashion trends of the time. They serve as a reminder of the band's dedication to their craft and the effort they put into their performances to ensure that they looked and sounded their best.

Overall, the collection of old stage sweaters in The Splains museum is a unique and interesting addition to the museum, giving visitors a chance to see and appreciate the various elements that come together to create an unforgettable musical performance.

en fin släpvagn

The tour bus

In The Splains museum, visitors can see the trailer that the band used to transport their equipment to their gigs. The trailer is a testament to the band's resourcefulness and their ability to make the most of what they had available to them. It also offers a glimpse into the logistical side of touring, showing the importance of having a reliable method of transportation to get from one show to the next.

The trailer in the museum is not only a piece of The Splains' history but also highlights the importance of support and community in the world of music. The father who provided the trailer was a vital part of the band's success, and his generosity and dedication helped to ensure that the band could get to their gigs and perform for their fans.

Overall, the trailer in The Splains museum is a unique and interesting addition to the collection, offering a glimpse into the world of touring and the many different elements that go into creating a successful musical performance.

During the 1970s, tube amplifiers were the most common type of amplifier used by musicians. However, transistor amplifiers offered some advantages over tube amplifiers, such as being more reliable and less prone to overheating.

In The Splains museum, visitors can see the transistor amplifiers that the band used to create their unique sound. The amplifiers are a reminder of the importance of equipment in the creation of music and how different gear can influence the tone and character of a musician's sound.

The transistor amplifiers used by The Splains also highlight the importance of experimentation and individuality in music-making. By using equipment that was different from what was commonly used by other musicians at the time, The Splains were able to create a unique sound that set them apart from their peers.

Overall, the transistor amplifiers used by The Splains are a fascinating aspect of the band's history and offer a glimpse into the world of music gear and equipment. They also showcase the band's creativity and willingness to take risks to create a sound that was uniquely their own.
