Josephine Smith.


About me.

My journey to The field of stars.

Hi there and welcome to my page. Like most people who become therapists I didn't start out to be one! Originally I worked in the NHS as a radiographer, X-raying people who had just been brought in to casualty. It was there, in the bleak small hours before dawn, or on a busy Friday night that I learnt how important it is to listen to people's stories and to understand what their pain means to them.

And now as a counsellor, I believe that feeling stressed, unable to cope, and facing unwelcome emotions, gives us vital information about something that needs to be heard and understood. 

Finding ourselves to be short-tempered, easily distracted, weepy, struggling to sleep, or just feeling uneasy and wanting someone to talk to, are often signs that we need to pause, and make sense of that something, whatever it is.

My Aim.

And so my aim is to really hear you as you tell your story, and to offer a sense of peace in the confusion that life will bring. Sometimes just being able to say it, to put all of whatever is going on, or whatever has happened to you, into words - or a picture, or even to act it out - is enough. Other times you may wish to look at repeating patterns in your life, or at specific situations that cause you problems. No matter what is happening I believe that within the pain and sorrow of life, there are specks of gold; tiny fragments and moments that reflect back something precious about you; moments of courage and strength enough to help you find new ways to be who you need to be.

Why a field of stars?

I call my practice Field of Stars because I feel like I have walked a very long way from The Central Birmingham School of Radiography, to my work at Change Birmingham Brief Therapy and St John's Counselling

On the way I've met many good people and leant many things. 

And pilgrimage feels like the right word! 

For over 1,000 years, people have made the  pilgrimage to the shrine of St. James in the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela - and compo stela translates roughly as field of stars - I love to think of stars as representing hope, signifying the changing of seasons, and stars aiding navigation especially the guiding light of the North star. To arrive at the field of stars is to gain a wider view, to slowly become aware of the beauty and depth of the starry universe, our lives.


I have had the privilege of witnessing Josephine Smith's wonderful solution focused counselling skills and dedication during our time working together at Change Brief Therapy Birmingham in our Mentor/Mentee relationship. Josephine embodies a unique blend of philosophical insight, deep understanding of the solution-focused approach, and unwavering compassion for her clients.

Josephine's philosophical insights provide a solid foundation for her therapeutic work, allowing her to delve into the core issues with clarity and purpose. She has a remarkable ability to grasp the underlying dynamics of complex situations, enabling her to guide clients towards meaningful solutions effectively.

Her mastery of the solution-focused approach is truly impressive. Josephine adeptly navigates sessions, focusing on empowering clients to identify their strengths and resources to overcome challenges. She has a keen eye for recognizing progress, no matter how small, and skillfully amplifies these moments to inspire further growth and change.

What sets Josephine apart is her genuine compassion for her clients. She approaches each interaction with a gentle warmth and empathy that fosters a safe and nurturing environment for healing. Her clients consistently expressed gratitude for her attentive listening, non-judgmental support, and genuine care.

I wholeheartedly recommend Josephine Smith for anyone seeking a skilled and compassionate therapist. Her philosophical insights, understanding of the solution-focused approach, and unwavering compassion make her an invaluable asset to the therapeutic community.

Teresa Byrne. Careers Advisor @ University of Wales Trinity Saint David.