The Panther Post


Welcome to Glenview Park Secondary School's official newspaper; The Panther Post! Here we will features articles written by students that will cover a wide range of topics such as Glenview events, global events/issues, jokes and more. 

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Live calender that is constantly being updated!

Panther Spotlight

A Class Of 2024 Spotlight

By: Morgan Walker

Edited by: Srinija Garimella

We asked the graduating members of the Panther Post team some questions about their future!

What is your name? (First, Last)

Ravneet Sandhu

What are your plans for next year? 

Engineering at McMaster University

What is a future goal you have? (This could be a future job, a trip you'd like to take, etc.....)

Be rich. Duh!

What is a favorite memory from being in the Panther Post? 

Writing about staff vs student dodgeball!

What is your name? (First, Last)

Hania Fawad

What are your plans for next year? 

McMaster University for Social Sciences

What is a future goal you have? (This could be a future job, a trip you'd like to take, etc.....)

Children’s mental health therapist

What is a favorite memory from being in the panther post? 

Leading it with such an amazing team of determined and focused people!

What is your name? (First, Last)

Raiena Haque

What are your plans for next year? 

Psychology at McMaster University!

What is a future goal you have? (This could be a future job, a trip you'd like to take, etc.....)

I want to be able to travel more!

What is a favorite memory from being in the panther post? 

Making comic strips and writing articles here and there!

What is your name? (First, Last)

Morgan Walker

What are your plans for next year? 

University Of Windsor to complete a BFA in Film Production

What is a future goal you have? (This could be a future job, a trip you'd like to take, etc.....)

I really want to become an Editor in the film industry. 

What is a favorite memory from being in the Panther Post? 

I think the friendships and openness and the love everyone has for each other!

What is your name? (First, Last)

Karman Sandhu

What are your plans for next year? 

McMaster University

What is a future goal you have? (This could be a future job, a trip you'd like to take, etc.....)

I want to work in the medical profession! I’m not sure where exactly I’ll end up, or what job I’ll have, but I hope that it’s in medicine. Also, I’d love to go on a Europe tour someday!

What is a favorite memory from being in the Panther Post? 

My favourite memory from being in the panther post is the brainstorming sessions we had before starting each new edition! They often resulted in us talking about shared interests, and it was always a nice way for the team to bond.

What is your name? (First, Last)

Faryal Ansari

What are your plans for next year? 

I'll be attending McMaster University for Integrated Biomedical Engineering and Health Sciences :)

What is a future goal you have? (This could be a future job, a trip you'd like to take, etc.....)

I would like to hopefully help make healthcare technologies like surgical machines, artificial tissues, prosthetics, etc. in my career. I also want to visit Prague eventually in my life, because that's where one of my favourite books is set!

What is a favorite memory from being in the Panther Post? 

Just being in the meetings and Rav (and everybody else) cracking jokes while we're planning. I will definitely miss those moments!

Photos of our graduating team members!

Photos of our graduating members!

Hania Fawad

Raiena Haque

Faryal Ansari

Morgan Walker

Our Panther Post 2023-2024 team! Thank you for such a great year, Panthers!

Important Announcements:

Follow us on Instagram, @pantherpostgpss

Stay tuned to our social media for reminders to check out our monthly issues, answers to puzzles, and exclusive information!

Meet the Team behind the Panther Post

Ravneet Sandhu, Editor-in-Chief,  Website Manager

Hania Fawad, Editor-in-Chief,  Journalist

Veronika Westgarth, Journalist, Editor

Raeyaan Khan, Journalist

Kashvi Bajwa, Journalist 

Emily Hollett, Journalist

Raiena Haque, Journalist, Cartoonist

Morgan Walker, Journalist, Editor

Keezia Adeel, Journalist, Editor

Declan Bithell, Journalist, Editor

Srinija Garimella, Journalist, Editor

Skylar Skinner, Journalist, Editor

Mahi Patel, Journalist, Editor

Morgan Walker, Journalist, Editor

Lukas Ellison, Editor

Faryal Ansari, Editor

Joy Garcia, Editor

James Rentry, Editor 

Ridhii Rajani, Editor

Zoe Hamud, Editor

Harneet Khangura, Editor

Karman Sandhu, Social Media Manager

Madeline Schmidt, Advertisers 

Ridhii Rajani, Advertisers

Snehal Jain, Photographer 

Emma Beraro, Photographer 

Sahil Shaikh, Photographer 

Anika Sharma, Photographer

Tia Figueiredo, Website Manager 

Grace Judson, Website Manager