The Marlowe Singers

Choir update. 

This term we will be rehearsing for our Come and Sing event on 12th April and our summer concert on 5th July. We will also be planning more fundraising events. See events page for more information.  If you know any organisations that might like us to come and perform for them please let us know. 

At the end of the summer term we sadly lost our accompanist Jo, but have been delighted to welcome Anita. 

We are always looking for people to join us.  We are a friendly bunch and would love to meet you. We sing a wide variety of music from classical, to contemporary, songs from the shows, madrigals, religious works, and many other genres. 

 Take a look at our concert videos on our YouTube channel on the Listen and Watch page to hear what you could be part of. 

Our rehearsal venue is currently St Aidan's church Hall in Gravesend. We rehearse from 7.30 to 9.30pm on Thursday evenings in term time.  If you enjoy singing, please come along. New members can have a free months trial to see if you would like to join us. We do not audition new members, but permanent membership will be at the discretion of the Musical Director with advice from the Voice Rep for that section of the choir. We would love to welcome you, please come and try us. There is also the option of joining us after rehearsal at the local pub! 

To enquire about joining, please email our secretary Catherine on  or message us via our Facebook page. Find us on twitter/X  @marlowesingers.

Come and give it a try, all abilities welcome!