Service & Outreach

Below are a few programs that I am passionate about, two of which I co-coordinate.

Undergraduate Teaching
Assistantship (UTA) Program

Includes a weekly professional development seminar for math and stats majors paired with a course/mentor.

UTAs work with a wide range of courses,
from calculus 1 to proof based courses.

For more information, click here.

Women in STEM
Mentorship Project

A peer mentoring project aimed to help women in STEM fields grow and thrive during their first year in college.

Large group seminars, small group meetings,
and one-on-one mentor meetings

Mathematical Modeling
(Math 485)

Mentoring a small group of undergraduates,
Michael Inouye, Kian Milani, and Zachary Wellington, conducting a study entitled "Unexpected around us: the mysteries of the evolution of the moon-earth system".

For more information, click here.

Association for Women in Mathematics (AWM)

Sponsoring activities that promote community,
such as AWM brunches, and outreach to promote
mathematics to middle and high school aged girls,
such as Sonia Kovalevsky Day.

For more information, click here.