The Gods


Goddess of the Sea, Storms, and Lost Sailors 

Ritual: Mariners and fishermen throw a handful of salt over their left shoulder into the sea before setting sail to appease Calypso and seek her protection on their journey. 


Goddess of the Earth, Nature, and Fertility 

Ritual: Gardeners and farmers bury small biodegradable tokens of gratitude (like fruit peels or a portion of their harvest) in the earth, thanking Mariso for her bounty and seeking continued fertility and health of the land. 


God of the Winds, Skies, and Birds 

Ritual: Aviators and those working in high places release feathers or blow bubbles into the air, symbolically sending messages or prayers to Ventor to earn favor and gentle winds. 


God of Fire, battle, and Passion 

Ritual: Warriors light small fires or candles at a shrine dedicated to Pyron before battle, asking for his ferocity and protection; they extinguish the flame upon their safe return as a sign of gratitude. 


Goddess of Wisdom, Strategy, and Crafts 

Ritual: Craftsmen dedicate the first and last moments of their workday to Aethra, marking tools with her emblem and reciting a brief invocation for skill and insight. 


Goddess of Magic, Mysteries, and the Night 

Ritual: Magicians and scholars light incense and read passages from sacred texts by candlelight at midnight, seeking Mystis's guidance in unraveling arcane secrets and enhancing their magical abilities. 


Goddess of the Moon, Dreams, and Prophecies 

Ritual: Before sleep, devotees place a bowl of water under the moonlight to catch its essence, drinking it the next morning to receive prophetic dreams or clarity. 


Goddess of the Sun, Harvest, and Vitality 

Ritual: Every morning, farmers and workers face the rising sun and offer a simple, silent prayer accompanied by the spreading of seeds in a small circle, symbolizing continued growth and vitality. 


God of Travel, Merchants, and Navigation 

Ritual: Travelers and merchants carry small coins engraved with Voxis's symbol, which they toss at crossroads or into rivers for safe and prosperous journeys. 


God of Shadows, Secrets, and Silence 

Ritual: Followers whisper their secrets into darkened wells or crevices at dusk, offering these hidden truths to Erebus to safeguard or absolve. 


God of Death, Transition, and Peace 

Ritual: Followers of Thaneris hold a "silent supper" once a year, setting an extra place at their tables during the last meal of the day. This meal is conducted in complete silence to honor the departed and invite Thaneris to guide them peacefully. The food left at the extra setting is later buried or left in a secluded spot as an offering to Thaneris.