Spring 2023 Event Archive

Women in STEM Panel Recap

Abby Davidson, Cassidy Dobson, Zo Rusch, Ashley Minnich, Ashley Trujillo & Shelby Bitz
Abby Davidson, Cassidy Dobson, Zo Rusch, Ashley Minnich, Ashley Trujillo & Shelby Bitz
Picture of the audience in at the Women in STEM Panel.
Picture of the audience in at the Women in STEM Panel.

The MAPS Center for STEM Support hosted the 6th Annual Women in STEM Panel on 3/29/23 in the Occhiato Student Center. 

Four incredible professionals joined faculty, students, and staff for a moderated discussion about the triumphs and challenges they have experienced during their careers. The CSS would like to extended a special thank you to all of our panelists for their time and Abby Davidson for moderating.

Please take some time to read about each panelist below and we look forward to seeing everyone next year!

Cassidy Dobson, Ph.D | Associate Professor of Chemistry, CSU Pueblo

Ashley Minnich | Educational Technologist, CSU Pueblo

Zo Rusch | Process Engineer, EVRAZ

Ashley Trujillo | Program Manager, Nunn Construction

De-stress with the Center for STEM Support

Event schedule for Brain Breaks events. Monday May first, Therapy Dogs from 12PM to 1:30PM at the War Memorial near the OSC. Tuesday May 2nd Mini Terrariums from 12PM to 3PM in the Science Learning Center. Wednesday May 3rd Go Green Day, wear green to support Mental Health Awareness Month. Thursday May 4th, Outdoor Yoga at 10:30AM at the lawn by the CSUP Sign behind the LARC.
Flyer for Science Learning Center Cinco de Mayo potluck on Friday May fifth