
Certified Member of the Association for Learning Technology
Fellowship of Higher Education Academy

I featured in Women in Research Exhibition at University of Reading. This exhibition focused on celebrating women who work in research, and who are good female role models for those aspiring to be researchers, or are already working in this area.

Tharindu Liyanagunawardena is an international student at the University of Reading, studying for a PhD in computer science under a university studentship. She is from Sri Lanka and has toddler twins - a son and a daughter.
‘Research is interesting because it constantly opens up new ways of thinking. My own thoughts and opinions have broadened since I’ve started my studies here. I have quite a unique situation where I have to balance my research work with my toddler twins who were born during my second year of the PhD. Giving birth to two underweight babies despite carrying them to term meant that I had to take extended maternity leave during my data collection in Sri Lanka. The University was extremely flexible about this, unlike most other employers. However, with the support from my family I managed to complete the data collection as planned.The twins were only 11 months old when we brought them back to the UK. Luckily we found a nursery close to where we live, but initially as the language and environment was so different, the twins took a long time to settle. Research in a university like this allows for flexible working hours, which helps me balance my work and caring duties. The twins attend nursery for three days and I look after them for the other two days. My husband takes over childcare duties at weekends, allowing me to work on my research. So I still get to work a five-day week.’

You can view the full brochure produced by University of Reading (Page 8).

An article about the event.

The 2019 EDEN Best Research Paper Award

My work Automatic Transcription software: Good enough for accessibility? A case study from Built Environment Education was awarded the 2019 EDEN Best Research Paper Award.

Learning Technologist of the Year Awards 2021
Third Place Team Awards - The Digital Education Team, UCEM

UCEM STAR Awards 2021- Passion

I am so touched to have received this amazing feedback from my colleagues at the UCEM virtual Christmas party nominating me for the UCEM Star awards 2021. I am honored to receive the UCEM Star awards 2021 Passion award for my #accessibility work.

• Everything she does is to an exceptional standard.

• Her passion for accessibility is simply extraordinary, evidenced by all the training she has done and recent development of the VLE course.

• She is so passionate about this topic and engages and informs all staff on her mission.

• The course she created was thoroughly enjoyable to work through, the time and effort she puts into the project is evident.

• She is integral to ensuring UCEM is head and shoulders above its competitors in terms of online content and digital accessibility.

• Her research work demonstrates impact and influence and her collegiate approach supports her colleagues superbly.

• She is a hidden gem, working without fuss but having a real impact in so many areas.