It is possible for Node.js to be built without including support for thenode:crypto module. In such cases, attempting to import from crypto orcalling require('node:crypto') will result in an error being thrown.

When using the lexical ESM import keyword, the error can only becaught if a handler for process.on('uncaughtException') is registeredbefore any attempt to load the module is made (using, for instance,a preload module).

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The node:crypto module provides the Certificate class for working with SPKACdata. The most common usage is handling output generated by the HTML5 element. Node.js uses OpenSSL's SPKAC implementation internally.

When using block encryption algorithms, the Cipher class will automaticallyadd padding to the input data to the appropriate block size. To disable thedefault padding call cipher.setAutoPadding(false).

When autoPadding is false, the length of the entire input data must be amultiple of the cipher's block size or will throw an error.Disabling automatic padding is useful for non-standard padding, for instanceusing 0x0 instead of PKCS padding.

Updates the cipher with data. If the inputEncoding argument is given,the dataargument is a string using the specified encoding. If the inputEncodingargument is not given, data must be a Buffer, TypedArray, orDataView. If data is a Buffer, TypedArray, or DataView, theninputEncoding is ignored.

The outputEncoding specifies the output format of the enciphereddata. If the outputEncodingis specified, a string using the specified encoding is returned. If nooutputEncoding is provided, a Buffer is returned.

When using an authenticated encryption mode (GCM, CCM, OCB, andchacha20-poly1305 arecurrently supported), the decipher.setAuthTag() method is used to pass in thereceived authentication tag. If no tag is provided, or if the cipher texthas been tampered with, will throw, indicating that thecipher text should be discarded due to failed authentication. If the tag lengthis invalid according to NIST SP 800-38D or does not match the value of theauthTagLength option, decipher.setAuthTag() will throw an error.

Updates the decipher with data. If the inputEncoding argument is given,the dataargument is a string using the specified encoding. If the inputEncodingargument is not given, data must be a Buffer. If data is aBuffer then inputEncoding is ignored.

Computes the shared secret using otherPublicKey as the otherparty's public key and returns the computed shared secret. The suppliedkey is interpreted using the specified inputEncoding, and secret isencoded using specified outputEncoding.If the inputEncoding is notprovided, otherPublicKey is expected to be a Buffer,TypedArray, or DataView.

Generates private and public Diffie-Hellman key values unless they have beengenerated or computed already, and returnsthe public key in the specified encoding. This key should betransferred to the other party.If encoding is provided a string is returned; otherwise aBuffer is returned.

This function is a thin wrapper around DH_generate_key(). In particular,once a private key has been generated or set, calling this function only updatesthe public key but does not generate a new private key.

Sets the Diffie-Hellman private key. If the encoding argument is provided,privateKey is expectedto be a string. If no encoding is provided, privateKey is expectedto be a Buffer, TypedArray, or DataView.

This function does not automatically compute the associated public key. EitherdiffieHellman.setPublicKey() or diffieHellman.generateKeys() can beused to manually provide the public key or to automatically derive it.

The DiffieHellmanGroup class takes a well-known modp group as its argument.It works the same as DiffieHellman, except that it does not allow changingits keys after creation. In other words, it does not implement setPublicKey()or setPrivateKey() methods.

Converts the EC Diffie-Hellman public key specified by key and curve to theformat specified by format. The format argument specifies point encodingand can be 'compressed', 'uncompressed' or 'hybrid'. The supplied key isinterpreted using the specified inputEncoding, and the returned key is encodedusing the specified outputEncoding.

Computes the shared secret using otherPublicKey as the otherparty's public key and returns the computed shared secret. The suppliedkey is interpreted using specified inputEncoding, and the returned secretis encoded using the specified outputEncoding.If the inputEncoding is notprovided, otherPublicKey is expected to be a Buffer, TypedArray, orDataView.

ecdh.computeSecret will throw anERR_CRYPTO_ECDH_INVALID_PUBLIC_KEY error when otherPublicKeylies outside of the elliptic curve. Since otherPublicKey isusually supplied from a remote user over an insecure network,be sure to handle this exception accordingly.

If privateKey is not valid for the curve specified when the ECDH object wascreated, an error is thrown. Upon setting the private key, the associatedpublic point (key) is also generated and set in the ECDH object.

There is not normally a reason to call this method because ECDHonly requires a private key and the other party's public key to compute theshared secret. Typically either ecdh.generateKeys() orecdh.setPrivateKey() will be called. The ecdh.setPrivateKey() methodattempts to generate the public point/key associated with the private key beingset.

Updates the hash content with the given data, the encoding of whichis given in inputEncoding.If encoding is not provided, and the data is a string, anencoding of 'utf8' is enforced. If data is a Buffer, TypedArray, orDataView, then inputEncoding is ignored.

Updates the Hmac content with the given data, the encoding of whichis given in inputEncoding.If encoding is not provided, and the data is a string, anencoding of 'utf8' is enforced. If data is a Buffer, TypedArray, orDataView, then inputEncoding is ignored.

Node.js uses a KeyObject class to represent a symmetric or asymmetric key,and each kind of key exposes different functions. Thecrypto.createSecretKey(), crypto.createPublicKey() andcrypto.createPrivateKey() methods are used to create KeyObjectinstances. KeyObject objects are not to be created directly using the newkeyword.

This property exists only on asymmetric keys. Depending on the type of the key,this object contains information about the key. None of the information obtainedthrough this property can be used to uniquely identify a key or to compromisethe security of the key.

RSA_PKCS1_PSS_PADDING will use MGF1 with the same hash functionused to sign the message as specified in section 3.1 of RFC 4055, unlessan MGF1 hash function has been specified as part of the key in compliance withsection 3.3 of RFC 4055.

saltLength Salt length for when padding isRSA_PKCS1_PSS_PADDING. The special valuecrypto.constants.RSA_PSS_SALTLEN_DIGEST sets the salt length to the digestsize, crypto.constants.RSA_PSS_SALTLEN_MAX_SIGN (default) sets it to themaximum permissible value.

Updates the Sign content with the given data, the encoding of whichis given in inputEncoding.If encoding is not provided, and the data is a string, anencoding of 'utf8' is enforced. If data is a Buffer, TypedArray, orDataView, then inputEncoding is ignored.

Updates the Verify content with the given data, the encoding of whichis given in inputEncoding.If inputEncoding is not provided, and the data is a string, anencoding of 'utf8' is enforced. If data is a Buffer, TypedArray, orDataView, then inputEncoding is ignored.

RSA_PKCS1_PSS_PADDING will use MGF1 with the same hash functionused to verify the message as specified in section 3.1 of RFC 4055, unlessan MGF1 hash function has been specified as part of the key in compliance withsection 3.3 of RFC 4055.

saltLength Salt length for when padding isRSA_PKCS1_PSS_PADDING. The special valuecrypto.constants.RSA_PSS_SALTLEN_DIGEST sets the salt length to the digestsize, crypto.constants.RSA_PSS_SALTLEN_AUTO (default) causes it to bedetermined automatically.

The signature argument is the previously calculated signature for the data, inthe signatureEncoding.If a signatureEncoding is specified, the signature is expected to be astring; otherwise signature is expected to be a Buffer,TypedArray, or DataView.

If the 'subject' option is undefined or set to 'default', the certificatesubject is only considered if the subject alternative name extension either doesnot exist or does not contain any email addresses.

If the certificate matches the given host name, the matching subject name isreturned. The returned name might be an exact match (e.g., it might contain wildcards (e.g., * Because host namecomparisons are case-insensitive, the returned subject name might also differfrom the given name in capitalization.

If the 'subject' option is undefined or set to 'default', the certificatesubject is only considered if the subject alternative name extension either doesnot exist or does not contain any DNS names. This behavior is consistent withRFC 2818 ("HTTP Over TLS").

Only RFC 5280 iPAddress subject alternative names are considered, and theymust match the given ip address exactly. Other subject alternative names aswell as the subject field of the certificate are ignored.

Because SHA-1 is cryptographically broken and because the security of SHA-1 issignificantly worse than that of algorithms that are commonly used to signcertificates, consider using x509.fingerprint256 instead.

Because computing the SHA-256 fingerprint is usually faster and because it isonly half the size of the SHA-512 fingerprint, x509.fingerprint256 may bea better choice. While SHA-512 presumably provides a higher level of security ingeneral, the security of SHA-256 matches that of most algorithms that arecommonly used to sign certificates.

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