Our Agreement.

On this page I set out my 'terms and conditions' for our counselling sessions. 


2.  ______ I understand that Ms Josephine Smith does not provide 24-hour crisis counselling. Should I experience an emergency necessitating immediate mental health attention, I will immediately call 999 or go to an accident and emergency hospital department. or seek help from another organisation such as:

A. Samaritans. To talk about anything that is upsetting you, you can contact Samaritans 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. You can call 116 123 (free from any phone)

B. SANEline. If you're experiencing a mental health problem or supporting someone else, you can call SANEline on 0300 304 7000 (4.30pm–10.30pm every day).

C. National Suicide Prevention Helpline UK. Offers a supportive listening service to anyone with thoughts of suicide. You can call the National Suicide Prevention Helpline UK on 0800 689 5652 (6pm to midnight every day).

3.  ______ I understand that a counselling session is approximately one hour long. Appointments usually happen on the same day and time. The number of sessions can be agreed on (a set number) or open ( number of sessions added or decreased.) 

 4. ______ I understand our contact will be limited to arranging counselling sessions, and that our relationship is a professional relationship rather than a social one.

5. ______ I understand that, at any time, I may initiate a discussion of possible positive or negative effects of entering into the counselling relationship and that specific results are not guaranteed although benefits are expected from counselling. 

6. ______ I understand that counselling can improve as well as upset the equilibrium in any person or family. Counselling is a personal exploration and may lead to changes in my life perspectives and decisions. These changes could be temporarily distressing. 

7. ______ I understand that I am in control of the counselling relationship and may choose at any time to end our therapeutic relationship. If at any time I am dissatisfied with Ms Josephine Smith’s services as a therapist, I have a right to let her know. If I do not feel that Ms Josephine Smith may resolve my complaint, I may file a formal complaint through contact with the BACP.

8.  ______ I understand that our paths may cross in social situations but that our therapeutic relationship comes first, along with protection of my confidentiality, and that Ms Josephine Smith does not initiate the greetings. 

9. ______ I understand that Josephine Smith does not diagnose, or specialise in any psychological conditions. I understand that she never makes any diagnosis, or records any  information about my state of mind or personal circumstances (*unless there is a risk to life. See paragraph 17.) If I would like a diagnosis, or letter describing my state of mind, I will ask my GP to refer me to a psychologist or a psychiatrist.

10. ______ I understand that the rate for individual counselling sessions is £45.0 for up to a 60 minute session.

11. ______ I understand that all fees for counselling are due two days before each session. And I will receive a confirmation of my appointment by email.

 12. ______ I understand that if I do not pay for my session at least two days before the appointment date, the session is cancelled.

13. ______ I understand that I am responsible for missing any appointments that are not cancelled at least 24 hours prior to my appointment time and my session fee is not refundable. 

14. ______ I understand that if I do not cancel my appointment 24 hours ahead of time, the session fee of £45 is non-refundable. 

15. ______ I understand that if I do not show up for an appointment and I wish to continue therapy it is my responsibility to make another appointment.

16. ______ I understand that my records and all of our communications become part of the clinical record. And that I have a right to see all notes Ms Josephine Smith has about me. Adult client records are disposed of seven years after a client has stopped receiving services.

17. ______ I understand that while most of our communication is confidential there are, however, circumstances when disclosure can occur without my prior consent. The following are typical, but not exhaustive, examples of situations and circumstances under which information may be disclosed without prior consent: 

Additional details.

The cost of sessions will be reviewed every year in October. If you cannot pay £45 I am willing to offer a reduced fee in certain circumstances. Please let me know if this is necessary for you.

Missed sessions may have to be paid for, see all the details above (notes 10 - 15).

GDPR - it is my responsibility to:

How to end sessions. We can plan an ending, or sessions can be as often or as infrequent as you wish. Either book your next session after we finish talking, or contact me when you wish to arrange another appointment. See note 3.

Best way to contact me: email is best.