Si Effen



Music by Si Effen

At the very core of my music is the piano. I grew up from an early age with the piano being my only musical interest. I don't know how or why it happened but I had little interest in recorded music until around age 14. It's not that I wasn't exposed to it, I just didn't get into it until after then. It was also around the time when my piano-centric focus was also beginning to loosen, to the point where I didn't play at all for many years.

But my musical tastes go far beyond this. Where the projects have a particular identity, I release them under one of my band projects. Where they don't fit into another category, or they're primarily piano based, they get grouped within "The Si Effen Projects".

Here is a list of the releases I've made as "Si Effen". The music is available on the usual streaming platforms but you can support me much more directly if you consider purchasing any of the music via my bandcamp page. All music is available on a "pay what you want" model.


Download my music from Bandcamp

Parasite (punk/metal)

Reflections (contemporary/classical piano)