PMA Chapters
Chapters are composed of faculty advisors and students seeking mentorship and support towards a degree/career in mathematics/mathematical sciences.
There are two types of chapters:
Local chapters: involving a single institution.
Regional chapters: involving more than one institution (CC/JC, 4-year colleges and universities, PhD granting universities).
PMA chapters support the PMA's mission by working with students and faculty and in recruiting/outreach.
Chapter Organization
Chapters are mostly student organizations but chapters should have a faculty advisor/sponsor who is a PMA member.
Ideally chapters should incorporate local institutions at all levels: CC/JC, CSU/4-year, PhD. Connections with community colleges are especially encouraged in the formation of chapters.
Chapters are encouraged to organize activities including research talks, recruitment activities, informative talks on academic careers in mathematics, and other social and academic events.
Start a Chapter
Why starting a student chapter?
Have access to mentoring and networking opportunities.
Create a community of students that support each other and advocate for the community of underrepresented minorities in your institution.
Discover opportunities to do research, participate in internships, attend conferences,...
Learn about career paths that fit your interests and abilities.
How to start a PMA student chapter?
Find a faculty advisor/sponsor who is a PMA member. If none of your faculty is a PMA member, invite them to register.
Have two or three students willing to serve as officers.
Request the creation of a PMA chapter by completing this form: PMA Chapter Registration. This request can come from either the faculty advisor or the officers.
Active PMA Student Chapters
UCSB PMA student chapter (University of California Santa Barbara).
UCR PMA student chapter (University of California, Riverside).
Cal Poly PMA student chapter.
For questions, please contact PMA Executive Board