Sharing an unusual North American native plant today, (not from my neck of the woods!), but from Arizona and Texas. The Selaginella lepidophylla, otherwise known as a rose of Jericho, or resurrection plant, is about as drought tolerant a plant as you can get. It is actually classed as a tumbleweed and this seemingly innocuous species is simply amazing! Let me explain why..

I feel that same joy of discovery every spring as I watch for a resurrection that is promised, but not assured until fully revealed. In the interim, each shoot of green, each small bud gives me faith in what I hope for and evidence for what cannot yet be seen.

The Resurrection Of Wildflowers Pdf Download

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Big Bend is home to many unusual, or some would say downright bizarre, plants. Many of them lie unnoticed or overlooked for much of the year unless you know what to look for. The well-named living rock cactus blends almost invisibly into the limestone hills around the park, but bursts into bold pink bloom in the early fall and is easily spotted then. Little gray-brown resurrection plants look like dead plant remains from last year until a good rain allows them to uncoil the vibrant, deep green leaves they have been protecting in a tightly curled ball during the dry times. Not all of the unusual plants blend into the desert landscape and go unnoticed though.

The genus name, Lycoris, honors the Roman actress and mistress of Marc Anthony. The plants in this genus are commonly known as the resurrection flower, surprise lily, or magic lily. Many of the common names originate from the bulbs' unusual growth habit. The foliage appears in the spring and then dies in the summer, and the plant flowers appear to rise from the dead by late summer on naked stems. The specific epithet, squamigera, means "bearing scales." This references the small scales on the flower petals that cause an iridescent sparkle.

Other plants can withstand water deprivation to some extent by closing their stomata (pore openings in the stem or leaf), but if water loss exceeds 40%, the cells are damaged and the plant eventually succumbs to death.

 However, resurrection plants are a group of plants that can dry out, go dormant, and rehydrate. Some of them are lichens, some are mosses, and some are spikemosses like the Rose of Jericho (Selaginella lepidophylla) shown below.

The first wildflowers to bud around here every spring is the Pasque Flower. "Pasque" is French for Easter. "Pasque" in English translates more as "paschal", as in "paschal mystery," meaning the suffering, death, and resurrection" of Christ. It seems to me a very apt name for a very liturgically-minded plant.

Indian Paintbrush and penstemon wildflowers blossom on Johnston Ridge at Mount St. Helens National Monument in western Washington. This photo tells the story of a landscape ravaged by the violent eruption of a volcano and new life that is springing up 40 years later. Photo  copyright by Craig Goodwin.

The resurrection approach is a very powerful way to study phenotypic evolution. Dormant propagules produced by an ancestral generation are revived and grown side by side with propagules from a more recent generation. Because both generations develop in the same environment, phenotypic differences between them can be attributed to evolutionary (genetic) change over time. Richard Lenski and associates have applied it in their ongoing evolution experiment with Escherichia coli, where they have measured evolutionary rates, uncovered the physiological basis of adaptation, and examined the contingency of evolutionary trajectories (Lenski, Rose, Simpson, & Tadler, 1991; Elena, Cooper, & Lenski, 1996; Blount, Borland, & Lenski, 2008).

This article will focus on the third potential bias in resurrection experiments that arising from nonrandom mortality of ancestors during storage (Bennington & McGraw 1995). Suppose a variable trait expressed in the propagule affects its chance of surviving prolonged storage. If that propagule trait is genetically correlated to a focal postemergence trait (e.g., growth rate, specific leaf area, flowering date), the genotypes emerging from storage will be a nonrandom sample of those that went in. This will bias the estimated ancestral mean of the focal trait, which is the baseline for estimating evolutionary change.

In the parlance of missing data theory, bias occurs when the process under study in some way depends on the process generating missingness (Little & Rubin, 2002). In this view, there are three ways in which data can be missing. First, data can be Missing Completely at Random (MCAR), meaning complete independence between the two processes. Within the context of a resurrection experiment, factors causing emergence failure are the same across all genotypes in both generations (Figure 1a) and unrelated to postemergence phenotype. Even if emergence rates differ between ancestors and descendants, the evolutionary shift in phenotypic mean is estimated without bias in the MCAR case. Second, data may be Missing at Random (MAR). Here, the process generating missingness may affect response variables, but in the context of a resurrection experiment, its relative effect does not vary across generations. As indicated in Figure 1b, propagules that would produce low ranking values for the focal phenotype are less likely to emerge, but because failure is tied to rank within the generation, and not rank across generations, the estimate for evolutionary shift in phenotypic mean is unbiased. This holds so long as germination rates are the same in the two generations. The missingness of data that are MCAR and MAR can be ignored when making inferences on the process of interest (Little & Rubin, 2002).

Contrasting the phenotypic distribution of trait z in ancestral and descendant generations of a resurrection experiment. Shaded portions of the Gaussian distributions represent the potential phenotypes of individuals missing because of early mortality (the missing fraction), while the unshaded portions are phenotypes of individuals that survived to have the trait measured. (a) In both generations, the factor causing early mortality acts independently of the potential/realized value of z; data for the dead individuals are missing at random. The difference between generation means is the same as if all had survived and so is estimated without bias. (b) In both generations, the factor causing early mortality declines with z, but it does so equally within each generation. The two means are estimated with equal bias such that the difference between them is estimated without bias. (c) The factors causing early mortality depend unequally on z between generations. The ancestral and descendant generation means are estimated with unequal biases, and so the difference between them will over/under estimate the expected difference had all survived

Craterostigma plantagineum, is a resurrection plant species in the genus Craterostigma. It is a dwarf growing plant and can be found (in ideal conditions) to make a 'carpet' across the ground, with blooms in shades of blue and purple. It is a well-studied desiccation-tolerant species known for its extreme vegetative tolerance against dehydration and desiccation.[3] It is native to parts of Africa and to India.[4] It is known as a resurrection plant (meaning it can dry out and stay dormant for long periods and then come back to life after some rain).

Craterostigma plantagineum (Hochst) is known as a resurrection plant as it has the ability to dry out and then stay dormant for long periods and then come back to life after some rain.[1][6] It re-hydrates rapidly on re-watering.[12] These survival mechanisms help it cope in environments with extreme hydration and restricted seasonal water.[11]

It was once the English common name of Rhodesian Violet;[8] recently it has been called the Kenya violet.[6][19] It is also called 'blue carpet',[1][9][14] or 'false violet',[9] and occasionally as 'mole's spectacles'.[7] but this last one is normally the common name for Craterostigma wilmsii[20] or Craterostigma nanum.[21] It is also commonly called the 'resurrection plant' in science.[22]

burial in the wildflowers bruisingwith bees, what's left of the figureswrapped in their palls, chamberedclose together. It comes back to me all the time.There seems to be a strong inclination, a folklorist says,to believe that the natural world acknowledges the death of a person.

From the beginning of literature, the bards of every land have sungto and of the flowers; the prophets have used them as instruments fortheir sooth-saying; the believer in resurrection[Pg 143] has cited them toprove a final resurrection for the souls of men; the reincarnationistshave claimed in them a great evidence of the reincarnation of the soul;the atheist has tried to show through them the validity of his belief;hero and conqueror have found in them their crowns of glory and thepoet has made them the theme of his pen. Yet the flowers bloom todaymuch as they did on the hillsides of Greece and Babylon, and man, withall his century-accumulated wisdom, seems but to have seen the outeredge of their real lives.

From Kate McBeth’s diary, kept intermittently until a few years ago, the following excerpts are made: "December, 1893; I want so now to give myself afresh to the Lord – old as I am. I am so strong and when the time comes, put me beside my faithful sister; I, too, want to rise with the Nez Perces and her in the morning of the resurrection." "June 1909; Goodness and mercy have followed me all my life. I can trust Him for the rest. Nothing in all my life has been more profitable than the habit of committing to memory my Sabbath school lesson, then saying over several each morning before I get up." "November 1912: Blessed work to sit at my study table and lead a class of men into the truth. All the churches are growing. Goodness and mercy have surely followed us. Oh, what a precious year the last has been in nearness to my Savior; every morning before I rise, I see His face through repeating aloud a number of the Sunday school lessons." 006ab0faaa

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