Case Study 2

Flipping the Classroom at School of Systems Engineering


This case study discusses the School of Systems Engineering’s (SSE) new project (BigFlip) to Flip classroom in the undergraduate 1st year programmes and my contribution to the project as a content creator and a Technology Enhanced Learning Advisor.


In delivering Communications component of Systems Design and Project Management module (SE2SM11) in the autumn term 2013, I could see that some students did not turn up for lectures, especially when the lectures were scheduled either early in the morning or as the last lectures for the day. The students who miss lectures may find it difficult to understand lecture materials only by referring to the handouts. On the other hand, students who do come to lectures could well miss a section of a lecture due to attention deficit or due to the difficulty to follow language, especially for international students [K3, V2].

In the literature, among others, there are three types of learning approaches discussed: deep learning, surface learning and strategic learning (Entwistle, 2005). While surface learners try to cope with the requirements of the course, deep learners try to understand ideas by relating them to previous knowledge and identifying patterns. Biggs (1999) argues that “[g]ood teaching is getting most students to use the higher cognitive level processes that the more academic students use spontaneously” (Biggs, 1999:58). That is, trying to get more students to be deep learners. He suggests that to ensure learners reach the level of understanding generally achieved by learners who take deep approach to learning teachers have to create more favourable and active learning opportunities for other ordinary learners. He also shows that assignments should align with teaching and that with the objectives set out in the course. He argues that the "[l]ack of alignment is a major reason why students adopt a surface approach to learning" (Biggs, 1999:69).

Flipped classrooms have been used successfully In order to support ordinary learners to achieve higher cognitive level processes or deep learning. In a Flipped classroom, the materials normally delivered during the class-time are made available to the students in advance; the students are expected to have studies the materials before coming to the class (Bishop and Verleger,2013). The class time is then used to discuss the material more deeply or to solve problems. Flipped classroom approach was first used in teaching mathematics in a high school but now it is successfully applied in various disciplines including medicine. At SSE Dr. Karsten Lundqvist has tried applying flipped classroom for a second year Programming course with very positive feedback earning him the RUSU Technological Innovation in Teaching Excellence Award (2014) [V3].

Problems Identified

In the SSE first year of an undergraduate study is crucial. The concepts on which the whole of their degree program will rest on would be introduced in the first year. For example, without the knowledge of Programming basics one cannot become an IT or Computer Science graduate. Computer science and IT professionals work primarily in teams. In order to become a successful Computer science or IT professional, students require team working skills. While many of our graduates possess the subject knowledge they lack soft-skills to become successful team players. So in introducing flipped classroom approach we wanted to try and address both problems of subject knowledge and soft-skills.

Actions Taken

In this project we identified three first year modules where flipping classroom can be used most effectively. The identified modules were: Programming, Mathematics and Software Engineering. I participated in planning meetings with colleagues teaching the modules supporting them identify how flipped classroom can be applied in each of this context and how the classroom time can be used for active learning [A1, A4, K1, K2, K3, K4]. Some module descriptions (for example Software Engineering SE1SE11) had to be rewritten and approval sought from School Board of Studies [K6].

The greatest challenge in this project was the limited time available in getting materials prepared for autumn 2014 delivery. Retrospectively, I think we could have aimed for spring 2015, which would have allowed us more time to recruit willing colleagues to apply the flipped classroom teaching in practice. Nevertheless, the Software Engineering team has fully redesigned the module with flipped classroom approach and team-based learning to teaching; while the Programming team and Mathematics team have developed content to flip the classroom for some of the topics. As the teams have progressed, I am now using the material created by them as sample work in promoting flipped classroom teaching within the school.

Many lecturers were concerned that the availability of videos would reduce class participation while some others had concerns over students’ commitment to prepare prior to the class, which is of critical importance to succeed in flipped classroom teaching. The solution that we proposed was to have an in-class test/quiz as the first thing when students come into the class. By allocating a percentage of marks for the module for these quizzes we can expect students to be prepared before the lessons. However, due to the resource limitations, we could not purchase ‘clickers’ to be used in classroom response quizzes. But we are looking into the possibility of using TopHatMonocole product where they provide 30 free licenses for classroom use, which we hope to use for group response collection system.

In introducing flipping to colleagues in the Systems Engineering we found that many maths lecturers felt that they wanted to write on the white board while talking and that would not be sufficiently captured in videos. I proposed two ways of overcoming that obstacle either by using a ‘pencasting’ device or using an iPad (or a tablet) with memo app (or similar) and a stylus to transfer screen writing to a laptop using AirServer (or similar software). Pencasting has been used successfully in engineering education elsewhere (Tague , et al. 2013). One colleague at the school has already produced content using the second method and I think adopting that across the school may be the best way forward considering the extra investment required for pencasting hardware purchase. I am promoting the use of technology actively and in Evidence 1 I have shown a conversation between myself and another colleague in the School about how the writing on whiteboard experience can be captured for a better student experience [A4, K4].

While some colleagues are keen to try out new methods of teaching some others are not. However, in order to provide a better student experience we need to observe good practice elsewhere and adopt them appropriately. In my role as the school’s technology enhanced learning advisor, I try to engage in conversation with colleagues who are keen to introduce change and support their effort. I have the added advantage of coming from a similar background (computing) and academic qualifications that helps me to provide feedback not only on presentation of the material but also on the content itself. I believe by encouraging early adopters it would create a precedence for others. In some instances, when the lecturers interested are not the ‘convener’ of a module it is difficult to adopt new ways of enhancing student experience. Nevertheless I support the keen colleagues to make a strong case so that it is difficult to be refused; at the end of the day it is the students who benefit from such efforts and denying them of that enhanced experience is not something that one can take lightly (Evidence 2).


Despite being proven elsewhere that technology enhanced learning supports student learning, adopting similar approaches in an institution can be a huge challenge. The change that it brings and the time that it takes are likely to be major concerns while technology (in the School of Systems Engineering) is a less of a concern. On an institutional level, the resources required to support such initiatives can be difficult to acquire unless there is a clear vision and support from higher management. When we try to introduce a change there will always be resistance. However, my key learning from this project is that when introducing change, there is always some who embrace it; and by winning those early adopters one is more likely to succeed in introducing the change.


  • Biggs, J. (1999). What the Student Does: teaching for enhanced learning, Higher Education Research & Development, 18(1), 57-75.
  • Bishop, J.L. and Verleger, M.A. (2013). The Flipped Classroom: A Survey of the Research, 120th Annual Conference of American Society for Engineering Education, June 23-26.
  • Entwistle, N. (2005). Contrasting perspectives on learning. In: Marton, F., Hounsell, D. and Entwistle, N., (eds.) The Experience of Learning: Implications for teaching and studying in higher education. 3rd (Internet) edition. Edinburgh: University of Edinburgh, Centre for Teaching, Learning and Assessment, 3-22.
  • Tague, J., Czocher,J., Baker, G.R. and Roble, A. (2013). Choosing and Adapting Technology in a Mathematics Course for Engineers, 120th American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, June 23-26.