Field Work Experience

KPP Concert Promotions

Concert Promotions Assistant

While working at KPP Concerts, I posted updates to Facebook, advertised concerts, entered names into a mailing system, made concert posters, and worked at the doors for most of the concerts. This job was great because I got to use my skills in graphic design and marketing and got to tlak to many different types of poeple coming to see an artist. It was an interesting to see how strangers became connected like a community.

Queen's University - Physical Plant Services

Media, Communications, and Photography Specialist

Promotional Poster

This is a poster I created that shone a positive light on Physical Plant Services. I created the branding idea to add the heart, with Queen's colours, to celebrate the love that people have for PPS and the campus. The images in the poster provide an overview of the services they offer and the types of people that work in the office. ie, culturally diverse, buildings, maitnenance, grounds, interns, etc.

Construction Feature Photograph

Construction is a large part of what the responsibilities of PPS are. I took this photo as workers were installing windows in the multi million dollar renovated building. I like this picture because it shows how hard working the crew was that worked on the building.

Check out my PPS photos here!


This was the first time PPS had a booth at the Queen's University Summer Orientation to Academics and Resources fair for incoming students and their families. I organized this booth because I thought it was important that students and their guardians know who makes their new campus so beautiful. We also had information about parking, residences, buildings, and sustainability. One of the most exciting events I did at the fair was give away merchandise that I designed all with the same theme.

Queen's University - CFRC

Producer, Host, News Reporter

Production Training

Being a producer required me to produce more than 5 ads or PSA's per week while training volunteers how produce their weekly radio shows.

Here is the link to one of my favourite ads that I produced to date.

Flying with a Vet

My first plane ride was in a WWII bomber with two Canadian war vetrans. I had to hold myself back from crying because it was magical seeing the look on the vetran's faces. To the left is a photo of when we were ascending up into the sky. This is why I believe field trips are one of the most exciting and rewarding things anyone can do.

Interview with Roberta Bondar

Meeting with Canadian Neuroscientist and Astronaut Roberta Bondar was a highlight moment for me! In the interview below, she explains two things that I will pass on to my students:

1. If you have a dream, you have to work to get there.

2. Pursue your passion... But passion needs a strategy.

Band Interviews

Interviewing bands was one of my favourite things to do because you never know what you are going to get! Listen to two of my interviews at the link below.

Kingston Staged - Interviews & Music in Kingston

KiSS 92.5 - Blake and Wylde Afternoon Show


What a Great Time

This was right before I went out on to the streets of Toronto and did some interviews with people passing by. Nervewracking, but very exciting!

1 Month in Toronto

This was a once in a life time experience. I came from a small town and went to the big city to experience one of the top rated stations in Toronto.

Here's a recording of me live on air, telling Toronto how I got lost in The Bay.

Loyalist College - 91X

On-Air Host, Producer, Music Director, Copywrighter

Happy to Be On-Air

Being on air was always an exciting experience because even if I had everything planned out, something would always unexpectedly happen. Over time, it became second nature to me and I became a pro at improvising.

Feel free to listen to my on-air demo!

Getting New Music

Sometimes things get lost in the mail room... This is why the music representative from Last Gang Records made this little drawing so people would know the package was for me!

Band Interviews

As the Music Director, I got to interview over 30 bands/artists. It was so exciting to get to know these people on a personal level and experience their music live!

As you can tell, I was always very happy!

Here's a phone interview I did with Ria Mae!

RPM Band Promotions

Media Specialist

RPM Band Promotions got to know me through my work as the Music Director at 91X. I worked for them as a Media Specialist posting shows updates to Twitter and re-vamping their website. They even paid for me to travel to Toronto for a meeting! I am so happy that I am still in contact with them today.

Unfortunately, I do not have any photos of this experience.

Loyalist College Student Government

Media, Arts and Design Leader

Every Media Needs to be Shown Off!

One of my main initiatives while I held this position was developing a resource that featured all of the different student work from all areas of the department. This included videos, audio recordings, photographs, news stories, etc. I did this because I believe that ever form of media deserves to be seen and acknowledged.

Queen's University Drama

Marketing Manager, Video Projection Coordinator, Assistant Stage Manager

Harmless Little Home

There is a rule I stick by when reaching out to businesses to get donations (money or 'swag') 1 in 10 will donate. I reached out to 150 different businesses in the Kingston area and sold spaces for 13 advertisements in our program. We made over $2,000!

Spring 2018

Concord Floral

This was the first chance I had to integrate two of the things I love together. Media and Drama. Definitely an up and coming position in the Dramatic Arts community!

Fall 2017

End of the World Club

Being an assistant stage manager helped me realize how organized everything needs to be backstage during a drama production!

Spring 2017

Queen's University Drama

Production Manager, Marketing Manager and Graphic Designer


Managing 20+ people and making sure they are all on task and things are getting done... and done well... certainly was stressful but it was so fulfilling. Everything went off without a hickup in the end and due to my efforts we had a record for the most sales and most money made for one of the company's shows.

Fall 2018

Nuclear Family

This time, I was in charge of the marketing and branding for the show. I am proud to say that due to my efforts, the show was sold out every night and we had to extend for 2 more shows!

Fall 2018

Queen's University Drama Department Student Council

Social Convener


One of the biggest responsibilities of a social convener is organizing formal. I spent months of planning this event and I am so happy it paid off in the end!

I also worked on fundraising events and marketing materials for the Student Council.

Making Decorations

The theme for formal was "Somewhat Gatsby".

This was one of the coasters I made for the tables around the venue.

Queen's Mental Health Club - Elephant in the Room


Whiteboard Campaign

The purpose behind Elephant in the Room is to end the stigma surounding mental health. During this event, students would come by our booth and write what their "Elephant" is and they posed for photos. This was a powerful initiative that defenitley reduced the stigma surounding talking about mental health.

Social Night!

Doing crafts, puzzles, and games reduces stress. This is why we held a social night where students were free of stress and outside concerns.

Fundraising - Children with Cancer

Marketing Coordinator

Selling Tickets!

When creating the marketing for this event, I wanted it to have a fun night club type look. For the hand, I placed it in a fist position to represent the fist pumping that was big at EDM dance parties.

EDM Dance Party

Finally the big night came and we had a bunch of prizes to give away. We sold a bunch of raffle tickets and all the money went to charity. If I can remember correctly, we made over $2,500 for the MediGas Children with Cancer campaign.