A man prays near a statue of Mary on Apparition Hill in Medjugorje, Bosnia-Herzegovina, in this Oct., 8, 2010, file photo. Pope Francis has decided to allow parishes and dioceses to organize official pilgrimages to Medjugorje; no decision has been made on the authenticity of the apparitions. (CNS/Reuters/Matko Biljak)

The document, "Norms for Proceeding in the Discernment of Alleged Supernatural Phenomena," was released by the Vatican's Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith on May 17. It tasks bishops with investigating such cases, but mandates that they receive Vatican approval before ruling on the validity of alleged supernatural events.

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The new rules, which have been in development since 2019, replace the Vatican's 1978 norms, which were kept secret until 2011. The Vatican has historically exercised great caution in giving its seal of approval to supposed supernatural occurrences; the revisions require increased scrutiny and mandate sign-off from Rome before a bishop can rule on a particular case.

"There are serious critical issues that are detrimental to the faithful; in these situations, the Church must respond with utmost pastoral solicitude," wrote Cardinal Victor Manuel Fernandez, head of the Vatican's doctrinal office, in the introduction to the new norms.

"In particular, I am thinking of the use of such phenomenon to gain 'profit, power, fame, social recognition, or other personal interest," he continued, "even possibly extending to the commission of gravely immoral acts or the use of these phenomena 'as a means of or pretext for exerting control over people or carrying out abuses.' "

At a May 17 Vatican press conference, Fernandez was asked about the controversial case of Medjugorje, the site of alleged Marian apparitions in Bosnia-Herzegovina that draws thousands of pilgrims each year but has been the subject of much skepticism, including from Francis. The pope, in 2018, appointed a special investigator to study the case, and Fernandez told journalists that no decision had been reached about its status but that the new standards will make it easier to reach a conclusion.

Quoting Pope Benedict XVI, the new guidelines reiterate that for Catholics, even when such events receive church approval, they are meant to be "a help which is proffered, but its use is not obligatory."

Apparition was a form of magical transportation, in which the user travelled instantly from one location to another, without traversing the space in-between. This was accomplished by having the user focus on a desired location in their mind and then purposely disappearing from where they were, to reappear at the desired location. Apparition was by far the fastest and most convenient way to get to a desired destination, but was tricky to pull off correctly and disastrous if botched.

The ability to Apparate was a relatively advanced skill for wizards, but other magical creatures were capable of disappearing and reappearing of their own volition as well, such as house-elves, Phoenixes and Diricawls.

Apparition was a popular method of travel in the wizarding world, though it was stated that plenty of adult witches and wizards did not bother with it, preferring slower but safer methods of travelling such as broomsticks, the Floo Network, or Portkeys. Albus Dumbledore once noted that most people vomited the first time they Apparated. According to Harry Potter, Apparition felt like being "forced through a very tight rubber tube".[1]

According to Wilkie Twycross, Ministry of Magic official and Apparition Instructor, one had to recall The Three Ds: Destination, Determination and Deliberation. One had to be completely determined to reach one's destination, and move without haste, but with deliberation.[2] A witch or wizard ordinarily required a wand in order to Apparate,[3] but like many other spells, it could be performed without one.

This type of transportation could cause an audible noise, ranging from a small pop, to a loud crack that may sound to Muggles like a car backfiring, depending on their skill; the more skilful they are, the quieter they are able to Apparate. Very skilled and powerful wizards, such as Albus Dumbledore, Lord Voldemort, and Narcissa Malfoy, could Apparate completely silently.[4][5] House-elves could also Apparate, but without any of the restrictions that wizards had, due to their unique type of magic. For example, they could Apparate inside and outside of Hogwarts and even the Crystal Cave, where powerful enchantments prevented all witches and wizards from doing so. Also, when they Apparated, the sound was most often a loud crack.

Apparition was called Disapparition from the point of view of someone at the place being left, and Apparition from the point of view of someone at the destination, much like the words "disappear" and "appear".

The British Ministry of Magic required all witches or wizards hoping to Apparate to have a licence. One of the reasons was so that they could not Apparate into a Muggle bank and steal all the money therein.[6]

Apparition had a range limit,[7] and became increasingly difficult with the distance to be travelled. It was very strongly advised that intercontinental Apparition is only to be attempted by the most highly skilled of wizards,[8] otherwise risking splinching,[9] severe injury, and even death. Apparition also required a familiarity with the terrain of the place the wizard wanted to go to, as they needed to be able to visualise it clearly.[10] In 1996, Harry Potter performed Apparition very impressively, to get himself and a weakened Albus Dumbledore over a long distance, most likely across the country.

When Harry, Ron and Hermione were trapped by the Death Eaters in Malfoy Manor, Bellatrix Lestrange alerted Voldemort, who was investigating Nurmengard Castle in the Austrian Alps. In order to get to Malfoy Manor, Voldemort had to fly most of the way. He had to fly over a "dark and stormy sea" to get within range of the manor.[3] As such, even an extremely powerful wizard like Voldemort couldn't Apparate much further than the length of England. As such, wizards apparently could not Apparate somewhere outside of range by imagining that location and Apparating small stretches at a time, as doing so would possibly cause splinching.[9]

Besides the user focusing in their mind on a desired place, the limitation of the choice of destination is unclear. It is most likely that the wizard or witch could only Apparate successfully to somewhere they had seen or been to before. During Harry, Ron and Hermione's hunt for Horcruxes in late 1997, they Apparated to places familiar to Hermione, such as Tottenham Court Road[11] and other holiday places, with Hermione noting the past significance and familiarity of each place that she Apparated to. The same principle applied during late 1996 when Albus Dumbledore and Harry Potter Apparated to the residence of Horace Slughorn in Budleigh Babberton, a place previously familiar to Dumbledore but not to Harry.[1]

Seeing a destination through a photograph or other image was usually not enough to let the user Apparate there safely: Dumbledore had seen a picture of The Cave in which he suspected Voldemort to have hidden a Horcrux seen in Tom Riddle's room at Wool's Orphanage. However, as Dumbledore said to Harry in his sixth year at Hogwarts, he had been trying to locate the cave for a very long time.[12] This suggests that a witch or wizard trying to Apparate needed to have some idea of where their desired destination was. It was not enough to only have seen it or know about it.

In 1890, George Osric accidentally Apparated to the West End instead of where Eleazar Fig had requested. He frightened the theatre-goers before realising his mistake and Apparating to the correct location. Eleazar had given him a very vague description of it, though George told him had received even vaguer descriptions than that.[14]

In 1979, Kreacher managed to escape the Horcrux cave via Disapparition, following Regulus Black's order to "come home when he finished his task". Later, in 1997, he brought Mundungus Fletcher into Grimmauld Place via side-along Apparition.[15]

In 1993, an unnamed Ravenclaw student suggested that Sirius Black may have entered Hogwarts via Apparition.[17] Harry Potter learned more details about Apparition in a conversation with the Weasleys, regarding travelling to the 1994 Quidditch World Cup.[18]

Percy Weasley Apparated downstairs every morning, while living at The Burrow, just to prove he could. Charlie Weasley failed his Apparition test the first time because he landed on top of a woman who was shopping, five miles south of where he meant to appear.[18] Fred and George Weasley passed their Apparition test with distinction and enjoyed popping into other people's bedrooms at Grimmauld Place with a loud cracking noise, just to annoy people.[20]

In 1995, Mundungus Fletcher went AWOL and Apparated out of Privet Drive to buy some stolen cauldrons. His Apparition sounded like a car backfiring and caused a racket that disturbed the neighbours. When Mundungus got back, Arabella Figg shouted him down and hit him with her purse and her shopping bag which was loaded with cat food to rebuke him for deserting his post. Mundungus then Disapparated back to Grimmauld Place to report to Dumbledore why he deserted Harry the night that Harry and Dudley got attacked.[21][22]

In 1996, a notice for the 12-week Apparition course appeared on the Gryffindor common room wall, along with a sign-up sheet. These lessons began on the first Saturday in February, which would be in the Great Hall, led by Ministry Apparition Instructor Wilkie Twycross. During these lessons the first student to Apparate was Susan Bones, but unfortunately she got splinched and left her leg behind. The Heads of House surrounded her and fixed the problem. By the third class, student nicknames for the Apparition instructor included Dog-breath and Dung-head.[2] 152ee80cbc

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