AI - Fellow or Foe?

As we move into the uncharted waters of our cyber-future, many questions arise about the best way to proceed. One of the hot topics today is whether AI is detrimental to humanity or is it our friend. As with any complex topic, the answer must be some mixture of the two, but some central points must be acknowledged, which I will do in the paragraphs below.

It's important to recognize that even though that in terms of linear computing power, computers overshadow our current human ability to calculate math equations and analyze narrow data sets - the mind surpasses even the most advanced computers in terms of generalizing narrow knowledge to other domains, through abstraction. At the same time, it's crucial to understand that the most powerful tools like computers, particle accelerators, satellites, etc, are not in competition with our minds but rather extensions of them. Einstein's famous quote, "My pencil and I are more clever than just I am”, exemplifies this concept. Therefore, separating our "natural abilities", from those that utilize external tools, is a flawed perspective.

Take Chat GPT, for example. Some may argue that it dulls our minds because we no longer engage directly in writing tasks, causing this ability to atrophy. While this may be true if we choose to disengage, we can approach Chat GPT differently. Rather than relying on it to write an entire paper for us, we can view it as a conceptual calculator. Here's how it works:

We can choose to use Chat GPT like mathematicians use a calculator. Mathematicians can perform complex calculations in their heads or on a napkin, but that doesn't mean they must always do so. Utilizing a calculator saves time and reduces human error, which is inherent in our nature. Thus, if our minds are insufficient or too slow in computing power or error correction, we create external tools like calculators to assist us in understanding the world more effectively.

Because only a few individuals in each generation posses the intellectual capacity to engage with certain levels of meaning and understanding, before calculators existed most people lacked the tools required to handle vast amounts of information and think quickly enough to grasp certain truths. There was a period in history in which a room filled with women, called “calculators”, were collectively operating to do lengthy and complex calculations together, functioning as error correctors for one another. However, with the invention of modern picket calculators, more people gained the ability to process the necessary information and detect their own mistakes, leading to significant contributions to the field of mathematics.

We can apply a similar logic with Chat GPT. Instead of asking it to write an essay in a particular style, we can first write the essay ourselves, allowing Chat GPT to understand our intended message and tone. Then, we can ask it to provide a better version while staying true to our style. We can compare the result, accepting improvements where they align with our intended expression and rejecting those that don't resonate or feel authentic. This process is akin to reading something we admire from another writer and incorporating certain elements into our own work. The difference is that the loop of error correction is faster, allowing us to learn more quickly.

Although current tools are physically external to us, we can perceive them as part of our system through the flow of information. Our bodies already operate as a coherent system, consisting of numerous interconnected components bound together by our skin and the flow of information. Even if one believes in higher dimensions or spirituality, information transfer remains a fundamental aspect of interaction. Ergo, considering all "external tools" as truly external is an arbitrary choice that draws a line at our skin. By recognizing that the world operates as a continuum and systems interact through information flow,

we can overcome this limitation.

Looking ahead, it's only a matter of time before we integrate these "external tools" directly into our body systems as organs we control with our cognition. While this idea may seem daunting to some, it's not fundamentally different from using a bionic leg or arm, which we don't condemn as godless technology.

To illustrate the potential of these technologies further, I'll share an anecdote. My partner wanted to build a phone app but despite having some coding knowledge, lacked experience. She decided to ask Chat GPT for guidance. To her amazement, within eight seconds, Chat GPT provided her with a list of recommended apps, basic JavaScript code, and specific pointers for app development. In just ten minutes, she was able to create a basic phone app without prior experience.

So, what can we conclude from this scenario? Did she lose something because she received guidance from an external source? Or should we acknowledge that without such assistance, she would likely never have attempted app development or would have needed to hire multiple experts? It is clear that by framing our relationship with tools like Chat GPT and utilizing them appropriately, we gain creative powers beyond what we could have imagined.

While it may be challenging to fully comprehend now, it is inevitable that correctly utilized AI tools will revolutionize not only how we live but also who we can become. The human mind is a magnificent tool, but it is far from being close to its full potential. Print, arithmetic, calculus, and computation were all steps towards universality and are not external objects to our minds. Rather they rather extensions of our mind. AI acts as a bridge for our intellect to cross to the next stage of evolution. Recognizing this, allows us to build a healthy relationship with these tools, which include healthy alert attitude towards their dangers, while at the same time honing our skills to interact with them, and by doing so, enriching our experience and enhancing our abilities.

These tools are like our wings and we are like children running with these wings as kites in a park. However, with advancements like Neuralink, combined with tools like Chat GPT, Midjourney, and many other new developments, we will be able to wear our wings and fly to a new world, interacting with a previously unseen layers of meaning that were not available to us due to our limited bandwidth and computational speed.