Why Seek Initiation

Shakti is the most natural and spontaneous part of who we are at our deepest level. It is not a foreign force or power. Initiation is simply a re-introduction to that natural, fundamental intelligence.

Much has been made of some of the quite phenomenal, almost spectacular symptoms of initiation, however none of these are the reason why initiation is - or should be sought. They are just indicators that the process is underway.

There has been much written about how difficult the mind is to control and how slippery it can be. In manual paths of self effort the mind pretends to enjoy meditation only to spoil the results by continuous distracting ventures into anything else but the purpose of ones practice. What start off as meditation often turns into an opportunity to complete our shopping list, review our day, imagine what we should have said in our conversations etc.

The reason the seeker chooses Shaktipat as his or her path is that it is a way of controlling the minds distractions and allowing it to sink in its source naturally and spontaneously without the initiate needing to do anything to bring this about other than to allow the process to work on its own. The initiate then finds his mind naturally drawn to peace, calm and tranquillity. The initiate is changed from within, without effort.

When spiritual manifestations take place other levels of consciousness open up to the vision - this is a matter of experience, not belief. As the transcendental aspect takes over all duality ceases as the "I" and "Other" notions cease.

At first, time needs to be set aside for Shakti to be effective, but shortly after one does so Shakti can be felt working on one all of the day and night, in the waking, dreaming and deep sleep states, not just in hours of practice but continuously in some form or another - no manual path can do this. The more sensitive one becomes to the process, the more obvious the process becomes.