The Scooter Guy

                                                                                 Didsbury,  AB 


Hi, I'm Gord, the Scooter Guy.  My business is to find the best used mobility scooters that I can, do any repairs necessary and supply them for  people who need them.  If you or anyone you know could use some help with mobility, I encourage you to have them contact me.   If I don't have the right scooter in stock, I will try to locate the kind of scooter that you are looking for.

If  you happen to have a scooter that you no longer need,  I may be open to purchasing it from you.  Call me with the make and model of your scooter and a picture if possible.

Check out my inventory in the pictures below.   If you are in need of batteries, tires,  trailers, ramps, scooter racks or any other parts and assessories, check out those items on page 2.

Current Inventory

Notice the large size Scooters available - #1, 2,3,4,5,6

 Mid-size Scooters -#7, 8, 9, 12

Compact foldable scooters - #10, 11, 13

Power Chairs - #14

See the new Travel Buggy - #14 below!

The Scooter Guy is available most days to show you the inventory we have available.   It is always best to make an appointment.  Leave a message if there is no answer. 

Methods of Payment - I accept etransfers, certified cheque or money order and cash.  I do not yet have the means to accept credit or debit cards.  

Note that prices are subject to change.  Call to confirm price and availability since scooters are moving so fast.

Since I am often away picking up or delivering scooters or on other business, it is always best to call for an appointment before you come.

News Bulletin:  Garry, the previous Scooter Guy has sold the scooter business and a new owner took over January 1.  The good news is that Gord, the new Scooter Guy will continue to buy, sell and service mobility scooters just like Garry has done.  And Gord is based right here in Didsbury as well.  He can be reached at 403-994-0278.  The new scooter store is now open at Alfred Place, 1001 20th Ave, Didsbury. 

1.     Invacare Auriga 10

The Auriga is the predecessor of the Pegasus and it is similar in that it is such a nice handling, smooth driving scooter.  This one is in very nice condition having been used very little.  It has new 45 amp batteries and it travels at 12-13 kph.   Full light package and dual mirrors.   Fully adjustable tiller and sliding seat. Also just installed  - a new set of outrigger wheels to prevent sideways tipping.  A great inexpensive option.



this scooter is rented out at the moment

2. Pride Pursuit XL

Here is a beautiful Pride Pursuit XL.  This scooter is less than a year old.  It has brand new 75 amp gel batteries along with all the bells and whistles of a luxury scooter.  The Pursuit XL travels at a speed of 12 kph with a range of 30-40 km. This scooters is designed for large, tall people who need quick , safe transportation.  and is very competitively priced compared to a new one.



3. Shoprider 889 Trailblazer

A beautiful example of a Trailblazer with strong batteries.  12 kph.  Tall wheels.


4. Shoprider 889 Trailblazer

Another Trailblazer with the tall wheels.


5, 6.       Fortress S425

We have 2 of these Fortresses in very nice condition with new batteries.  One is red and one is silver.

$3100 each

7. Eclipse Yeti

Eclipse scooters are the higher end Shopriders.  The mid-sized Yeti is a beautiful, luxury model with a digital dash including speedometer and odometer.    This scooter is fairly new and it has brand new 45 amp batteries.   Can carry any normal sized person but is a little more compact for indoor use.  Of course, it is a fine outdoor scooter as well.



8.       ActiveCare Pilot

The Pilot is a mid-sized scooter with strong 35 amp batteries.  This scooter is a very sturdy machine with a weight capacity of 350 lb. and the powerful motor would handle that load with ease.  With a range of 22 miles or 33 km and a speed of 9 kph, it will take you where you need to go.  A very easy driving and comfortable machine.  Front basket has a liner to keep your things clean and dry.



9.            Invacare Leo

The Leo is the midsized Invacare just smaller than the Pegasus.  It has 35 amp batteries and travels 8 kph and will carry a load of 350 lb with ease.  Beautiful locking container on the front.  This is a very attractive  and smooth running, compact scooter.



10.  Golden BuzzAround                               XLSHD

Compact portability along with extra leg room and weight capacity.  This heavy duty model has a weight capacity of 325 lb. and has comfort spring suspension front and rear.  It still comes apart easily for transport.  Ultra bright LED headlight and very tight turning radius.  Perfect for indoor and outdoor use.  New batteries installed in August, 2023.  The 3 wheel configuration is very stable and gives far more leg space and maneuverablilty.



11.                 Pride Gogo

Here is a very nice little 4 wheel Gogo.  It has almost new 20 amp batteries and is in very nice condition.  This scooter can be dissassembled in a  minute to carry it in your vehicle.  It goes back together just as easily.  This picture is not the actual scooter but the one we have is identical.



12. Shoprider Sportrider

Here is a beautiful midsized Shoprider 888 with the Sport trim including the tall, narrow tires.  With a speed of 10 kph and a weight capacity of 300 lb., this scooter will take you where you want to go at a very reasonable price.



13.      Daymak Foldable

I can obtain these versatile little scooters brand new in the box for $2100.  They are perfect for throwing in the trunk of your car for shopping, travelling, etc.  They are very airline friendly.  In fact, I just returned from Australia last winter where I took one of these scooters.  Best way to travel!  Lithium battery is long-lasting.  15 kph top speed, 50 lb in weight.


14.          Travel Buggy

The Scooter Guy is now a dealer for the company that manufactures the Travel Buggy.  That means I can supply new ones to my customers.  The Travel Buggy is one of the lightest chairs on the market weighing only 40 lb.  and yet carrying  load of 395 lb.   The lithium batteries will take you up to 25 km.  The quick release wheels make it even lighter when it comes time to load.  The Travel Buggy folds flat for transport and storage.  There are 3 models that are typically priced from $3000-$4000.  For more specs and info, see

 Come and test drive it today!


Ramps for Loading Scooters

I make and sell these light wooden ramps which makes loading and unloading of any size scooter very easy.  They are just under 6 feet long.

