Future plans

As a Learning Technology professional I always want to get my hands dirty with new technological tools. But it is not always possible to do this unless there is a need in the institution you are working in. I am currently involved in Inspera project at UCEM and I look forward to delivering this for the Autumn semester.

I would also like to engage in more programming if there are opportunities arising. This is because I really enjoyed the R and VBA macro programming I did recently. I felt I missed programming when I was working on this project. So if there were to be another opportunity I would definitely put myself forward for that.

I am not as active in social media and Learning Technology communities as much as I would have liked. Perhaps in the future, I will try to be more active in EdTech communities. I have no barrier other than time blocking my way into taking part in EdTech communities more. Being a working mother to twin children, it is really difficult to manage time to stay abreast with new technology and findings in EdTech area. However, as children grow and become more independent I hope I will get more time to contribute to the wider community.

I would like to volunteer my knowledge and expertise to help institutions in developing countries to train their staff and create more accessible content. I am now a member of the National Science Foundation Global Digital Platform which is set up to harness Sri Lankan expatriates for national development. I hope to find some more opportunities where there would be a way to contribute my expertise for development.

I would also like to re-start my volunteering with local charities. Perhaps in a way, I will be able to help with my EdTech expertise if that is a possibility.


Having written my future plans, I am amazed why I am not looking for a better-paid, higher rank position as an EdTech expert. I think it shows that I am content with life and that I find giving is more pleasurable. It could be that I am at a point in Maslow's need hierarchy's self-actualisation needs. It could also be the untimely loss of my father last year, which put things in perspective for me. It is easy to look for things and want more things for oneself without actually appreciating what you already have. I am now more content spending quality time with my family especially children while they are still young and dependent on their parents. I think it is important to enjoy the small things in life and appreciate what we have. The time we have is limited and while it is our time it is always a good idea to give back to society when we can.