Anti Anime Society

General Information

We hate anime, invite anyone that HATES Anime

Meet links will be on the website and will be emailed to individual members

Any problems? (No joining unless one of us personally knows you so don't ask about that.) Just email:


The founder, Brody, has hated anime for a long time. Ever since he saw a clip of it, he thought it was dumb.

In 2020, he decided he would try to form a group against anime. He thought the Anti Anime Society sounded like a good name.

It took until 2022 before any members were added. We used to be owned by AT Products, but now own ourselves and completely are alone. Our old vice leader made us a website, but when he was removed, he deleted it, but still kept copy claims. Now, he has deleted them.


We have meetings every Saturday at 12 PM Pst

The link will be posted here:

Also, every meeting, Normal Saturday one or not, is an official meeting.


Leader: Brody

Vice Leader: Sam

Council: Preston

Employer: Alec


New member guide:

Members: Chris, Aydin

Unbanned members:

Unable Members: (Can't attend meetings) Max


Gabriel - Didn't make effort to attend either meetings for him to join

CHRISTIAN - Only rejoined because he threatened war if he didn't. Was rude to us. PERMANANTLY banned.


None so far :)

On trial for being unbanned:


The Law (Any bold will be an automatic removal) If three violations are shown, you are going on trial.

NO ANIME : Such as Anime merch, watching anime shows, no liking it, no anime video games (Besides Pokemon), even hentai is completely banned.

No Gacha Life.

If the vote in the call is majority, the leader is overthrown. The Vice Leader takes over.

If shown violating rules, the Employer may fire you or demote you.

If the main leader whistles, everyone must pay attention. Most likley will be making an important announcment

All new members must meet with the Employer, and Vice/Main Leader.

Leader must be allowed to defend themselves before votes

Call Rules

If you raid the call, instant removal.

Leaving the call for no reason is a violation. Unless for the proper reason.

A person, if they are kind enough, will tell you what you missed in the meeting you missed.

Employer must ask Vice leader for permission before firing, demoting, promoting, or hiring someone

All screen shares must be approved by leader

If you are rude to a council member, or the leader/vice leader, you're removed automatically from the meeting and 1 warning, then you're out permanently

NO fake firing

No kicking, muting, or taking down permission granted screen shares unless leader gives permission

No NSFW content

Always, listen to the leader. Unless you are in the bathroom, PAY ATTENTION TO SAM aka leader.

Firing/hiring process

If someone deserves a job, promotion, or deserves to lose a job or get demoted, Employer can have a private meeting with the Vice leader.

If the Vice leader approves, he or she will inform the leader, who will discuss it with council member(s)

If the council agrees, the leader will announce it at the next official meeting.


If you're watching a meme compilation and are UNAWARE of anime being in it, you're fine.

Pokémon is fine because the original game wasn't in the anime style and was before it was an anime, but don't watch Pokémon anime. If you have a sibling but not you then you're fine.


Anyone can ask someone to join. First thing you do is check to make sure that they don't have an anime profile pic or anime merch.

After that, send them the doc with the link for joining/removing trials.

Employer, whoever invited them, and the leader or vice leader, depending on who wants to, must be present. If the leader or vice leader recruited, they both show up.

The leader makes sure that they are good for the team and the employer can see if they want to automatically give them a job or not. Then, the website or doc gets shared.

If we want to remove someone, they are sent to trial.

The council will show up with the leader and vice leader.

The leader will announce the final decision, but the council and vice leader will talk to them. The leader must listen.

After the meeting, the council and vice leader will have a private meeting on whether or not to remove them.

Then, it will be announced to the leader.

Leader can say that they want to keep them if they decide to remove them.


If you get removed, UNLESS IT'S THE ANIME RULE YOU BROKE, you may get an email inviting you back in. No meeting needed. The first time you rejoin, unless someone already took your job, you get it back, BUT all call rules are automatic removals for violation. For two months, this rejoin effect remains.

The second time, you'll either get demoted to new member guide or a normal member. Unless you're a normal member. ALL RULES are automatic removals for violations. You might go on trial for rejoining depending on what you violated. Effects for whatever's left of the first one plus five months. If none left for the first one, it counts as your first rejoin.

The third time, you don't go on trial for removal. The council votes and if they agree or half agree, you're a banned member.

Automatic removals

If you do something for an automatic removal, you are kicked right away from the meeting, you get an email explaining that you're removed, and you no longer will be allowed to join.


As I am not a jerk, you are allowed to overthrow the leader. This is the one rule that always stays. If the leader breaks a rule or makes a really bad decision, someone can either type "I object" for bad decisions, or "DON'T BREAK YOUR OWN RULES" for rule breaking. Everyone will discuss why the leader would do this.

Then, the leader must justify their decision.

Then, the voting must begin. Unlike most decisions, EVERYONE in the call votes. (We don't wanna wait forever) if majority wins, leader gets overthrown. If it's a tie. We will see the roles of everyone on each side. Each role has a different amount of "Points" when it's a tie.

Vice leader - 6 Council - 5 Employer - 4 Messenger - 3 New Member Guide - 2 Member - 1

The leader will grant owner permissions to vice leader if vice leader won. Then, the vice leader will edit the website as he or she wants. The new leader can decide the old leaders new role. (No Unable/Unbanned because Unbales aren't able to attend because they have stuff going on and unbanned members have to be banned first.) The old leader may eventually be the leader again.

Future Plans

None as of right now

Anime takedown sessions

At the end of each month, everyone will come to the last meeting to do something usually forbidden, WATCH ANIME. It'll be to make fun of it, and it's a good test for our members. Why talk trash about something you haven't seen? One episode of a new one each month. At the next meeting, we will ask if anyone liked it to see who likes it and should be removed.


(To be updated whenever) Chris may be removed next time he doesn't show up and doesn't have a reason. Alec is the New Member guide now. We have won the war with AT products and are now allies with them (Promoting each other)

Last meeting recap:

(For members that can't attend meetings, have missed meetings, or just want to know where to start next meeting)

We have won the war on AT Products and we are supporting each other.

About us:

Brody: I like to play video games, watch TV, and I like memes. My best friend is Sammy, I've known him since I was two. I HATE anime, gacha, and rude people. I am the leader and founder of the Anti Anime Society. I play geometry dash, Gran Turismol, Undertale, Minecraft, Spider-Man, and Roblox.

Sammy: I like video games and memes, just like Brody. I hate anime, gacha, and rude people. I was the only council member but was promoted to vice leader of the AAS. Also play undertale and violent games. Also I have geometry dash.




stellaris awesome anime bad

Max: I don't watch anime

Unbanning banned members:

If a banned member wants back in, they must apologize for their actions to start. Depending on what rules they've broken, it'll be 1 month, six months, or a year until they can rejoin. Or they never can. If you never made an effort to attend meetings, we'll never try again.

If you did three automatic removals, you're gone for good. Same for if you watched anime. Two automatic removals are 6 months, and 1 or less is 1 month.

Banned members RARELY are invited back. They must apologize for their actions first. The leader will decide whether or not to re-add them. If they chose to, then they will get an email with the meeting link. They will be muted and listen to a meeting. Then, they will have a meeting with the Leader.

The meeting will last for around an hour, involving reasons to rejoin and reasons not to. If the member doesn't want to rejoin, they will let the leader know. They will be a limited member, not being allowed to vote, not having a BIO on our About Us page, and must ask for permission to be unmuted for a while.

Then, the council will discuss whether to give them member permissions or not. If only one member, they will decide. They say their decision and the leader and vice leader talk it over in a private meeting. The leader will tell the member this decision. The member will never be allowed to have a job higher than the new member guide. They also won't be able to add people. If they threaten to sue, we have to act like we ended the group and pretend that we're busy if they wanna talk to us during the meeting.

If they ever get removed again, no more chances… EVER


When this group eventually has to end, we will have one long final meeting. EVERYONE (even unable members) must join and we will all discuss dates for this. Maybe we all just can't attend meetings, we start to think the idea is stupid, or anything.

One meeting, the leader may announce the thought (Hardly in my mind) Everyone will think about it and discuss. The meeting will end right after that, only the vice leader and leader will stay. They will discuss if the leader should quit just, we shouldn't end, or should end.

If we decide that we think it should end, we'll ask any members. As long as two or more want to stay, the website will stay up and most will leave. If one or zero, then there will be a final meeting. It won't be the next meeting. We will discuss it with all members, INCLUDING unable ones. We will find a perfect date and time and it will be a final thoughts and discussions meeting. It will last about two hours and there may be an in person meeting with the leader and vice leader. The last meeting may be an in person meeting as well.

The private in person meeting will discuss what to do with the website. If one member wants to stay, they can restart the group, possibly reinviting old members. If not, it may be revived eventually, by anyone.


Not all allies don't have to hate or dislike anime. We have to get groups for allies. Here's the list:

AT products who we just ended a war with. We are posting their website link here, hope you can support them:


We, of course, will have enemies as we hate anime. So far, all enemies are:

No enemies besides Anime lovers