According to Buffalo Tales, the newsletter of the North Dakota Buffalo Foundation and the National Buffalo Museum, White Cloud had a white calf on August 31, 2007. According to the newsletter and the museum's website this was White Cloud's first white calf.[3] Museum officials determined that the calf was a male, but it would not be named until January 2008. The museum solicited suggestions from the public for a name for the calf until November 30, 2007. Finally, the name Dakota Miracle was decided on. While Dakota Miracle is white, he is not albino like his mother.

White Cloud was born on July 10, 1996, on the Shirek Buffalo Farm in Michigan, North Dakota. She was DNA tested for albino genes and cattle genes before she went to the National Buffalo Museum in Jamestown, North Dakota in May 1997. The results of those tests indicated that she was pure albino and also pure bison (commonly known as buffalo). It is not known for sure whether or not White Cloud's white calf is also a true albino. The white calf was produced when White Cloud mated with her first male calf, a normally brown-colored bison.

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Peirce is based in McGrath, a community about 225 miles northwest of Anchorage on the Kuskokwim River. The white calf was born into the Farewell Bison Herd, one of four herds of plains bison in Alaska. The Farewell area is the general home range of the herd, about 60 miles southeast of McGrath.

Xinos said the museum has exhibits featuring white bison, including a picture from the mid-1930s of a white bull with a brown cap named Big Medicine, from the herd at the National Bison Range in Montana. Fish and Wildlife Service records indicate that Big Medicine, born in 1933, sired numerous offspring in his 26 year life, including an albino calf.

Weaned Calf Risk Protection Insurance was created to provide cow-calf producers with a price and production risk management option, similar to crop insurance. Coverage includes risk protection against calf death loss, price fluctuations, or price changes with a harvest option.

Millions of people around the world live faith-based lives, each expressed through different holiday celebrations and traditions. Whether is it spinning a dreidel (Hanukkah), decorating a Christmas tree (Christmas), or lighting a Kinara (Kwanzaa), many of these faith-based activities take place in December. In addition to celebratory traditions, stories are another way people connect with their faith and share personal messages. Stories often have a deep meaning and can be passed on from generation to generation. One story, the legend of the White Buffalo Calf Woman, or Ptesan Wi, is a very sacred story for the American Indians. Many American Indians, such as the Sioux, Cherokee, Navaho, Lakota, and Dakota, celebrate the white buffalo calf and incorporate Ptesan Wi'steachings in their prayers.

To American Indians, a White Buffalo Calf is the most sacred living thing on earth. The calf is a sign to begin life's sacred loop. Some American Indians say the birth of a white calf is an omen because the birth takes place in the most unexpected places and often happens among the poorest of people. The birth is sacred within the American Indian communities, because it brings a sense of hope and is a sign that good times are about to happen.

Earlier in the month I complained a bit about how strenuous my last backpack trip was. Turns out it was more strenuous than I initially thought, as I had badly strained my calf near the end of that trip. My hopes that the pain was temporary completely faded after several days, and for the three weeks since then I've been couch-bound and limping around, regretting going on that trek and especially pushing on when I knew in the back of my mind that the wise decision would have been to turn back instead of literally wearing myself out.

Green River - Cow and calf moose relocatedEvanston Game Warden Nick Roberts and Mountain View Game Warden Allen Deru responded to a call about an aggressive cow moose and its yearling calf near Mountain View Elementary School on April 19. The moose and calf were safely relocated away from town. The Game and Fish Department thanks deputies from the Uinta County Sheriff's Office and personnel from Uinta County School District #4 who assisted with the capture and relocation. Residents are reminded that moose can be dangerous and should never be approached.

The mornings are generally hot, sunny, wind-free and cloudless. We found this lioness resting and then followed her as she sauntered off for a drink and possibly back to her den. She was clearly lactating and no doubt had tiny cubs stashed somewhere safe. When the cubs are old enough, she will lead them from their haven and rejoin her pride.

The AWS Cloud Adoption Framework (AWS CAF) leverages AWS experience and best practices to help you digitally transform and accelerate your business outcomes through innovative use of AWS. AWS CAF identifies specific organizational capabilities that underpin successful cloud transformations. These capabilities provide best practice guidance that helps you improve your cloud readiness. AWS CAF groups its capabilities in six perspectives: Business, People, Governance, Platform, Security, and Operations. Each perspective comprises a set of capabilities that functionally related stakeholders own or manage in the cloud transformation journey. Use the AWS CAF to identify and prioritize transformation opportunities, evaluate and improve your cloud readiness, and iteratively evolve your transformation roadmap.

AWS CAF capabilities provide best practice guidance that helps you improve your cloud readiness. AWS CAF perspectives comprise capabilities that functionally related stakeholders own or manage in your cloud transformation journey.

The People perspective serves as a bridge between technology and business, accelerating the cloud journey to help organizations more rapidly evolve to a culture of continuous growth, learning, and where change becomes business-as-normal, with focus on culture, organizational structure, leadership, and workforce. Common stakeholders include CIO, COO, CTO, cloud director, and cross-functional and enterprise-wide leaders.

The Governance perspective helps you orchestrate your cloud initiatives while maximizing organizational benefits and minimizing transformation-related risks. Common stakeholders include chief transformation officer, CIO, CTO, CFO, chief data officer (CDO), and chief risk officer (CRO).

The Security perspective helps you achieve the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of your data and cloud workloads. Common stakeholders include chief information security officer (CISO), chief compliance officer (CCO), internal audit leaders, and security architects and engineers.

The Operations perspective helps ensure that your cloud services are delivered at a level that meets the needs of your business. Common stakeholders include infrastructure and operations leaders, site reliability engineers, and information technology service managers.

Io was another woman to whom Zeus fell in love and made her suffer. She was a beautiful girl living in Argos, central Greece, when Zeus saw her and fell madly in love. Disguised into a cloud, Zeus made love to her. His jealous wife, however, Hera, learnt about this relationship and turned Io into a cow to keep her away from her husband. Io was about to suffer many misfortunes until she was finally turned into a woman again and have a normal life.

Io was the daughter of Inachus, one of the River Gods and king of Argos. She was a beautiful, young girl and a priestess of goddess Hera. However, one day, great god Zeus saw her and fell madly in love with this maiden. Io was constantly avoiding his amorous attempts, until Zeus took the form of clouds, surrounded her and made love to her. Unfortunately, his jealous wife, Hera, learned about this relationship and turned Io into a white cow to punish her and stop them from getting involved. 17dc91bb1f

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