
My work.

My personal experience of counselling, and the stigma surrounding mental health means that there is no right or wrong way for you to be in the session, only for you to be you, as you are, and how you feel at that time. 

I work with adults face to face, in Bromsgrove or online anywhere in the UK.

I work with all presentations of emotional distress.


I am a member of the BACP. Qualified practitioner of solution focused therapy (Diploma in SFBT), I hold a Level 5 Diploma in Therapeutic Counselling, and a level 4 in interpersonal mediation.

Appointment times:  

I work with clients who are looking for fixed-term or open-ended therapy. I aim to work without without judgement or jargon - Rest assured; I don't shock easily.

Technical details.

I draw from the work of Steve de Shazer and Insoo Kim, this means that I understand distress, rage, fear, anxiety, detachment, dissociation all the way up to psychosis as a normal reaction, to life events and errors. I believe that every single one of us has their own limit and once that has been reached, our mental suffering can be unbearable. 

I believe it is important that we work with how you understand what has happened, and what meanings we can make, but most importantly what alternatives we can find to change the situation. 

I draw from the work of Carl Jung. I am interested in the wider dimensions of personal meanings, and how images, music, dreams and objects enable a person to encounter hidden or lost aspects of themselves. 

As a postmodern therapist, I am incredibly grateful to Gene Gendlin for describing the process of Focusing as a way to connect the feelings of the body, with the conscious mind. 

And finally I draw from the work of Fritz Perls, and Gestalt psychotherapy. Through his work I understand recovery and healing as a process of shifting from a limiting set of assumptions about oneself and the world, into a larger, richer, more spacious reality.  And to do this, all parts of oneself; the imagination, logic, memory, emotions and creativity are given time and space to re-configure and re-assemble.

To quote Steve de Shazer: 

"If you decide to work with me, 

I hope our session turns out to be in some way useful for you. 

There are no guarantees.

But I will do my best!"