The Holocaust: Issues

Michael T. Griffith

During the last four years of World War II (1941-1945), Nazi Germany murdered approximately five to six million Jews. This horrific crime is known as the Holocaust.

Children at the Auschwitz death camp

Basic Information on the Holocaust

Introduction to the Holocaust

A List of the Nazi Concentration Camps and Facts About Them

Nazi Concentration and Prison Camps (video documentary)

Anne Frank

Anne Frank was a young Jewish girl who died in the Nazi concentration camp Bergen-Belsen in 1945. Some have claimed that her famous diary, published as Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl, is a forgery. Forensic science has refuted this claim.

Anne Frank

Who Was Anne Frank?

Who Was Anne Frank? (short video)

The Authenticity of the Diary of Anne Frank

Anne Frank's Diary Is Authentic

The Auschwitz Death Camp

The Auschwitz death camp. Approximately one million people, mostly Jews, were murdered at this camp. The evidence that Auschwitz was a death camp is compelling.


Auschwitz Inmate's Notes Prove Auschwitz Was a Death Camp

Evidence that Auschwitz Gas Chambers Were Used to Kill Jews

The Holes in the Roofs of the Gas Chambers at Auschwitz-Birkenau

How the Nazis Tried to Cover Up Their Crimes at Auschwitz

The Auschwitz Album

The Special Case of David Irving

Although David Irving is widely believed to be a Holocaust denier, he is not.  He has made some debatable, controversial, and insensitive statements, especially about Jews and the state of Israel, but he has not denied the Holocaust, and much of his research sheds important light on Nazi Germany and World War II.

How Accurate Is the Movie Denial?

Lying About David Irving: Refuting the Myth that David Irving's Books Whitewash Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany

Statement of Adrian Davis to the Court of Appeals in Defense of David Irving

David Irving's Closing Argument in the 2000 Irving-Lipstadt Libel Trial

Bruno Tesch and John Demjanjuk

Bruno Tesch. Tesch was executed for supplying poison gas to Auschwitz.

John Demjanjuk on trial in Israel. The Israeli Supreme Court determined that Demjanjuk was not Ivan the Terrible.

Bruno Tesch

I believe the Allies were overzealous and unfair in their prosecution of Bruno Tesch. I think that much of the evidence presented against him was questionable, if not fraudulent. Also, I do not like the idea of prosecuting private citizens who played secondary, indirect roles in the Holocaust. I think we must keep in mind that they lived in a brutal dictatorship.

Aspects of the Tesch Trial (a thorough critique of the case against Bruno Tesch)

Zyklon B, Auschwitz, and the Trial of Bruno Tesch (I don't agree with all the views expressed by the author, but I think he makes a sound case that Bruno Tesch was treated unfairly.)

John Demjanjuk: Wrongful Prosecution or Overdue Punishment?

I question the fairness and justice of prosecuting people 30 or 40 years after the fact because they served as guards or as other low-level staff in concentration camps, especially in cases where they were forced to serve.

After the war, John Demjanjuk, a Ukrainian, immigrated to America and lived an exemplary life, raising a family and earning the respect of virtually everyone who knew him in Seven Hills, Ohio. In 1977, 32 years after the war, he was accused of having been Ivan the Terrible, a sadistic guard at the Treblinka concentration camp, and the U.S. Government extradited him to Israel in 1986 to stand trial. 

In 1988, an Israeli court convicted Demjanjuk of having been Ivan the Terrible, but the Israeli Supreme Court voided the conviction in 1993, arguing there was reasonable doubt about Demjanjuk's guilt. (Most scholars now agree that evidence from Soviet archives proves that Demjanjuk was not Ivan the Terrible.)

Nevertheless, in 2002, the U.S. Government once again persuaded a federal judge to strip Demjanjuk of his citizenship and seven years later, in 2009, extradited him to Germany for trial.

In 2011, a German court found Demjanjuk guilty of accessory to murder solely on the grounds that he was a guard at the Sobibor concentration camp. The prosecution presented no evidence that Demjanjuk had committed a specific crime, but argued that his service as a guard at the camp was enough to charge him with accessory to murder. It was the first time this legal argument had been used in German courts. 

The Story of the Two Ivans

An Evil Campaign to Frame an Innocent Man

Summary of Israel v. John Demjanjuk Trial

Life Without Father

Adolf Eichmann

Left: As an SS officer

Right: Standing trial in Israel in 1961

Adolf Eichmann 

Mid-Level Officer Who Just Followed Orders or War Criminal?

After the war, Eichmann escaped to Argentina. Israeli agents captured him there in 1960 and took him to Israel to stand trial. He was found guilty of war crimes and sentenced to death. Some have argued that Eichmann was unfairly punished because he was merely a mid-level officer following orders. But the evidence clearly shows that Eichmann enjoyed robbing and killing Jews and that on some occasions he went beyond his orders in order to harm Jews.

The Lies of Adolf Eichmann

Review of Eichmann Before Jerusalem

The Adolf Eichmann Trial (video documentary)

Josef Mengele

Josef Mengele was a sadistic SS doctor who performed cruel medical experiments on Auschwitz prisoners. After the war, he escaped to South America and was never caught. His grave was discovered in Brazil in 1985 and the remains were positively identified as Mengele's via DNA testing in 1992.

Josef Mengele

Adolf Hitler

Adolf Hitler was the dictator of Nazi Germany. He was one of the worst mass murderers in history and was responsible for the murder of five to six million Jews. Hitler was a vile anti-Semite. His hatred of Jews was pathological. There is disturbing evidence that Hitler did not commit suicide in Berlin but escaped to Argentina with his wife Eva Braun shortly after the war.

10 Genuine Reasons to Consider that Hitler Really Did Escape Berlin (This is a good, brief introduction to the evidence that Hitler did not die in Berlin but escaped to Argentina.)

Grey Wolf: The Escape of Adolf Hitler (a video documentary that presents the accounts of numerous witnesses who saw Hitler in Argentina after the war)

Hitler's Escape (This book traces Hitler's escape from Berlin to Argentina. It also discusses the alleged Hitler skeletal remains reportedly found in Berlin and argues that forensic science has not established that those remains are Hitler's.)

Adolf Hitler: Obsessed with the Occult

How Darwinism Influenced Hitler, Nazism, and White Nationalism

Darwinism and the Nazi Race Holocaust

Evidence of Hitler's Direct Responsibility for the Holocaust

The Unwritten Order: Hitler's Role in the Final Solution

Holocaust Revisionism vs. Richard Evans