
September 2021 - June 2022

Check out published articles by students of Glenview from previous years!

Edition #1

What Sports are Going to Look Like this Season

By: Grace Van Wyngaarden  | Edited By: Azlan McAuliffe

Go Panthers, Go!! Whether you’re on a sports team or are excited to give some school spirit, you’ll be glad that I have gathered the known ins and outs of all you need to know about sports this fall season. As expected with Covid, there are going to be limitations that may disappoint you, but at least we can have sports this year, eh?

The sports that are running this fall are girls sr/jr basketball, boys sr/jr volleyball, cross country, girls field hockey and sr/jr football. There is a cross country meet on October 14th, and other sports teams will start playing games this week!

If you are involved in a sport, MASKS ARE MANDATORY unless you are outside, doing high intense physical activity, or are able to social distance (if you feel more comfortable with it on you are more than welcome to wear it). If you are idle or on the side at practice while not maintaining social distance, masks must be worn. You must also complete a screener and a bi-weekly declaration before every practice - ask your coaches for more info. 

Unfortunately, there are NO fans allowed for indoor sports until further notice. However you are still allowed to attend outdoor sports like field hockey, cross country and/or football. Although you can’t observe volleyball or basketball, you can still cheer on our teams by participating in spirit days or by wishing players the best of luck before games!

Don’t forget to show your spirit and support this season! It’s time to show everyone what Glenview’s made of! 

Volunteer Opportunities Near You

By: Jacinta Shrishankar | Edited By: Ronak Patel

Once we enter high school, all youth are required to complete 40 hours of volunteering to graduate high school. Aside from gaining hours, volunteering has many advantages that can be beneficial to you in the future. Volunteering offers a chance to give back to your community as well. Due to COVID-19, the number of available volunteer opportunities has reduced. Here are some great ways to obtain volunteer hours while still doing the things you love!

Sending Sunshine is a company that sends cards to seniors to brighten their day! You can purchase greeting cards or make your own and write a kind and uplifting general message on it. Every card written will give you 30 minutes of volunteer time. After you’ve finished writing the desired number of cards, you can deliver them to the several centres they have which are stated on their website or mail it through a post office to their P.o. box which is also stated on their website. Sending Sunshine allows its volunteers to be as creative as they want with the messages and cards. This is a great opportunity to gain volunteer hours while also brightening others’ days. 

To learn more visit: 


Idea Exchange libraries are always looking to gain more volunteers throughout the year. They offer so many fun and creative tasks/opportunities for their volunteers. In the past, they have done something called “The Poster Project: Thanking Our Medical Folks For Being There”. Volunteers were given the opportunity to create posters for the Cambridge Memorial Hospital staff and Retirement Home staff to thank them for all the work they have done for us in the past and during the pandemic. Similar to Sending Sunshine, Idea Exchange’s Postcard Project allowed volunteers to design and create postcards. Those cards were handed out at libraries and people were able to pick them up and send them to loved ones! 

To learn more visit: 

The Cambridge Food Bank is located only a few minutes away from Glenview Park. They are always accepting student volunteers as there is so much to do for them year round. At the Cambridge Food Bank you will be able to help run food drives, sort through and organize items and much more. This is a great opportunity to help those in need while also gaining volunteer hours and experience!

To learn more visit: 

No Cafeteria? No Problem!

By: Grace Van Wyngaarden | Edited By: Melody Schmidt

CT Shawarma was busy with hungry customers when I called (a great example that their food is good!) so here are some student answers to the following questions below:

What is the favourite item at CT Shawarma?

Shawarma poutines (small is $7.19).

Would you say that their items are reasonably priced?

For the food quality and quantity that you get, most students think that the items are reasonably priced.


Would you recommend this restaurant to other students at GPSS? 


What is the favourite item at your restaurant from customers?

“A lot of people like my kapsalon dish and kapsalon pizza.”

What special deals or low prices do you have?

“We always have a daily special [and] we give students a deal of two slices with a pop for ONLY $4.99.”

Why should students at GPSS come for lunch at your restaurant? 

“I give [students] the best fresh food [with] a good price. You can not find that good [of a] deal around here.” 

I hope there is something here that makes your taste buds smile, and I encourage you to try it out! As we enter our fourth week of school, I wish you all the best. Bon appétit!

Getting a Good Start to the School Year

By: Tracy Tran | Edited By: Cammie Duyzer

We're back Panthers! With this school year being somewhat normal, I’m sure everyone is excited to play sports, socialize, and do extracurricular activities! However, this can be very overwhelming. I have a quick, helpful list on how to have a great start to this new school year! 

Time Managementa

Making time for school activities and academics can be difficult, as most people fall victim to procrastination. However, learning how to fight procrastination is one of the most helpful things you'll ever do. Especially with the right tools to help! 

Having a calendar, whether digital or physical, is a great way to stay organized. One resource I recommend is Google Calendar; it's one of the best ways to plan your time and keep track of your schedule. This software allows you to create a visual calendar of your day or month, giving you a place to plan any and all activities you have. It's free, accessible, and easy to use from your computer or phone. 

By clearing out your brain and planning out what needs to be done, you’re able to create time to work on things you enjoy. For those who like arts and crafts, a physical planner may be a better choice. It allows creative freedom while having the functionality of a digital calendar. 

Maintain a good sleep schedule

Yes, I know how difficult it is to put down your schoolwork or phone. We can easily get caught up in social media or finishing an assignment. However, it’s important to remember the effects you will have to endure the next day. These effects may seem subtle, but you'll notice yourself feeling more energized and productive with a better sleep schedule. It's also a great start to begin prioritizing your mental and physical health. By choosing what's best for your body, you’re making the conscious choice of taking care of yourself. 


It’s easy to push yourself to the point of exhaustion for schoolwork, but it's so, so important to remember that breaks give you much-needed energy! By giving yourself these tiny rests, you're giving yourself time to recharge and regain mental stamina. Of course, this doesn’t mean you should work for 5 minutes and take an hour-long break (I know all of us are guilty of doing just that).

My favourite technique for giving myself breaks is the Pomodoro Technique. It is a timer that allows you to work for 25 minutes with a 5-minute rest in between. You'll get a sufficient amount of work done while also giving your brain moments to stop and rest. 

In the past couple of years, I think most of us have taken school for granted. But this year, we have the opportunity to be present and enjoy our year. I hope all of you put in the effort to make this year one of your best! Get a good start and make the rest of your year(s) at Glenview, ones to remember. 

Canada's Affordable Housing Crisis

By: Faryal Ansari | Edited By: Adam Renco

With the 2021 Federal Election just wrapping up, many things motivated voters to cast their ballot for a certain party. One issue that was at the forefront of many Canadians’ minds was the affordability of homes and properties in our country. As a larger percentage of the population look to become homeowners, they want the security of knowing that they will not be in long-term debt. 

The issue of a lack of affordable housing is a substantial problem in Canada, and it has been heavily increased since the beginning of the pandemic. The pandemic’s economic decline caused many Canadian’s incomes to plummet. The Bank of Canada accommodated this by lowering interest rates on mortgages, and many people were saving money on expenses they would normally have to pay outside of lockdown. Mortgage rates went as low as 1.99% and 1.75% at this time. This decreased prices in the housing market for a bit, but the sudden increase in demand for homes pushed the prices to be even higher than usual. 

These are just some of the recent reasons why the housing market has been elevated. Other factors such as a lack of newly built homes, money laundering, and real estate investment have also contributed to the crisis. While understanding the background to this issue and the causes of it are important, it is also important to take note of the effect it has had on Canadians. Statistics sourced from the Globe and Mail show that one in every five Canadian renters are negatively affected by the housing crisis, and spend over 50% of their income on home costs. The number of renters in Canada is steadily increasing in comparison to the number of homeowners, and high rental costs are putting pressure on many, inevitably contributing to the increase in homelessness. 

There are many potential solutions to the affordability crisis in Canada. One potential strategy is to restrict the availability of credit lines. The credit sector is a private sector that has little to no engagement with the government. If they were to become more involved and put a cap on the amount that can be borrowed for mortgage, then it could decrease the overall mortgage debt held by Canadians. Along with this, changes to infrastructure and increased housing subsidies would have to be put in place to aid lower-income households in purchasing less expensive homes. Overall, the government should be more concerned with how the housing market and credit bureaus function. 

Housing affordability has been a significant issue in Canada for many years. The pandemic has shown us once again that our country is becoming a more and more expensive place to live. The government must strategize and prioritize the financial stability of all Canadians so that people can grow old with the knowledge that they will not have to carry the heavy burden of high rent and a lack of proper housing. 

The Different Fields of the Film Industry

By: Morgan Walker | Edited By: Cammie Duyzer

Hello, Panthers! Are you interested in getting into the film industry? Well, we have the information you need! So read along to get to know more about the roles in this business.

#1: The production manager is responsible for budgets, shooting schedules, and managing the day-to-day business side of productions. The production manager also oversees the “below-the-line” crew, a term for all the personnel on a TV show or film who are not the creative focus of the production. 

#2: The production coordinator is a member of the below-the-line production crew and reports to the production manager. The production coordinator manages production assistants (PAs) are the people who perform jobs like running errands on a set.

#3: Production Assistants are the entry-level workers of the film, television, and commercial industries. They are available during any stage of production—from filming to postproduction—to lend a hand. Production assistants often graduate to convert to production coordinators, then continue to become production managers.

#4 Production designers work closely with the director and the cinematographer to create a particular look and feel for the film. Production designers are heads of the art department and are responsible for bringing the director’s ideas to life. They do so by coordinating an overall visual appearance and artistic style throughout the production.

#5: The director of photography (also known as the DP or cinematographer) is responsible for creating the artistic part of films. The DP controls everything that affects what the camera captures and is responsible for the cameras, lenses, and filters used on a shoot. They are in control of the camera and lighting crews on set.

#6  A boom operator is a member of the sound department, who operates the recording equipment. The boom operator’s primary responsibility is to capture sound during each take. They do this through a boom mic, which is suspended above the shot with a boom pole. The boom operator usually stands nearby the camera operator.

#7 In filmmaking, visual effects (VFX) is the creation or manipulation of on-screen imagery. These effects do not exist in real life, but studio props help simplify the process. 

#8: A film or video editor takes many hours of raw footage and cuts and pastes it into a coherent film. Directors and film editors work closely together to produce the result that audiences see on the big screen.

#9: A film composer creates the musical score that accompanies a film. This is called the film score. Typically, they are the ones responsible for every aspect of original music that plays in a movie. 

#10: A film hairstylist is in charge of creating character hair designs and styling actors' hair on set. 

I hope you all learned something new about show business! There are many important jobs and factors that go into filmmaking. Who knows, maybe the film industry is the spark of inspiration for you!

Why Picture Books Are For Everyone

By: Mahi Patel | Edited By: Melody Schmidt

When I was in Grade 1, I had a strong belief that in the coming years I would grow too old for picture books and they would do nothing more than gather dust on my shelf.  I loved my picture books though, and couldn’t bear to give them up. The particoloured pages, the large text, and the short stories made me fall in love with picture books. As I grew older I disbanded them, and switched to chapter books. It wasn’t until grade seven, when my teacher changed my view, that I picked up a picture book again.  My views about the world changed, and I was able to really feel the emotions of my character, something I hadn’t been able to do before. 

Contrary to popular belief, picture books aren’t just for children. Teenagers can pick up a picture book and enjoy it just as much as children can. The short stories, with their clever wordplay and purposeful placing, hold extensive information about humanity and make you think. A plethora of picture books are all about reading inbetween the lines. The book, “The Fate of Fausto'', by Oliver Jeffers is a simple book with simple language. When more thought is applied to the story, you start to question right from wrong, and see how a simple story perfectly embodies one of humanity's most threatening wants, power.  

Another reason picture books can be read by anyone is because the pictures themselves provide a lot of in-depth information that writing cannot convey. In countless picture books, there are little symbols that represent the ideologies and struggles of the main character, and it is up to the reader to pinpoint them and analyze them. When a little symbol appears throughout a book, it is perceived in different ways by different readers. In R.J. Palacio’s “White Bird”, the white bird which appears throughout the story is never referenced, but the responsibility is placed upon the reader to understand its purpose and its symbolism. 

A popular reason some authors use picture books is to bring tough issues to life. Two admired picture books, “White Bird” and “January’s Sparrow”, are both centered around shameful moments in history. The heartbreaking circumstances of the characters have been expressed through picture books because it is often easier to visualize the environment, making it easier to understand the feelings and emotions of the characters. We see what the author is seeing but are not limited by the pictures, and can visualize our own environment based on words and actions. 

So next time, when you go to the library, pick up a picture book. Discover more about the world. Step into the shoes of someone else. Experience their lives. Live inside the pictures. Appreciate them because after all, “A picture is worth a thousand words.” 

The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People: Be Proactive, not Reactive

By: Ronak Patel | Edited By: Carter Hall

In our modern world, a vast majority of people share one goal, the goal to become a distinguished and venerable person; someone who inspires and leaves a mark on others, tackles life head-on with efficacy, and most of all, someone worth remembering by people all around the globe. No matter who or where you are, each and every person must adopt the seven habits of highly effective people if they also wish to become a highly effective person.

Proactivity. It looks like a simple word, but it is so, SO much more. Proactivity is a concept; a mantra to the highly effective way of life. It allows anyone to combat the hardships of life and build on oneself. Being proactive means taking ownership of one’s own life instead of mindlessly blamestorming the cause of a common mistake, or a serious misfortune, which is ultimately futile. 

A narrow mindset inhibits learning, which completely opposes the values of a highly effective lifestyle. A reactive person overlooks his own mistakes and justifies an act of misfortune by the external factors of which he can not control. On the contrary, proactive individuals analyze their errors, take initiative, and learn from their mistakes; they become prudent. 

We all have a Circle of Influence and a Circle of Concern; things we can do something about, and things we have no control over respectively. It is necessary that the Circle of Influence is expanded in order for you to take responsibility of your actions, decisions, and consequences and improve upon them. Focus on the area you have control over, instead of attempting to find the cause among exterior factors. If one has an inordinately reactive focus, their circle of influence will diminish and the propitious opportunities to learn from their mistakes will be lost in the scape of their diminished mindset.

Challenge yourself by evaluating your actions, and analyzing how the conclusion came to be. If strife between you and your siblings leads to a physical fight, adopt a proactive approach and understand that you control your own feelings rather than placing the blame of both your actions and theirs, on the shoulders of your siblings. Thinking proactively is the key to becoming a highly effective person. 

On a closing note, I’d like to quote from the poem Invictus by William Ernest Henley.

 “I am the master of my fate,

I am the captain of my soul.”

These two lines express how each person is responsible for their life. Whenever a misfortune is incurred, remember these words; you decide your fate and no exigency, adversity, or any external factor can take that away from you.

Edition #2

“Bone Marrow” a book by Habibah Navab

By: Jacinta Shrishankar  | Edited By: Ronak Patel

Habibah Navab, a junior at Glenview Park Secondary School has written and published a book called “Bone Marrow.” The book contains five short stories; The Gaze in his Grasp, SHE DOESN’T DESERVE YOU, Russian Roulette, Our Bathroom is Rotten, The Thread Beyond our Years, and a poem named “My Acid Filled Sister”. Habibah describes her book as an assortment of “philosophically motivated short stories that have to do with the human psyche and the fragility of perspective.” She emphasizes the concept of perspective in the sense that there is no correct way to interpret the contents of this book, it is solely based on speculated context and individualized ideologies. You can read between the lines to analyze it, or just read them as fun thrillers to pass time! We asked Habibah a few questions related to her fervent passion for writing and how she authored these page turners. 

Why did you decide to write this book or just write in general?

I write because I have pent up ideas and need a way to let them out. I've always been a fan of English and creative writing, so it was natural for me to gravitate towards writing. There was never a specific moment when I "decided" to start writing, I just did.

Tell us about your writing process and inspiration.

My writing process is usually just coming up with a few sentences and writing them down on my phone. Eventually, these couple sentences stretch to paragraphs and suddenly I'm motivated to create a story. I always dive in head first and figure the details out as I progress through the story. Rarely do I have my stories planned out in my head; they kind of just flow out, and I try my hardest to organize them in a way that is appropriate.

The book “Bone Marrow” is now available to purchase on amazon. Be sure to check it out!

How to Balance a Busy Schedule

By: Desiree Yhap | Edited By: Azlan McAuliffe

Habibah Navab, a junior at Glenview Park Secondary School has written and published a book called “Bone Marrow.” The book contains five short stories; The Gaze in his Grasp, SHE DOESN’T DESERVE YOU, Russian Roulette, Our Bathroom is Rotten, The Thread Beyond our Years, and a poem named “My Acid Filled Sister”. Habibah describes her book as an assortment of “philosophically motivated short stories that have to do with the human psyche and the fragility of perspective.” She emphasizes the concept of perspective in the sense that there is no correct way to interpret the contents of this book, it is solely based on speculated context and individualized ideologies. You can read between the lines to analyze it, or just read them as fun thrillers to pass time! We asked Habibah a few questions related to her fervent passion for writing and how she authored these page turners. 

Why did you decide to write this book or just write in general?

I write because I have pent up ideas and need a way to let them out. I've always been a fan of English and creative writing, so it was natural for me to gravitate towards writing. There was never a specific moment when I "decided" to start writing, I just did.

Tell us about your writing process and inspiration.

My writing process is usually just coming up with a few sentences and writing them down on my phone. Eventually, these couple sentences stretch to paragraphs and suddenly I'm motivated to create a story. I always dive in head first and figure the details out as I progress through the story. Rarely do I have my stories planned out in my head; they kind of just flow out, and I try my hardest to organize them in a way that is appropriate.

The book “Bone Marrow” is now available to purchase on amazon. Be sure to check it out!

The History and Revitalization of Indigenous Languages in Canada

By: Faryal Ansari | Edited By: Sophia Brezina 

Language is a key characteristic that shapes any group of people. Each one marks the identity of an individual and heavily influences the way they interact with those around them. Languages also impact cultural background and help form the many customs and behaviours of certain groups of people. There are many, many cultural and linguistic backgrounds worldwide, and even many within our own country. However, it is important to acknowledge that Indigenous peoples of Canada have not been allowed the right of preserving their diverse breadth of languages across many backgrounds and communities. 

The loss of Indigenous languages began many years ago, and has been highly affected by the Indian Act. The Indian Act of 1876 banned all Indigenous peoples from speaking their languages, among many other horrific human rights breaches. The goal of the Indian Act was to assimilate Indigenous peoples into European culture, which they viewed to be more ‘civilized’ and ‘proper’. This law and viewpoint were also heavily instilled by residential schools in Canada. They were aware of the strong connection between language and cultural identity, and forced Indigenous children to sever the connection to learn English or French. Many Indigenous children who were forced into residential schooling had no prior knowledge of these languages and were punished for speaking the only language they knew. This largely impacted the number of Indigenous languages being spoken and has caused 75% of Indigenous languages in Canada to be classified as endangered. The loss of these languages and the shame forced upon many have lasted years and have made it more difficult for Indigenous peoples to preserve their cultures. 

Since this time, the effort to revitalize Indigenous languages has increased. The Indigenous Language Act (2019) was created to protect and support the revitalization of Indigenous languages with legal assurance. Revitalization programs have been and continue to be introduced around Canada, and seek to educate many on Indigenous languages and reintroduce them to Indigenous youth. However, there is still a significant loss and endangerment of these languages in Canada. The number of Indigenous languages in Canada is estimated to be around 70, and there are 500 or fewer speakers for more than half of them. Algonquin languages make up the highest number of speakers, with over 175,000 people. 

Indigenous peoples of Canada have been continually denied the right to engage with their own cultures and languages. Many have lost the opportunity to learn about traditions, stories, and customs that are passed down orally. It is important that we, as treaty land inhabitants, acknowledge the struggles and oppression of Indigenous peoples so that everyone may speak their native language and embrace their culture without fear. 

Life's Scary

By: Alyssa Anghad 

It’s funny, as kids we couldn’t wait for the day we got to move out and take on the world; now as we enter high school that dream quickly fades into a fear. No one really knows how fast life goes by until you start high school and time is nothing more than a thing of the past. Many of us arrive in grade 9 not knowing what we want to do and leave the same way; having no clue on how to take on the world. Through this article I hope to provide you with a few life tips that may be helpful. 

1. Apply for a Credit Card When You Turn 18

If one chooses to take this advice they must assess themselves and ensure they are capable of owning a credit card. You must be responsible, have a steady source of income and be organized. Not only does having these traits make them more appealing for approval but it makes it easier to build your credit score. A credit score is a main factor in the decision making processes when applying for loans such as mortgages, car payments etc. The main reason  as to why it is a good idea to get one at an early age is so that you can work to slowly build your credit score by initially buying things in small value and quantities ensuring you have the skill and money to pay it off. By the time you are ready to buy a house or start car payments the credit score you were working to build will likely be good enough (as long as the payments are stayed on top of) that the bank will have no problem granting the loan. 

Important Note - Small purchases should initially be made on the credit card, do not go buying a 50 inch Tv or lamborghini the first day a credit card is granted!! 


2. Get a Job

This might seem obvious but getting a job should probably be someone's first priority besides school and family; because, this is likely self explanatory I will keep it short. When you get a job whether it’s your dream job or one that you will do for now you should take on both of them with the same mentality. Being loyal and committed to a company will bring you a long way, it may go unnoticed at first but will eventually be recognized somewhere. Not only will it allow you to gain more skills and  increase your references but it will also create a great image for you. Once you mistreat a company it is harder to leave the bad impression in the past and will likely affect future career opportunities. Take away message: put everything you have into the job you are currently doing. It will be recognized by someone and help get you where you want to be in the future.    

3. Be consistent

Like we see in exercise consistency is key, and a lot of failure stems from the lack of it. This is directed to your life as a whole rather than one aspect of it. Be consistent and the results will follow, it’s all about building those small habits and rituals in your everyday life that will help you prioritize and keep you focused on your goals. It enables your ability to focus on the task at hand while still having your end goal in mind. 


4. Spend Wisely


A very important tip to know is how to spend your money, if you make a dime you don’t spend a quarter. The rule is never spend more than you make, and when you do receive your paycheck take the time to take half or at least the majority of it and put it in a savings account. We can sometimes get caught up in the dollar signs and buy everything we want rather than what we need, resulting in bad debt sometimes. Whenever you spend money you are either creating good debt or bad debt. Good debt is basically assets, things that either increase in value and benefit you either financially or physically such as a house, car, laptop etc. Whereas bad debt is taking out credit or spending your money on something that isn’t beneficial this includes examples such as unnecessary expensive clothes, jewellery, shoes etc.     

5. Buy Don’t Rent 

As you get older and are looking to move out that is, if you don’t wanna be a 40 year old playing video games in your parents basement. It is always a good idea to buy a house rather than renting one, it may seem more sensible to rent because it is usually cheaper than your mortgage but it is actually less beneficial. When you own your own house it’s considered a good investment the money that you use to pay mortgage is going back into the house in a way. After living there for a few years and you want a change of scenery the value of the house will increase (depending on the market) but either way you can make a profit by selling it for more than what you bought it for. Whereas if you were paying rent that money is going into someone else’s pocket and you get nothing back. Another perk of owning a house is the ability to rent out a part of the house like the basement to collect extra money, it can be used to help pay the mortgage or just be another source of income.

Timeless Classics

By: Mahi Patel 

Classics. Celebrated pieces of literature that have been around for centuries and are still being read. And no, there isn’t just Shakespeare. Many other celebrated authors were way ahead of their time, with their ideas about society, the depth in personality of their characters, and the sheer grit they had to get their novels published. The novels below have all been around for over a century and are still being read and analyzed by some of the world’s greatest literary personalities and commoners alike.

One of literacy’s most celebrated books, Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen, is often regarded as the “original enemies to lovers”. The book takes place in late 1700’s, early 1800’s England and is centered around the Bennet family. It is told from the perspective of Elizabeth Bennet, the second oldest Bennet daughter. When Mr. Bingley, a single rich man, moves into Hertfordshire, everyone throws themselves at him hoping to be the one he marries. To everyone’s delightful surprise, he has also brought a friend, Mr. Darcy, who is even richer and more handsome than he. Pride and Prejudice is a feel-good book that highlights how prone humans are to change and is a fun classic to read if you are looking for something in the enemies to lovers trope. 

Another ageless classic is the book “Wuthering Heights” by Emily Bronte. It is also a romance novel published shortly after “Pride and Prejudice”. This novel explores love and how passion can be a force of destruction. Wuthering Heights is written with stunning language that leaves you in the novel, watching everything unravel in front of your own eyes. The book is narrated by Nelly Dean, a housekeeper, who is telling the story of the Earnshaws and Lintons to Mr. Lockwood. This book is regarded as a dark romance novel and is not for the faint of heart. While reading Wuthering Heights, one will feel all kinds of emotions; everything from happiness to sadness, to anger to disbelief. Wuthering Heights is a slightly longer read but is worth it in the long run. 

The book, “Little Women”, by Louisa May Alcott, is centered around four sisters who try and balance their relationships, passions, and everything in between. It is told from a third person narrative and follows the March sisters as they navigate through life in poverty with their father in the war. Little Women is also regarded as a semi-autobiography as the events in the book are loosely based off of the life of the author and her three sisters. This book has been adapted into movies countless times, with the most recent one being the 2019 movie of the same name.

Some other books that are ageless classics are George Orwell’s “1984”, Harper Lee’s “To Kill a Mockingbird”, “Dracula” by Bram Stoke, and “Treasure Island” by Robert Louis Stevenson. 

After hearing these summaries, maybe you will be inspired to read a classic novel. I encourage you to do so, for these books are where many of today’s most famous films and books draw inspiration from. The ladies who wrote the three books mentioned above were way ahead of their time with their ideas about feminism and society and needless to say, their books are worth reading as they will change your views on humanity and our society. 

Stand Taller, Be A Baller : The Importance of Extracurricular Activities

By: Hannah Waterfall | Edited By: Melody Schmidt

Extracurricular sports are a great way to stay active, have fun, and meet new people. Whether it’s a competitive team, or a recreational club, there is so much opportunity that comes with it. In Cambridge, there is a large variety of sports and activities people can participate in, including dance, tennis, hockey, soccer, gymnastics, volleyball and more! Sports both inside and outside of school are a great way to get involved in your community as well as keep your mental and physical health strong. 

Involving yourself in sports teaches you a large variety of skills including better time management, commitment, discipline, social skills, sportsmanship and communication. 

Participating in activities such as the ones listed will help you be able to balance your time wisely between sports, school and a social life, leaving you with skills that will be useful after high school as well. You learn how to better organize your priorities and make time for everything in your life that is important to you because you can grow to love so many different things. When participating in sports or other extracurricular activities, you become better at following instructions and a better overall behaviour and attitude in whatever you are doing. Whether you are contributing to a team sport or an individual sport, there are so many new people to meet and become friends with. When getting involved in your community, you accumulate a ton of great skills to make new friends, in the sport you are doing as well as anywhere else. When contributing to a group, you learn how to better yourself and your sportsmanship skills. It becomes easier or more natural to be a good loser, as well as a good winner. This skill is very important in school and will help you after graduation too. I believe that communication is one of the most important skills because it will always be used throughout your entire life. Getting involved helps you learn how to better communicate with others, in a positive way. This skill will help you during school in things such as group projects, and will also help you after high school during college, university or when you get a job.

Personally, I have been able to travel around Canada, The United States and to other countries such as Scotland and France due to extracurricular sports. Because of dance, I have seen so many places I thought I only would have wished to see, and you can do that too! Sports are also a great way to get volunteer hours! Helping out around at your activity benefits yourself and your character because you learn how to be a leader and help others, but it also helps the sports organization. During tough times like this, the more help places can get the better. There’s lots of different ways to help out, whether it’s coaching younger students or doing something else, such as cleaning. 

Check out for a list of just some of the sports Cambridge has to offer!

There are so many amazing sports and activities to try, so find what’s right for you!

St. Jacobs Farmers Market

By: Tracy Tran | Edited By: Cammie Duyzer

The St Jacobs Market District is one of the most popular destinations for community members to shop locally. The music, vendors and delicious foods give us the nostalgic and iconic feeling of a Saturday morning! The number of stories that have been created throughout the history of the market is incredible; it helps reveals the wonders of our local community. 

Originally known as the Stockyard Farmer’s Market, this neighbourhood market has served the community since 1952. The market was recalled to have about 20-30 vendors during this time, a tiny amount compared to what it is today. 

Fast-forward to 1987. The market upgraded to its present-day two-story building, with food vendors on the first floor and arts and crafts vendors on the second. Following this, The Peddlers Village renovation was completed in 1989 and houses even more vendors, growing the market’s popularity. In July 1991, the market’s title officially changed to its iconic name today: St Jacobs Farmers Market and Flea Market. Tragically, in 2013 the two-story building was destroyed in a fire, forcing many vendors to pause their sellings. However, the community help had managed to repair the building a few weeks after the incident.  In 2016, the market faced a second fire, creating mild damage to The Peddlers Village. Today, the market continues to grow with plans for a new brewery, coffee house, and restaurant in the summer of 2022. 

The St Jacobs Farmers Market has become a staple of the Waterloo region area. It represents the strength, resilience and hard work of our local farmers, artisans, and many more! 

Crime Shows to Watch

By: Morgan Walker | Edited By: Cammie Duyzer

Hey Panthers! If you're a fan of dark TV dramas, particularly crime-related, then this is the article for you! I made a list of thrilling shows and series that I highly recommend, especially if you like criminals or crime-solving duos. All of these shows are available on Netflix or Amazon Prime. Keep reading for some great crime TV shows!

#1: Animal Kingdom

Animal Kingdom is based around a 17-year-old boy who moves in with his estranged relatives, “the Cody’s,” after his mother dies. However, this family is made entirely of criminals! They steal, blackmail, have shootouts, and dabble in the drug industry. All with a generous amount of murder! This show is rated MA (watch with caution) and can be found on Amazon Prime. 

#2: Blindspot

As a fascinating mystery series, Blindspot is about a girl who is discovered by the FBI. Naked and trapped in a travel bag in New York City, they quickly free her and notice she has tattoos all over her body. These tattoos are actually clues to crimes that the FBI must solve. This show is rated TV-14 and all 5 seasons are available on Netflix.

#3: Murdoch Mysteries

Murdoch Mysteries is set in the 1800s, where Detective William Murdoch solves crimes. However, his methods were seen as rather odd at the time. Follow this compelling crime-solver as he reveals the truth in Toronto. You can find it on Netflix, rated TV-14. 

#4: Lucifer

Lucifer Morningstar-also known as the devil-is the protagonist of the show Lucifer. Cast out of heaven and claiming the title as Lord of Hell, Lucifer is frustrated with his life and moves to Los Angeles. After establishing a well-known nightclub called Lux, he finds himself investigating a crime with Detective Chole Decker with the help of his powers. This TV show is rated TV-14 and is available on Netflix. 

#5: Bones

Bones is about a Forensic anthropologist named Brennan-or “Bones”-who teams up with an FBI agent by the name of Seeley Booth to solve crimes. While Bones does the investigating, Dr. Brennan provides the scientific work by examining the bodies to discover how they died and lived. They work together numerous times, dealing with a variety of killers. This show is rated TV-14 and is available on Amazon Prime. 

I have personally watched 3 of the 5 shows listed, and they are all awesome! If you guys decide to watch, you won't regret your decision. While Bones, Lucifer and Blindspot have finished airing, Animal Kingdom and Murdoch Mysteries are still being made for your enjoyment! Thanks for reading Panthers!

The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People: Begin With the End in Mind

By: Ronak Patel | Edited By: Carter Hall

Working towards a goal is not very easy. It can be tedious and intimidating, as complications are likely to be imposed on every step of the journey. However, by keeping the end in mind even before you begin, you will provide yourself with a guide on how to tackle the hurdles even before they appear.

First and foremost, it’s important to remember that the beginning of a project dictates its success. In any practice, a plan instills a sense of direction and can create order from the overwhelming chaos we all feel at the beginning and middle of a project. With a plan or methodology, one can improve the ability to control his time and energy, and easily expand them to their maximum potential. Before you start any kind of project, remember that a defined and cohesive outline of a concept or idea directly correlates with the quality of the result. Beginning with the end in mind allows you to make apt decisions and is one more habit of a highly effective person.

Life is a journey, and that journey is a ladder. Creating a strong base, aiming it in the right direction, reinforcing each step, and extending it to the proper length is just as, if not more, important as climbing it and reaching the top. Beginning with the end in mind is imagination-based and depends on the principle that “all things are created twice.” 

We all know the second creation; the process of building the end result, however, the lesser realized first creation, is what is known as “the mental creation”. In essence, it is the layout of the second creation, similar to a prototype or blueprint. 

Just as good parents carefully raise their kids into quality adults, the ideas and concepts stored in blueprints, plans, and prototypes raise an idea into a quality creation. Once again, planning is key to a successful result; without a proper methodology and a planning stage, the project will probably not meet the expectations.

What do you want to do with your life? I know, I can see your eyes rolling from here, but take a minute to think. What were your initial dreams? Have you achieved them, have they changed? What are you doing now? 

Some people lack a sense of direction and do not get very far, despite working harder than ever. That clarity of vision is one of the most pivotal core values that is applicable and necessary in almost every situation. Take some time to develop this habit of providing a stable, secure, and reliable baseline for any kind of goal or project; it will foster the ability to empower yourself and achieve your aspirations efficiently.

As has been noted, every person wishing to become highly effective must adopt the habit of beginning with the end in mind; only then will dreams become a reachable reality. Each and every factor must be considered before a plan is executed; the risks, the rewards, the challenges, and the course of action. Otherwise, efficiency and success will remain out of reach. A highly effective person will always: 

begin with the end in mind.

Edition #3

Glenview Athletics

By: Jacinta Shrishankar and Tracy Tran| Edited By: Cammie Duyzer

Glenview Athletics

The athletes at Glenview have been patiently waiting for sports to come back, and this is the year! Throughout this week, we asked athletes to talk about their experience being on a Glenview team! Let’s meet some of our talented panthers!   


Cameron Reid is a Super 12 student who is a part of the Boy's Senior Volleyball Team. In the past, he has been on the volleyball team, basketball team and track team since grade 9. Unfortunately, Cameron was unable to play for the last two years due to the pandemic. Cameron has played sports his whole life, so he is very efficient in balancing his academic and athletic life. While on the team, Cameron's mental health has improved as well. He was able to focus more on his sport instead of his other problems. He also made many new friends and met a bunch of talented athletes. His current favourite highlight was when the coach announced him as the captain of the volleyball team. Cameron saw this as a sign that all of his hard work was paying off. 

Vincent Nguyen is a grade 11 student on the Senior Volleyball Team, beginning on the Junior Volleyball Team in grade 9. He has had no issues balancing his academic life with his athletics. Being on the volleyball team has allowed Vincent to meet new people while seeing all his old friends from grade 9. It is also a fun way to fill his free time and do something that he enjoys. Vincent is super excited for their first volleyball game next week and can’t wait to experience future highlights!


Thomas Lausten is a grade 11 student on the Cross Country Team. This is his first year joining an athletic team at Glenview! Despite his inexperience, he has found a nice balance between academics and being a cross-country star. While cross-country may take over his time typically spent on homework, he still manages to push through and be successful!  Being on the team has affected Thomas positively, as the members are very welcoming and accepting. It has improved his physical health as well. He is excited for the meets since it's his first time representing Glenview in a competition. One of his favourite highlights is running in his first continuous kilometre at a consistent pace. Thomas is delighted to be on the team, as everyone is at a different level and his coaches don't put extra pressure on them.  It's all about having fun! 


Liam Clyde is a grade 11 student who has played for the Lions and previously represented Glenview's hockey team. Being on the team has allowed him to improve his athletic skills and play football and hockey, while still having the energy to work out afterwards! One of his favourite moments has been winning second place in WCSSAA, and he is super excited to be playing in games this season! 

Mateo Afanih, grade 12, has played on Glenview's football team every year he could since grade 9. He loves being on the team and says that “Being on the football team is like having a huge family within the school”. Mateo is excited to win WCSSAA this year and find out when their first game will be! (Which is Friday, October 15 at Cameron Heights)


Jillian Fennema is a grade 9 student who plays on the Junior Girls' Basketball Team. With this being her first time on a high school sports team, she is new to having practices after school. Jillian is athletic and also plays volleyball for the Scorpions outside of school. Being a part of the team has given her the great opportunity of meeting new people and making new friends. She is excited to learn and improve her athletic skills as well as play in games! 


Kiya Tonner is a grade 12 IB student playing field hockey. She has been part of the team since her grade 9 year and has also played for the Junior Girls' Volleyball Team in grade 9. She can maintain a good balance of academics and athletics after learning strategies in her grade 9 year. Being a part of the field hockey team has allowed her to make new friends outside her IB class, which has the same students. Field hockey gives Kiya an outlet to de-stress and feel like a part of the school community. She is super excited about the different variety of sports Glenview offers. To quote Kiya herself, “When I was first at the school, I had never heard of field hockey before and wanted to try. And since the first practice, I had fallen in love with the sport”. She hopes that other students feel the same way she did when trying new sports. Some of her favourite memories have been the record-beating game she played in during grade 9 (5-0) and improving her skills in grade 10. This year, she loves seeing so many girls trying for the team.

Sports here at Glenview have been a great opportunity for many students. It offers a place to meet new people and try something new! All of our Glenview athletes love the teams and are incredibly excited to be playing this year. Kiya Tonner says it best: “I feel school sports are more than just an athletic team; you feel a part of the school community and feel a part of something so cool. I feel every student, no matter their skill level, should try out for a team and just see what will happen.” It’s great to see so many students excited about sports! Good luck and keep up the hard work, Panthers!

A special thank you to all the athletes and coaches who took the time to contribute to this article! (And for letting us interrupt your practices :)) 

Stay Cool in the Cold: Ways to Stay Busy in the Winter

By: Hannah Waterfall | Edited by: Melody Schmidt

Winter is just around the corner and there is so many fun things to do during the holiday season! Here are some ideas to have fun, stay active and enjoy your 2021 winter:

Have a hot chocolate bar

Marshmallows! Caramel! Whipped cream! Sprinkles! Get together with your friends and family and treat yourself with every hot chocolate topping you can think of; try and see who can make the fanciest, most extra tasty, hot cocoa. Then curl up with your warm drink and a blanket and watch a movie. Use this delicious hot chocolate recipe to help get your hot chocolate bar started!

Mix 2 tbsps of cocoa powder, 1-2 tbsps of white sugar and 2 tbsps of milk on medium-low heat in a small saucepan. When the cocoa and sugar has dissolved, raise the heat to medium and add in ¾ cups + 2 tbsps of milk. When it is hot, add in ¼ tsp of vanilla extract and serve.

Go ice skating

Whether it’s indoor or outdoor, skating is always a great thing to do in the winter to be active and have some fun! Currently, due to Covid, some indoor arenas such as the Cambridge Ice Centre are closed, but make sure to keep an eye out for updates! The Aud, in Kitchener, had adult and family skating started on October 18th, so that would be a great indoor skating location! Some great outdoor arenas in the area include Angewood Park, Domm Park, Lincoln Park, Lions Can-Amera Park and Victoria Park. 

Watch some holiday movies

One of my favorite holiday activities is to lay down, with some hot chocolate, some freshly baked cookies, fuzzy socks and a blanket to watch movies. Whether it’s a movie you’ve never seen or one you’ve watched a billion times, or you’re with family and friends or just on your own, it’s always nice to relax and just enjoy the movie. 

Go skiing/snowboarding/tubing

Chicopee Tube Park is always a popular day trip in my family during the winter time! It is a great Covid-safe activity to get outside and enjoy the cold weather. Maybe this winter is your time to get outside, be active and try something new such as skiing or snowboarding! Maybe this winter you can find your new favourite way you enjoy spending your free time. Currently, Chicopee’s lodge isn’t open due to Covid protocols, but as things lighten up, an indoor lodge and cafe is available for all visitors!

The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People: Put First Things First

By: Ronak Patel | Edited by: Faryal Ansari

You’ve heard this a lot throughout the years and it’s becoming a banal saying; organizational skills are the key to success. However, the repetitive usage does not make it any less true. The third habit, “Put First Things First,” encompasses one’s ability to prioritize and execute a task. One’s efficiency of executing a plan or an agenda is fostered by the first and second habit of being proactive and beginning with the end in mind.

Do any of you have a calendar or an agenda or even stick notes on a mirror to remind you of how your day will look like? This is a common example of putting first things first. By organizing your day, you are managing your time according to its value to you, its purposes, your priorities, and your roles. However, you must continue to improve these respective skills. First of all, begin any task with enthusiasm and proactiveness (habit one), then move on to the mental creation of something or the formation of a goal (habit two), and finally, organize, prioritize, and execute a plan to achieve whatever it is you are working towards (habit three).

The purpose of this crucial habit is to give you a guide on how to take control of your life and delve into the things that you find the most worth in, instead of constantly living under impositions and rigid agendas. Needless to say, it is up to you to find the things that you find the most important and put those first things first to achieve any aspiration as a highly effective person.

Fall Fun

By: Jacinta Shrishankar & Alyssa Anghad | Edited by: Ronak Patel

Hey Panthers! It’s finally fall and that means pumpkin spice, apple cider, autumn leaves, sweater weather and more are now in season! Here are some fun and safe ways to enjoy the crisp, chilly and colourful season. 

The fall weather can be cold at times and there's no better way to stay warm than by eating and drinking cozy fall treats and making use of autumn’s finest produce. Some fall themed desserts to bake are apple pie, pumpkin spice muffins and cinnamon buns, but, if you need to quench your thirst, try pumpkin spice lattes, apple cider and hot chocolate! If you want to improve your culinary skills, there’s no better way to spice things up than having a baking competition with friends and family.

Check out this website to find more fall baking inspiration and recipes: 

Some fall activities to try out with your friends and family are to go to pumpkin patches, corn mazes and fruit and vegetable picking gardens. There are many located in Waterloo Region such as Strom’s Farm & Bakery and Good Family Pumpkins, so go try them out at least once this year! At Stroms Farm and Bakery there is so much to do; from rope to corn and saw mazes with wagon rides, sand pits, pumpkin chunkin' slingshot activities in between, there are countless activities at farms to enjoy with friends and family. They also have tons of food to try such as mini donuts, tarts, cookies, corn and tons more along with various food trucks. Good Family Pumpkins is a garden where you can pick and buy different types of pumpkins and squashes. They also have a tiny market to purchase freshly baked goods such as donuts, muffins, scones and more! Their website includes some fall themed recipes such as pumpkin loaf and pumpkin whoopie pies. So, what’re you waiting for? The farms are open now, and they’re just anticipating your visit!

Another fun fall activity could be having a bonfire. This is a great way to stay warm, make some s’mores, sing campfire songs and scare others with your spooky stories. Speaking of  being scared, fall is a great time to watch scary movies! Some great ones include Halloween Kills, Hubie Halloween, Hush, Insidious, The Conjuring and more! 

Hope you have a fun fall with some of these activities Panthers!

Why To-Do Lists are Check-tacular!

By: Grace Van Wyngaarden | Edited by: Azlan McAuliffe

To-do lists are not just checkboxes with unfinished tasks written alongside them. In fact, they're probably more scientific than you think! To-do lists can reduce anxiety, help develop a plan for your time and give verification and satisfaction with each finished job! 

I’m sure many of us already use to-do lists for school assignments but if not, I would highly recommend it! They can reduce stress by putting your thoughts in one, organized place. By dropping your work-load in a checklist you also limit the possibility of forgetting a task since you don’t have to try to juggle all of them in your head. Just by creating a to-do list you’ll notice your worries scurry underneath you, as long as you stick to it!!


To-do lists help you make an easy-to-follow plan and create clear goals. They assist you with organizing your time to achieve all your tasks. In other words, the list is structured to help you manage your time! 

Furthermore, to-do lists give you verification of what you’ve done so that you don’t have to keep tabs on your completed tasks. This way, you don’t have to try to remember if you’ve finished them already. When you look back at your finalized list, you will also feel proud of yourself for how much effort you put into accomplishing your goals! 

Finally, by getting satisfaction over checking off your once unfinished job you can be encouraged to finish another task on your list. A mark of completion can make you push forward through a task just so you can cross it off, which is a simple, yet practical way to stay motivated. Although the mark is so straightforward, its satisfaction can really be the answer to how you complete your jobs!

To conclude, to-do lists can boost your confidence and can really help keep you on top of things. I hope you will begin using to-do lists for any need in the future! 

Travelling in Ontario

By: Mahi Patel

Since March of 2020, most people have missed out on travelling, a great way to take a break from the redundant normality of daily life and to learn about new cultures and places. With the Canada/U.S. border only having opened recently and domestic flights being very unpredictable, the vast majority of people have had to rely on travelling within Ontario , an experience that can be very rewarding if you know where to go. 

Only an hour from Cambridge, is the massive and well-known city of Toronto, which is home to Ripley’s Aquarium, the Rogers Centre, the C.N. Tower and much more. The C.N. Tower was once the tallest free-standing structure in the world, and is a beauty, being a significant figure in Toronto’s skyline. At the top of the C.N. Tower, if you look through the glass floor, you can see all of the little cars driving on the highways below. Moreover, almost all of Toronto can be seen through the tower. Another famous attraction at the C.N. Tower is the Edgewalk which is where people are harnessed to the tower and allowed to hang over the tower and walk its edge, hence the name Edgewalk. 

Another attraction which is in Toronto and very close to the C.N. Tower is Ripley’s Aquarium, which is located at the base of the C.N. Tower. This aquarium is one of 3 aquariums owned by Ripley’s Aquariums and is a hit attraction, with people coming from all over the world to view its fish and exhibits. Dangerous Lagoon is a tunnel inside the aquarium which gives people the opportunity to hop onto moving sidewalks and go through a tunnel surrounded by sharks, turtles, fish, and invertebrates. The aquarium also has an exhibit where you can touch crabs, stingrays and other fairly harmless fish. If you are looking for a close place to visit in Ontario, Ripley’s Aquarium is a great place to go!

In Vaughn, also only about an hour from Cambridge, is Canada’s Wonderland, a fantastic amusement park that is home to some of the best roller coaster rides. The Yukon Striker, Wonderland’s newest roller coaster, is the world’s fastest, tallest, and longest dive coaster, with the first drop being at a height of 75 meters. Yukon Striker is guaranteed to provide you with the thrill of a lifetime along with the Leviathan and the Behemoth, two older rollercoasters which are not for the faint of heart. Besides roller coasters, Canada’s Wonderland also has a waterpark, which includes thrilling rides like the Muskoka Plunge, Black Hole, and Barracuda Blaster. If you are looking to cool off in the water, the park also has a “bay”, which is a wave pool and a “lazy river”, where you can just relax in a tube and let the river take you on a calm ride through the water park. 

So, if you are ever looking for something new to see or want to experience something new, check out these places that are very close to Cambridge and have a lot to offer!

Fall is Here

By: Adam Renco | Edited By: Carter Hall

It is finally that time of year again. Fall is approaching and with that, the weather is getting cooler and the leaves are changing colours. For some, this can be their favorite season however, for others, not so much. Whether fall is your favorite or least favorite of the seasons, there are a lot of things you can do to embrace the nostalgia of this time of year. 

Yes, yes I know, chores are no fun. But, when it comes to raking leaves, it doesn’t feel very “chore-like”. There is something about gathering huge piles of colourful leaves that's extremely fulfilling (of course the fulfillment mostly comes from jumping in the pile afterwards). You can choose to do this on your own or, if you’d like to make an event out of it, get the whole family to pitch in and help. You can even grab an outdoor speaker and play some music to listen to. This is a great way to spend some time outdoors and maybe enjoy some time with your family!

Walking in the fall is pretty special. Even though you can walk the exact same route in the other three seasons, fall time changes the entire scenery of the outdoors. The beautiful colours and the falling leaves create an entirely new atmosphere to go out and explore. Whether you walk through a residential street or decide to take a hike through the woods, the pleasing landscape will help you clear your mind and relax. 

Fall brings some delicious food items back into season. Foods such as pumpkins and apples are local and readily available. So many fall themed recipes are out there waiting to be tried. Even if you are not an experienced baker, a lot of the fall recipes are simple and easy to make. If you are looking for something to do and want to embrace the season, look up some of the most popular fall sweets and get to it! 

One of the most prominent things that is marked with the return of fall are sports. Hockey, basketball and football are back for a new season. Whether you are a new fan ready for a clean slate, or a returning fan looking to pick up where you left off, the time is now. Maybe you’ll even be inspired to gather some of your friends and play your favorite sport yourself. 

There are so many other fall related activities to participate in. In general, fall is a great time of year to try new things, relax your mind and enjoy the moment. The season is very quick but it can grab ahold of you and leave you wanting more.

Justice for Halyna Hutchins

By: Morgan Walker| Edited By: Cammie Duyzer

Hey Glenview so by now you must have heard about the shooting that recently happened on the movie set that involved Alec Baldwin,now even though you have heard about this incident on tiktok or on any other social media we are going to give you all more information on this unfortunate incident.

Alec Baldwin was handed a gun used for his most recent movie he is shooting called “Rust.” He was handed this gun by an assistant director. This gun was only supposed to be a prop gun but instead this gun was loaded with rounds and it was a real gun. Alec Baldwin pulled the trigger unaware that this gun was loaded and accidently killed a young cinematographer by the name of Halyna Hutchins there was also one other injured in this incident,the directorJoel Souza. Legal action was taken due to this incident as the gun and Alec Baldwin's clothing was taken into evidence. This gun had 5 rounds but it was unclear at the time just how many were fired. So far there have been charges laid against Alec Baldwin but not much has been released about who put the bullets in the gun but that is still being investigated. Halyna deserves justice as this was a horrible incident,this young woman was brand new to the job,this was a very unfortunate incident and she deserves the police figuring out what happened and who did it. This also shows that Alec Baldwin did technically pull the trigger on this gun but did not get charged. This is kinda a perfect example of how the rich always seem to get away with things,now we know it was not his fault and all but he just pulled the trigger and shot a young woman with a family,I think we all can agree that halyna deserves some justice over what has happened and we should really be trying to prevent something like this from happening in the future. Thank you panthers for reading about this and learning about this incident because this young girl deserves so much and so much Justice. 

Justice for Halyna Hutchins

By: Morgan Walker| Edited By: Cammie Duyzer

Hey Glenview so by now you must have heard about the shooting that recently happened on the movie set that involved Alec Baldwin,now even though you have heard about this incident on tiktok or on any other social media we are going to give you all more information on this unfortunate incident.

Alec Baldwin was handed a gun used for his most recent movie he is shooting called “Rust.” He was handed this gun by an assistant director. This gun was only supposed to be a prop gun but instead this gun was loaded with rounds and it was a real gun. Alec Baldwin pulled the trigger unaware that this gun was loaded and accidently killed a young cinematographer by the name of Halyna Hutchins there was also one other injured in this incident,the directorJoel Souza. Legal action was taken due to this incident as the gun and Alec Baldwin's clothing was taken into evidence. This gun had 5 rounds but it was unclear at the time just how many were fired. So far there have been charges laid against Alec Baldwin but not much has been released about who put the bullets in the gun but that is still being investigated. Halyna deserves justice as this was a horrible incident,this young woman was brand new to the job,this was a very unfortunate incident and she deserves the police figuring out what happened and who did it. This also shows that Alec Baldwin did technically pull the trigger on this gun but did not get charged. This is kinda a perfect example of how the rich always seem to get away with things,now we know it was not his fault and all but he just pulled the trigger and shot a young woman with a family,I think we all can agree that halyna deserves some justice over what has happened and we should really be trying to prevent something like this from happening in the future. Thank you panthers for reading about this and learning about this incident because this young girl deserves so much and so much Justice. 

Edition #4

Why Panthers Make the Best Mascots

By: Grace Van Wyngaarden| Edited By: Azlan McAuliffe

What has pointy ears?  A small face? Fierce teeth? Huge eyes? Black fur? And is the fifth largest species of cats? Us! Well, not completely us, but Glen does! Our school is lucky to have such a great mascot. Below you will find the reasons for what makes the panther so special!

First of all, the rare panther is known as the “Ghost of the Jungle.” This is due to it’s stealth; the panther is very calm and quiet when hunting. As soon as the prey sees the panther, it’s already dug it’s grave. The panther's dark colour helps it hide until it needs to pounce. Also, unlike most felines, the panther can ROAR. Not growl like other animals, but ROAR, which completely adds to its fearsome reputation.

Next, panthers are extremely fast, strong and agile. They have the ability to run 58 km/h and jump up to 20 ft. These features contribute to their amazing climbing abilities, which they use to clamber up trees. Also, panthers are able to aggressively pull their prey up the trees with them, proving their powerful strength.

A surprising fact about the panther is that they enjoy water and are excellent swimmers, unlike most cats! They use this to their advantage when catching their prey, though panthers also like  to swim recreationally. It’s a great way for them to cool off, play, and/or relax in the water. These abilities represent the uniqueness and skills of the panther. 

Panthers are very intelligent, capable, fearless and forceful animals, making them the perfect mascot for our school. These majestic cats remind us to be sharp, courageous and to take risks. Glenview Park’s mascot, Glen the panther, really is the best!


Travel The World With Holidays

By: Hannah Waterfall | Edited By: Jacinta Shrishankar

Winter is an exciting time for many, as the temperature is getting colder, and holidays start being celebrated. There is such an amazing variety of celebrations around the world, so take a minute, and learn about some holidays your friends and fellow panthers may be celebrating this winter season!


Hanukkah is celebrated by Jewish people all around the world for eight days in November or December. During this time, a candle holder, called a menorah, is lit to remember an ancient miracle, where one day’s worth of oil burned for eight days in the temple. Throughout these eight days, many people eat latkes (a special potato pancake type food), sing songs and spin dreidels to win chocolate coins, nuts or raisins.

Three Kings Day

At the end of the twelve days of Christmas, Three Kings Day, or the Epiphany, is celebrated by people mostly in Europe, Spain and Latin America. Three Kings Day is celebrated as the day that baby Jesus was seen and was given gifts but the three wise men. In Spain, children receive their presents, In Puerto Rico, children leave a box of hay under their beds in hopes for good gifts, and in France, cakes are baked with hidden coins, jewels or toys.

Winter Solstice

Winter Solstice is celebrated as the shortest day of the year, around December 21. It is celebrated with festivals, celebrations, bonfires, and candles to coax back the sun all around the world.

St Lucia Day

Celebrated in Sweden, St Lucia Day is to honour the third-century saint. This is done with many girls dressing up as “Lucia brides”, wearing long white dresses, red sashes and a wreath of burning candles on their heads. On December 13, these girls wake up their families by singing songs, and bringing them coffee and “Lucia cats”, which are twisted saffron buns.

St Nicholas Day

St Nicholas, the man who inspired current day tradition Santa Claus and Father Christmas, is celebrated on December 6, all over Europe. It is celebrated with parades, gift giving, feasts and festivals for him being known for his compassion for children and all those in need, and giving money to the needy. 


This Christain-based holiday is celebrated by many, all over the world. It is celebrated by going to church, giving gifts and spending time with family. There are many different traditions around the world, such as caroling in Europe, asking for money for the “starving wrens” in Ireland and the “holy supper” in Ukraine. 


Kwanzaa is based on an ancient African harvest festival that celebrates family and unity. During the time throughout December 26 to January 1, many African Americans wear special clothes, decorate their homes with fruits and vegetables, and light a kinara (a candle holder).


The Festival of Lights (Diwali) is a celebration that happens late October, early November and is celebrated by people of Hinduism, Sikhism, Newar Buddhism and Jainism religions. This year, the five days of Diwali began on November 4. During this time, Diwali is celebrated with special clothes, home decoration, shopping, fireworks, shopping, gifts, feasts and sweets.

There are many more holidays and celebrations that happen throughout many, many different cultures and religions! Happy Holidays Panthers!

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Who did it?: Murder Mystery Novels to read

By: Mahi Patel | Edited By: Jacinta Shrishankar

The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People: Think Win-Win

By: Ronak Patel | Edited By: Faryal Ansari

As we move on to the next habit, we are beginning to see interdependent skills that allow one to benefit from something alongside another stakeholder. This does not mean that the person is nice per se, but rather, that person is mature and smart enough to understand the need to achieve optimal results for themself and other stakeholders.

It is human nature to think that the results of a competition have to be polar opposites between stakeholders, which instills an ideology that success is black for one person and white for another within competitive mindsets. However, this further promotes a mentality that one side must lose for another to win, which is usually not the case. As long as both sides achieve their goals, it can be considered a win-win scenario; this is something all collaborative or competition-based activities should conclude with.

Thinking win-win means seeing life through a lens of cooperation and an opportunity to grow instead of through a lens of unhealthy competition. It’s a foundation from where mutual benefit and satisfaction can sprout and grow. To begin thinking win-win, one must possess these three vital traits:

Thinking win-win is a habit that allows one to benefit continually from other stakeholders. Often, competition-based mentalities can be counter-intuitive and discourage their hosts from growing if their adversaries “take their success” away from them. Instead, reach an agreement with your competitors; who knows, you might reach even further than you hoped.