Chapter 02

The apostles answered, saying :

" Speak to us, O Lord, that we may hear thee. We have followed thee with our whole hearts. We have left behind father and mother, we have left behind vineyards and fields, we have left behind goods and the greatness of kings, and we have followed thee, so that thou shouldst teach us to know the life of thy father who has sent thee"

The living Yesseus answered and said :

"The life of my Father is this : that you receive your soul from the race of understanding mind, and that it ceases to be earthly and becomes understanding through that which I say to you in the course of my discourse, so that you fulfil it and are saved from the archon (of this aeon) and his persecutions, to which there is no end. But you, my disciples, hasten to receive my word with certaintiy so that you know it, in order that the archon (of this aeon) may not fight with you - this one who did not find any commandment (of his) in me - so that you also, my apostles, fulfil my word in relation to me, and I (myself) make you free, and you become whole through a freedom in which there is no blemish. As the Spirit (of the comforter, Parakleiton) is whole, so will you also be whole, through the freedom of the spirit (of the Holy Comforter)."1

Chapter 03

1. Read: John 14:26