Welcome! If you're feeling tired of putting in a lot of effort to seduce a woman you're interested in, only to end up rejected, it's time to rethink your approach. The conventional dating advice or clichéd tricks that you might have heard or seen in motivational videos just don't work in real life. Women are wise to these tactics and can see through them.

So, what does work? The key lies in scientific principles and understanding the psychology of attraction. Enter the "scientific seduction" technique called "attraction of love." This technique involves creating a psychological urge in a woman to seek you out desperately. It capitalizes on the natural human response when we lose something essential - we become fixated on finding it again.

Think about how you felt when you lost access to something you enjoyed, like a canceled TV show or the sudden impact of the COVID virus. That same psychological reaction can be triggered in a woman by using the "attraction of love" technique.

The idea is to make a woman desire you so intensely that she can't resist pursuing you. Instead of you chasing her, she will chase you. It's a powerful way to seduce a woman quickly.

To put the technique into practice, there are two steps to follow:

Step 1: Create a sense of loss. Make her experience a feeling of missing out or losing something valuable by not having you around. This can be done by temporarily withdrawing attention or being less available.

Step 2: Trigger her desire to pursue you. Once she feels the loss, her natural response will be to seek what she's missing. This is when she will become eager to reconnect with you and take the initiative to reach out.

Remember, the key to this technique is to let her pursue you, not the other way around. It's a powerful and effective method for attracting women without resorting to clichéd tricks.

Don't call her, don't text her, and don't respond to her messages. Disappear from her life for a couple of days. This will make her panic, and that's a good thing. Then, get back in touch with her, but this time, reduce your affection. Show her that you still care, but don't be as close as you were during the initial stages of the love bombing. Watch as she starts pursuing you. She will call you, invite you out, and even give you gifts. Now, she'll be the one bombarding you with love. It's easy, and it's all part of the logical approach you're using. You're applying scientifically proven methods of female psychology here, and it works.

The best part is that this will only take a week at most. Within a week, you can conquer the woman you're interested in. That's not a long time, right? It's a quick process by any standard. However, there's a catch. The lovepop technique has an expiration date. Its effect will wear off if you don't do anything afterward. That's why you need to follow it up with something even more potent - the fractionation technique.

Think of fractionation as the grandfather of the lovepop technique. It's a two-step strategy aimed at activating addiction triggers in her brain. You'll create an emotional rollercoaster for her. First, capture her attention, either with your appearance or some small gesture. Then, build a conversation that fosters trust. Share something personal or a secret from your life. After that, evoke a significant emotional event from her past that made her happy. Then, do the opposite - prompt her to share a negative experience. The difference between lovepop and fractionation is that while lovepop is temporary, fractionation can be permanent. With fractionation, every little thing you say and do will deepen her addiction and make her yours forever.

But, with great power comes great responsibility. Remember that you have the power to make women feel addicted to you, even those with whom you don't intend to have a long-term relationship. If that's your plan, don't learn fractionation. Stick with the lovepop technique so that she won't feel trapped in her love for you for the rest of her life. That would be cruel, so avoid it. However, if you're seeking true love and are willing to embrace that responsibility, then mastering fractionation is the best technique for you.

Just remember, it's not enough for a woman to feel attracted to you. Even if she falls in love, that feeling can fade. The solution lies in the logical and scientific approach. Make her addicted to you. Use the science of fractionation - the only perfect technique approved by science, my students, and myself.