Amorito is the only dog ​​that has had the best evolution in history that I can say, Amorito is almost immortal, he has his company, he has about 409 friends, that is enough for Amorito to be on the throne with Gabe, if one day Amorito dies, what would be of our world? Amorito is us without Amorito our life would have no meaning Amorito is peace, Amorito is love xD, Amorito is the same gods as DEDEDE without Amorito WE WOULD BE NOTHING Amorito IS AN EXAMPLE TO LIVE Amorito IS VERY GOOD AT SPEAKING THOUGHTFUL WORDS ARE ONE OF THOSE.. NEVER GIVE UP NO MATTER IF THEY CRITICIZE YOU, INSULT YOU OR MAKE YOU HAVE A BAD DON'T GIVE UP LOVEDON'T LET YOUR DREAMS FALL wise words amorito.....


Moto amorito

Amorito bebe