Professional Development

Upcoming events

We are currently administering the NYSESLAT.

Professional development opportunities will resume once the window has closed. (June) Thank you for your patience and understanding! 😀

Past events

ENL Community of Practice Share Group (ELL-SG24)

This in-depth professional learning group will support ANY teacher who has multilingual learners. Over the course of the year we will read the book "The Lazy Genius Way" by Kendra Adachi's and apply her methods of instruction to MLLs. We will support each other along the way by reviewing key research strategies for teaching MLLs, including coteaching & use of technology as directed by Adachi's method and providing feedback and encouragement to our peers. There will be 2 MANDATORY Zoom sessions on 9/19/23 and 3/12/24 from 4-5pm. The rest will be conducted over the school year asynchronously to develop and refine our skills for teaching MLLs. Sept. 19, 2023 (4-5pm Zoom), March 12, 2024 (4-5pm Zoom); remaining asynchronous work from Sept. 20-May 7. 2024 (up to 30 hours, FREE), 

Multidimensional Scaffolding for ELLs

“Multidimensional Scaffolding" is using temporary learning supports for multilingual learners and others with the goal of developing independence with task completion while maintaining rigor. In this online course, we will review 9 areas of focus to incorporate into your current teaching practices.                                                10/18-10/25/23, 3 ELL CTLE Hours

creator:  Mike Duffy

This award is given to a teacher who has exhibited exceptional leadership in support of ELL education. This is someone who steps outside of their normal classroom responsibilities to support their colleagues, provide professional learning opportunities, and bring awareness to others about best practices to support ELL students.

In the News!

ENL Teacher Leader of the Year

published in the Lockport Sun and Journal

published in the Niagara Falls Gazette


Coming soon!