Joining and Removing


Welcome, possible new member! You have been invited to the Anti-Anime Society!

You will have a meeting with the leader or vice leader, depending on who's available, the employer to see if you can get a job as soon as you join, and whoever invited you.

Depending on how the private meeting went, you may or may not be invited. On the next meeting, the leader will first announce the new member, and then you will be invited in. Then, the new member guide will go into a breakout room with you (If we have one) and will explain everything.

The meet link will be posted here:


If you've broke the rules too many times, it's time to see if you're going to get removed. All the top members will arrive at a private meeting with you. You can defend yourself against the vice leader and council while the leader listens. The council will go over whether or not to ban you and will tell the leader.

The leader can say we can keep you if he or she wants, but can't remove you. You'll join the next official meeting and The leader will announce it if you're removed. If you are, you won't be kicked, but you won't be allowed to join any meetings after.

The meet link will be posted here: