World Notes

Coin amounts


Most trade is done through barter and the exchange of resources. however, in city's the use of copper, silver, gold, and electrum are valid currency. Electrum being coveted as a magic-imbued metal used in the creation of sky and aqua weapons.

 Most towns and villages deal in copper while trade towns and can trade in silver and gold. only city's trade in electrum.

Platinum is a very rare metal and is also referred to as god metal. It is used in the creation of legendary items. 


Travel is done through sailing vessels similar to the Greek trireme or the Phoenician sailing ship. Travel usually takes days to weeks to get from one place to another, however, the seas around Marisora are dangerous, and getting pushed off course is common. Most travel is done in small fleets of trade or military ships. While single vessels are most commonly exploration or pirate vessels. most ships have an average speed of speed of 4 knots while others can get up to 6. war ships using rowers can get up to 10 knots or more.

1 Knot(speed) = 1.15 mile

1 League(distance) = 3 miles

1 Fathom(depth) = 6 feet


Most of the worlds technology is a mix of iron, bronze, and renaissance age. Most contraries use sword and bow, however, a few have technology related to the late Venice renaissance age. This includes muskets, flint lock pistols, and other black powder weapons. Other nations may also use clockwork weapons that utilize springs.


Trapping while traveling is a great way for adventures to earn rewards and money needed to keep traveling. As this is a survival campaign and will have elements of needing to eat, sleep, and gather/hunt


Trading with towns, villages, and traveling merchants can bring unexpected rewards. making connections with them is a great to get more rewards down the road.