I simply like to call this the secret language because most people are unaware that they use it or are being affected by it. Those who can master the art of sub communication can use "the secret language" to their advantage. Every interaction that you have with a girl involves both of you speaking "the secret language" internally. If you are able to persuade her using this second language, you're able to persuade her emotions and actions.

I'm planning to start journaling but I'm paranoid. I thought writing my most vulnerable thoughts in a secret language/alphabet is the obvious solution and only common sense, but I wonder if it hinders the emotional benefit of journaling (emotional release etc) compared to when you write in your native language. Does anyone have any experience in this? I will try it too, but I'm want to hear from someone who has done it for years for example.

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I was rewatching the season with subtitles and seeing it written made me figuring out the secret language of Holly-Hock's dads, so I thought to share it with you all if nobody else has already done it !

UPDATE: So me and my boyfriend were walking around Copenhagen a week ago, having just arrived, and came to a park. I was originally planning on surprising him with my secret by participating in a Danish conversation, but since it would be a few days until we saw his family/friends, I just couldn't wait. It was nearly sunset and the park was so warm and beautiful. We were sitting down in the grass just people-watching, and I told him that I have been keeping a secret from him for a while: that I had been learning Danish for him for the past few months because I loved him and wanted to be an authentic part of his life. I was so nervous and relieved to say it. And his eyes widened and he just hugged me for a very long time and smiled and told me that he was so happy. He said that he had an inkling that I was doing something like this, because on our shared Spotify playlist, a bunch of Danish songs had begun to pop up (I had been listening to learn the lyrics). He said he would love to help me with the language! For the rest of the day we just talked and then had an amazing dinner. It felt like a huge weight had been lifted off my chest.

One of my absolutely favourite fics is The secret language of plants serie ( ) Everything from the plot, the humour, the sweet childhood, the troubled years at Hogwarts, Percy the seer and just everything else (incl. Severus/Remus).

My gf is South African. Her native language is Afrikaans. I've been learning how to speak Afrikaans without my gf knowing. I secretly applied for online courses that I've been using on and off for more than a year now. My plan was to surprise my gf and her family with my "American Afrikaans" when I finally meet her parents in person for the first time later this year. I never intended to eavesdrop or anything, but learning Afrikaans in secret accidentally exposed me to sensitive information that my gf was sharing on the phone with her Afrikaans speaking friends from South Africa. It was gossip I was not supposed to understand, but eventually I did. This is what I've heard in the past few months:

I secretly learned my girlfriend's native language as a surprise, but during my learning phase I became capable of understanding what my girlfriend was gossiping about with her friends when she thought I didn't understand. I've come to regret not telling my gf that I was learning her language from the beginning because I know things now that I wish I never knew.

I read this book this week and it was an eye opener. I have had many failed relationships and have had a hard time figuring out what went wrong in each. I can now reflect back and see what "language" would have helped in the relationship. Going forward, I hope to use what I have learned to make my next relationship my last. I met a man the other day and he was actually the one who told me about it. I immediately read it and now understand why he seems to be such a wonderful man!

Dune is written in English with a bunch of invented and foreign (primarily Arabic) words, but we know that in-universe that's not what they are actually speaking. The official language of the Imperium is Galach, a "Hybrid Inglo-Slavic" tongue, and the secret Fremen language, Chakobsa (which is explicitly stated to be the source of some words that are in fact Arabic), is said to chiefly derive from "the hunting language of the Bhotani, the hired assassins of the first Wars of Assassins" (i.e., some far-future society and event, unlike the real Caucasian language by the same name). And this makes sense: twenty thousand years into the future, we would expect languages to be unrecognizable.

I remember a YouTube recording of Forgotten Love where Aurora mistakenly sings the part in her secret language twice, but I cannot manage to find it. Does anyone know where to find it, if it still exists?

Tl:dr The guy my mom's dating is Deaf. Because I like the dude, I decided to learn sign language in secret and was planning to surprise him on his upcoming birthday by communicating in sign language. Little did I know that secretly understanding sign language would expose me to disturbingly intimate conversations between my mom and the new man in her life.

Tl:dr The guy my mom's dating is Deaf. Because I like the dude, I decided to learn sign language in secret and was planning to surprise him on his upcoming birthday by communicating in sign language. Little did I know that secretly understanding sign language would expose me to disturbingly intimate conversations between my mom and the new man in her life. As per my update, I decided to ask new guy to teach me sign language so that everyone in the house is aware that I'm learning and avoid having intimate sign language conversations in my company. Part of my plan backfired thanks to my comedian of a mother having some fun at my expense by Jedi teaching me how she compliments new guy's "nice ass" in sign language.

There was a lot more to read, but it basically boiled down to new guy apologizing for upsetting my mom and for any lines he might have crossed with me during our lessons before ending it off with a question that I knew was coming: where did you actually learn those words? I panicked and told him everything. The secret sign language school I've been attending in order to eventually surprise him on his birthday, catching him and my mom dirty talking, pretending to know nothing about sign language when I asked him to teach me, it all came out.

TL:DR My mom caught me teaching my gf sexually explicit words in sign language and assumed her Deaf bf was the one who taught me those words. As a result of the tension between my mom and her bf, the bf decided to confront me, which prompted me to come clean and tell the bf that I've secretly been learning sign language to surprise him on his birthday and that I've caught him and my mom multiple times using sign language for the same reasons I did with my gf. The truth (or part of it) finally coming out managed to restore peace at the end of the day. At least for now.

moonborn could enter the top; victor and max could carry everything and it would be perfect, their personalities are very different, so is their love language, but personally i think that relationships like that in real life would be a dream. (i mention only them because i didn't even try to move on to anything else with the others, lmao).

The new man in my mom's life is Deaf. My mom really likes him and so do I. It's safe to say they're in the honeymoon phase of their relationship, and as the teenage son of a single mom who's now madly in love, it's both great and gross at the same time. The gross part I'll unpack in a moment. My plan was to surprise new guy on his upcoming birthday by revealing that I've secretly been learning sign language for months and my first unspoken words to him would've been "happy birthday" and "welcome to the family".

I came to realize that learning sign language in secret came at the cost of understanding my mom and new guy whenever the two of them low key used sign language to talk dirty in my presence. I've lost count of how many random times I've caught my mom using her "discreet" sign language skills to let new guy know how deep into him she was and how much deeper into her she would love for him to be once they were both in bed. 2351a5e196

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