Chapter 06- Yeu the true God

Hear now also the type of the treasuries how they are emanated; he will become head over them in this way, before he has emanated them; this is his type, as he is placed. Now the true God was of this type.

See 1st picture here:

This is his character which is on his face thus

But I have called upon the name of my Father, so that he should move the true God in order to emanate. But he himself caused This is his character ' an idea (thought) to come forth which is on his face thus: from his treasuries.

A power of my Father moved the true God. It radiated within him through this small idea (thought) ' which came forth from the treasuries of my Father. It radiated within the true God. A mystery moved him through my Father. The true God gave voice, saying thus: ... And when he had given voice, there came forth this voice which is the emanation. It was of this type as it proceeded forth from one side after another of each treasury. The first voice is this, which Yeu, the true God, called, which came forth from him, the one above.

See 2nd picture here:

(Yeu1) .... Place .... Yeu

He will emanate

... ... Yeu

... ... Yeu

This is his character. He will set up a rank corresponding to the treasuries,

and will place it as watchers' at the gate' of the treasuries which are those

which stand at the gate as the three ... ' This is the true God.

When the true God. had emanated, this was his type:

See 3rd picture here:

...Yeu the true God

When one stood in the treasuries no ranks yet existed.

I stood and called upon the name of my Father so that he

should cause other amanations to exist in the treasuries.

But he again caused a <power> from himself to move the true God.

At first he caused it to radiate within him that he might move his emeanations in the treasuries, that they also might bring forth emanations, which are those which he placed as heads over them. But he, the true God, emanated these from his place. For this reason he gave voice when the power welled up within him. This is the first voice which he uttered. He moved his emanationsuntil they emanated:

Chapter 07