
The KPP, KPI, all artwork on associated pages, the Flaming Harlequin logo, all items, all psychometrics, analyses, and statistics are copyright Include LLC. All rights are reserved. No work from this website or any other website may be copied, presented, or sold in any manner without the express written consent of the author or a representative of Include LLC.

This site is not intended for minors or those under the legal age of adulthood in their jurisdiction, or those unable to distinguish fantasy from reality or who may be adversely affected by the content on this website or any other associated websites. If you are a minor, are uncomfortable viewing adult content, are uncomfortable with subjects dealing with sex and sexuality, or uncomfortable with kink lifestyles and alternative sexualities, please exit the website immediately.

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If you have permission to use the KPI in your publications, please cite as follows.

Include, K. (2022). The Kink Perspectives Project. Accessed: [Website] on [Date].