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Douglas Petrovich's book The World's Oldest Alphabet as seen in the Patterns of Evidence documentaries, makes the claim that Hebrew was the first alphabet in human history, as a proto-consonantal version of Eqyptian Hieroglyphics. Perhaps the most astonishing revelation of this theory is that the Biblical character of Joseph may have been the creator of the Hebrew alphabet!

Joel Hoffman's book In the Beginning, makes a similar and strong case for Hebrew being the first fully phonetic language in the history of the world. By this he means an alphabet that has both consonants & vowel sounds. The first alphabetic vowel sounds in recorded history are in fact, the letters that make up the Tetragrammaton, Yahweh, the name of the LORD.  Alphabetic languages are the essential ingredient in the advancement of the technology of the written word as it makes reading available to the masses and not just the highly trained scribe of the multitude of hieroglyphics. 

The sum of the original Hebrew alphabet and its historical values (gematria) connects perfectly with the Star Numbers, which are composed of opposing nonagonal triangles. The graphic displays how 'mirror-opposition' corresponds to the first ten star numbers, culiminating in the star of Israel (541, the 100th prime number). 

1495 = 373rd Triprime

Two other ways in which the Hebrew alphabet connect to principle patterns found in the text, are the sum of its prime factors (discovered by Leo Tavares) and the divisor sum of those same 22 alphanumeric characters.

We can continue Dr. Bluer's famous triangle to a stunning conclusion employing this same imprint of 22 characters: 

2701 + 3627 = T(112)

112 | 211

Lord God | The Word

T(112) + 22 x (3^6) = T(211)

If we bring all these features together under the auspices of the S/O theorem we find a magnificent construction based on the 115th prime number which also so happens to be a centered hexagonal number (not coincidentally).

The question has always been, is there something special about the Hebrew language, being that it was the language in which God first revealed himself? 

One way to answer this question is to see if the characters display highly improbable programming or impossible knowledge of fundamental mathematical tables. 

As you  can see Hebrew does both.


By summing the characters of only two numerations found in the text of the Bible (the S/O theorem) and referencing them against the table of all prime numbers; we would expect to find nothing meaningful. 

What we do find, however, is a number evenly divisible by those same 22 characters of the original Hebrew alphabet. 

What's more, this is the precise count of the figurative frame of 20-sided platonic solid icosahedron whose side-length is 22.   

Icosahedrons have 12 vertices and 30 edges, to calculate the side-length use the formula 30n - 18. ( 30*22 - 18 = 642)

By employing Euler's Totient Function on the dual standard/ordinal alphabetic sums of the Hebrew alphabet, we find a perfect totative average for each of the 22 letters. This average is the sum of the Hebrew ordinal for Jesus and the squares of the two principle components of the Three-Seven Code.

If we deploy the pattern of the prime factors to the letters of the protoverse (Genesis 1:1) we find the auspicious sum of the fifth power of three (243). This is also the sum of the Hebrew Abra'am, the given name of the 'Father of the Faith' prior to its divine alteration into Abraham.

This pattern not only reflects the protoverse triangle T(73) but is a classic fractal known as a Sierpinksi triangle. These triangular formations based off of the powers of three, will always be triangles with an index number of a power of two: T(2), T(4), T(8), T(16) and T(32) which is the triangle seen in the image. 

T(32) = 528

6 x 528 = 3168 = Lord Jesus Christ

The template or 'key' to biblical mathematics, can be found in the patterns of Genesis 1:1 (the Protoverse) which after two decades of intensive analysis have produced thousands of interrelated features and researchers are still discovering more and more at a regular pace. 

Many of these patterns reflect an omniscient foreknowledge of scientific number series basic to modern mathematics and number theory, such as the pattern of all prime numbers—the Euclidean Imperative—known as the Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic. 

A new type of Star Math can be found in the coupling of the hexagram and the hexagon, see Star Math(s). These are in fact a new family of Star Math(s) the limits of which are yet unknown. The arithmetic should be very familiar to anyone familiar with Biblical Mathematics, as it is a star-of-stars bonded by interlocking hexagons.


However, creating new patterns with hexagrams and hexagons, cannot be done willy-nilly. It must prove itself, in both its connections to known and well-established Biblical identities (i.e. names of God, important titles and specific verses) and it must have a formula that connects to well-established mathematical entities.


Bonded Stars do both.


Bonded Constellations Numbers are based on (strangely enough) centered heptagonal numbers minus one times six. WEIRD!


Every Bonded Star will always be a multiple of 10 and a multiple of an odd square. This is the magic math of star numbers, whereby throwing together a bunch of stars and hexes and suddenly strange new patterns emerge.


If we fill in the Bonded Stars, they simply revert back to a star shape but a very, special star shape, one that is defined by the number 37, the third star number, and in a word (or number) the very basis of all Biblical Mathematics.


The formula for 37-Class Star is based on an observation by the great genius of mathematics, the eminent Leonard Euler, who discovered several classes of triangles that would always formulate new triangles. All star numbers are based off of a repetition of triangles (12 times a triangular number plus 1), and 37-Class Stars are based on only those triangles that fit the formula 25m+3 equals a triangular number.


The most interesting of these Bonded Stars is the 11th iteration made up of Star 661's and hexagon 331's. Since the formula for all such bonded stars of any magnitude is always the frame of the even hexagram times an odd square, this one is a perfect example of the Three-Seven Code at work. In this instance it is 441 the 21st square being multiplied (the coefficient), and 21 being the product of 3 and 7 means that this star is also a star made of stars of 3 & 7.


30 x (21 x 21) = 13,230


The above configuration is a grand puzzle, one that I have yet to totally solve. The key to the puzzle is the spoken portion of the text, referring to the Tree of Life, which in Hebrew comes to 3993, an auspicious number indeed, since it reminds one of the factors of John 1:1, 39 x 93. It is in of itself a Trinitarian Puzzle as well, being 3 in 1, or 1 in 3, i.e. (11 x 11 x 11) x 3 = 3993; besides being three perfect cubes it is also a menagerie of geometries based on stars and hexagons (Star 121 for example, 11 x 11).



This number 13,230 is a repetition of the most famous reciprocal sum in biblical mathematics, the reciprocal of 3773, only now it is repeated 10 times (3+7).



1/3773 = (3x7x7x3) + (3x7x7x3) + (3x7x7x3)


294 repeating digits

(294 = Lord Jesus Christ, Greek ordinal)






