Parts and Assessories

   Ramps of Different Styles

I often have different types of ramps on hand.  However the only ones available right now are my regular homemade 6 foot wooden ramps with grip.  These are perfect for loading a scooter into a van or truck.  $100/pair.

I alsoslao have a used pair for $60.

          Scooter Canopies

At the moment I have 2 canopies similar to the one which is shown above.  They sell for $100-$150 each depending on condition.

I often get more canopies, sometimes of different styles.

Scooter Racks

I keep a supply of these brand new scooter racks on hand.  They will fit into the receiver hitch of your vehicle and will carry a load of up to 500 lb.  They are perfect for wheelchairs, scooters, snowblowers, garden tillers, lawn mowers, or whatever you need to carry.  The ramp folds down for loading and up for transport.  If you have an extra large scooter, the rack may need to be modified slightly.   Modification is included in the price.  The rack comes assembled and adjusted for your vehicle.


Scooter Covers

I usually have a variety of scooter covers available or a barbeque cover that works well for a mobility scooter.  Most sell for around $40.

Various Holders and Baskets

I have a good supply of cane holders, cup holders, crutch holders, oxygen tank holders, mirrors, front and rear baskets, trailer hitches and more.  These can be modified to fit  your scooter if you desire.

Prices vary.

Tires and Wheels

I have a variety of wheels and tires for scooters including both new and used tires and tubes.  Call with the size of tire you require.  If I don't have it in stock, I can get it.  An average scooter tire goes for about $40-$50 new.  Used ones are less depending on the condition.

Safety Flags

Depending on which town or city you live in,  a flag may be required on your scooter to drive on the street.  I have a supply of these on hand.



I keep on hand a supply of the most common batteries that scooters use.  That includes 12 amp, 20 amp, 35 amp, 45/50 amp and 55 amp.  Larger ones can be obtained as needed.   I will install the batteries for you if you wish.  My prices are comparable to most battery stores and much lower than medical supply stores.

SMV Sign

Some people like to put a slow moving vehicle sign on the back of their scooter for safety purposes.   I will install one for you if you wish provided I have one on hand at the time.


Windshield, Canopy

2 of the assessories that I often have on hand is a scooter windshield and a sun canopy.  Both of these items will fit on most scooters.

The windshield attaches to the mirrors and is a great addition when travelling in dusty or cool conditions.   Depending on the style of the windshield, they sell for about $75-$150.  

The sun canopy is nice for hot weather to shield one's head from the sun.  A good used one normally sells for $100 - $150.


You can order a trailer which uses a special hitch to pull behind a scooter.  The ones shown above are perfect for mounting a plastic tote or wooden box in order to carry groceries or even small children!  This is a great way to transport heavy loads behind your scooter safely.
