The Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy: 

Conspiracy and Cover-Up

Michael T. Griffith

This site presents evidence that Senator Robert F. Kennedy (RFK) was not killed by a lone gunman, that the real killer and his accomplices got away, and that the Los Angeles Police Department's investigation into the shooting concealed, ignored, and destroyed evidence of conspiracy.

Kennedy had just won the California primary and seemed likely to win the presidency. He planned on reopening the investigation into the assassination of his older brother, President John F. Kennedy.

Justice for RFK

The Assassination of RFK: The Real Story

The alleged lone gunman, Sirhan Sirhan (white arrow), in police custody after his arrest. Evidence shows that Sirhan's gun could not have fired all the shots, and that he was never in position to fire the shots that hit the senator. RFK was shot from behind at very close range, but eyewitness accounts establish that Sirhan was always in front of Kennedy and was at least 3-4 feet from him.

On many occasions before the assassination, numerous witnesses saw Sirhan in the company of a woman in her twenties with light-brown or brown hair, a nice figure, and an odd-looking nose, and in the company of a brown-haired man who was about 6 feet tall. 

Witnesses saw these same two people at the Ambassador Hotel shortly before RFK was killed. They said the woman was wearing a white dress with dark polka dots, and several of them noted her odd-looking nose. One witness in the pantry said the woman was standing with Sirhan shortly before the shooting began. 

Seconds after the shots were fired, another witness in the pantry saw the woman and a man running toward the pantry's northern exit. An NBC news segment broadcast less than an hour after the shooting said that right after the shots rang out, while Sirhan was still pinned down, a man was seen "trying to get out the other end" of the pantry, and people were "running, screaming, and chasing after him."

Moments afterward, one witness outside the hotel saw the polka-dot-dress woman and a man running down the rear fire escape. Three witnesses outside heard the woman gleefully say "We shot him! We shot him!" on her way down the fire escape. One witness said the man was carrying a newspaper with a gun protruding from it. The light-haired woman and the brown-haired man appear to have been Sirhan's handlers.

RFK talking with his older brother, President Kennedy, at the White House. RFK served as U.S. Attorney General in his brother's administration.

As Attorney General, Bobby led an unprecedented federal assault on the Mafia. He also took strong action to enforce civil rights laws.

RFK publicly endorsed the Warren Commission's claim that a lone gunman killed JFK. But, we now know that privately he believed a conspiracy had killed his brother, and that he suspected that elements of the CIA, anti-Castro Cubans, and the Mafia were involved in the plot.

In 2004, an audio tape of RFK's assassination surfaced. Five audio experts who have analyzed the tape have found that it contains more gunshots than Sirhan's 8-bullet handgun could have fired.

One of those experts, Philip Van Praag, a world-renowned expert in audio recording and audio-recording technology, found there are two groups of two shots on the tape that come within 150 milliseconds of each other, far too fast for all of them to have been fired by Sirhan's gun. Van Praag determined that there are 13 shots on the tape.

FBI documents released under the Freedom of Information Act prove that at least 13 bullets were fired, which is five more bullets than Sirhan's gun could have fired.

Sirhan was pinned down after firing no more than three shots, and probably only two shots. But three shots hit RFK and one shot went through his clothing. 

Furthermore, the three shots that hit RFK were all fired at a sharply upward angle, yet by all accounts Sirhan's gun was never fired at any such angle.

As surprising as this might sound, there is credible evidence that Sirhan was not even firing real bullets but was firing blanks. It is logical to assume that the other gunman, who planned on shooting RFK from behind, would have wanted to ensure that he was not hit by gunfire from Sirhan. Loading Sirhan's gun with blanks would have been the easiest and best way to do this.

One of the world's leading experts on hypnosis, Dr. Daniel Brown of Harvard University, interviewed and tested Sirhan for years, and concluded that Sirhan was hypno-programmed to fire at RFK, and that this was why Sirhan had no memory of shooting RFK and why he could not remember several key periods of time leading up to the assassination. Dr. Brown provided a detailed report on his findings in his sworn statement for Sirhan's 2011 appeal (his statement is linked above in the Articles section under the title "Evidence that Sirhan Was Hypno-Programmed to Fire at RFK").