Dear friends,

Our mission is to make the COR experience accessible to as many people as possible, and we've worked hard to create multiple channels for you to engage with and safely replicate the experiment on your own. I want to ensure that you have every opportunity to connect with me directly and have your questions answered. That's why we have Zoom meetings every two weeks, where you can join and interact with me personally. It's an open space for discussion and exploration.

In addition to the interactive meetings, we have comprehensive videos available online that delve into the discovery and experiment in detail. You'll find all the information you need to understand and follow the protocol on our website. We want to empower you to embark on this journey of discovery.

However, I understand that some of you may prefer more personalized attention. If you feel that the existing resources aren't sufficient and you'd like one-on-one time with me, we can make that happen. I genuinely value each individual's growth and progress. Please keep in mind that I am dedicating considerable time to this project, so to ensure fairness and sustainability, I have to evaluate my time based on a value metric.

If you'd like to schedule a private call with me, for each session it would be $150 per hour. For subsequent hours, the rate would be $100. This allows me to continue dedicating time to this project while making it financially viable for both of us. Once you've made the booking, please remember to send the payment to my PayPal account at right away. This will confirm your reservation. Without the payment, I won't be able to consider the meeting as officially booked. Looking forward to our conversation.

As always, I send you my love, respect, and deep appreciation for being a part of this journey. Together, we can unlock the wonders of the COR and explore the limitless possibilities within ourselves.

With warm regards,
